
The wanderer.

In the deep forest, the winds shuffled the trees roughly sending them bending. A naked man lay on the forest bed with bruises marked on his bronze skin and his breathes were really shallow.

Slowly, he opened his blue eyes and looked at his surroundings weakly, he scoffed at himself and shut his eyes.He didn't deserve life, if only he could exchange his own life for her to come back, he'd do so without worry.

As he lay there, he heard the sound of approaching paw steps.

A pack of wild dogs had surrounded him.


"If you plan to reprimand me then I do not want to hear it." Sydney stood up from her seat and walked out of her brother's office.

"Syd..." He wanted to call her back but held himself. He felt back in his seat with a sigh and closed his eyes. 'Three years is still a long way to go!' he whispered to himself.

Sydney let go of her anger as soon as she was outside. All the little ones surrounded her once more letting out cries of excitement as they told her to go with them.

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