
Titan and the children.

Her talk with her friends didn't last long before she bid her farewell to visit the school. Along the way, she had already grown numb to all the stares she was receiving.

The number of females is relatively higher along this path." She commented in passing as she walked alongside Caden.

It's because the female families that weren't residing in the inner part of the city had all been moved to the housing behind the snake clan." He wrapped his hand around her shoulder to sheild her from the others.

"Wow. Alot happened while I was out. I wonder how the cubs are doing." She pondered for a while before she let that thought go. She was going there to see them anyways.

They walked for a while alternating between her walking and Caden carrying her to sit on his arm. Indeed this part was more crowded than the others and activity was bustling everywhere from males pursuing the new females to the curious females that were going around.

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