
[Bonus chapter]Chameleon beastman

"Beastmen naturally come up with their own names when they reach adulthood. So we had to rule out the notion of giving them names." Caden said as he looked at the well lined up pups. Even the unruly juveniles were in their respective lines.

Numbers are more convenient but thats also a little tricky. Anyway, numbers will do. Let's number them from the oldest to the youngest." Scott came to the hall grounds and joined the others.

Sydney was busy with the malnourished cubs who were eagerly putting forward their little heads to receive pats from her.

The naming begun and the eldest of the gathered little ones was seventeen years, almost eighteen. They were around sixteen of them.

You guys go stand at the side. You'll he evaluated and we'll see what to do for you." Ash instricted them and they nodded obediently.

Caden and Ken went to meet the warriors the king's had sent forward to help out wirh the cubs. It was awkward for those warriors but they looked forward to this work.

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