
Where the North winds blow

Without a word, he shifted out of his beast form and stood tall and strong. The beast had an angelic face but his voice was that of the devil. It could chill one to the bone.

He walked forward with zeal, like a king, he didn't mind his naked state and walked out of the cave into the light. The fresh breeze of the forest washed over him breaking a smile from his face.

The least time he left this place, the skies were dyed in red and the strong stench of death filled the air. Now, it was very different. The air was fresh and the skies were a clear blue? The sight made him dizzy and nauseous!

He sighed bitterly and walked further into the forest and there was indeed peace.

"What are your plans?" the group that had followed him asked.

The white haired male smiled. What else....to wreck havoc!" he let out a devious laughter that his red eyes glittered.




Back at the city of Beasts.

Next chapter