
Chapter 25 In his human form

Sydney obediently fell asleep sulking away through the night.

The next morning, she woke up to a slightly sore body despite having taken a warm bath before she fell asleep, her body pained a little. Raising her head, she realised she had rolled out of the animal skin but she was still perfectly covered. Yawning, she rose and looked around the room, it was empty. Well, at least she didn't wake up to sharp eyes boring into her like she were a snack that couldn't be touched.

The animal curtain went open and Shawn stepped in. "Good morning!" he greeted happily. In his hands was the bowls she used to wash her face.

"Good morning..." Sydney replied and stepped out of her bed. She walked over to his side and took the bowl from his hand but he was fast. "Let me carry this! Wash up. King Carlos has tightened the security around...you can finally take a walk around and get accustomed to the place. Also, the other kings also offered a better piece of land in the center of the city. Caden is off to get the materials to the place along with Ken and Lord Ash. After you wash up, you will have your food and we will go there!" he said with a soft smile.

Finishing with her morning routine, Sydney dressed in a one arm shoulder dress made of bright leopard skin. She was the one who had requested this design and it came out just fine. She let her hair fall and it cascaded to her mid back. She wanted to ask how she looked but bit her tongue seeing that she was with Shawn. "Let's go! We don't want to be late and miss out!" She held his hand and dragged him out of the city hall impatiently.

The sun was already high up and the residents could be seen up and about their day. She saw a fair number of females who were surrounded by a sufficient number of males around them. She smiled when she remembered how different it is back at earth. Women were the one accompanying men and doing their best to secure a spot besides a reliable man but here, these women were surely taking this to another level! She wondered how the females was able to cater for all these men as according to her knowledge of men, she knew they were insatiable beasts!

A yelp escaped her lips only to realize that Shawn had carried her horizontally in his arms to the point that her level was a little higher than his. She could perfectly observe his facial features without worrying about being caught, she could admire him all she wanted. After all, these men were extremely good looking and perfect eye candies! She giggled her eyes tracing his soft but stern facial features.

Shawn had felt her gaze on him and he couldn't fanthom what she was thinking till he heard her giggle. A fond smile broke on his face. "What?!" he was curious.

"I'm happy!" she said with a big smile and wrapped her arms around his neck and nuzzled her cheek in his hair tickling his pointed wolf ear.

Completely ignoring their surroundings, Sydney continued to look at Shawn with a smile bringing envy into the hearts of the single males and stirring hearts of those that had mates. If it weren't for the fact that they only had a single chance to mate, they'd chase after the beautiful red haired female.

Breathtakingly beautiful, her white and smooth looking skin caused tents in the males skin skirts to rise, the dress she wore exposed part of her back and flawless upper chest which was well endowed. Her arms were wrapped around the blind beastman's neck to support herself. Her little legs that were covered in animal skins were swinging around unrestrainedly showing her good mood.

Sydney looked at the beastmen who had stopped what they were doing and were greedily ogling at her, she looked away and saw a group of females who were seated under a tree shed and they were also looking her way. She smiled at them and they smiled back at her.They had heard about the new female who fell from the sky and how males praised her for being bewitching and it was only today that those words were confirmed.

She was indeed bewitching that even them the females weren't spared as they admired her. The beautiful females in the city of beasts were extremely showy and put on airs but this one particular female gave them a smile? It was a kind gesture and they hoped to get acquainted with her soon. She seemed like the kind person since she even accepted Shawn who was casted aside by the whole city and she looked genuinely happy by his side to the point that Shawn could be seen glowing with joy. His tail was completely unruly as it swayed away happily.

He had also found a female! It was any male's pride!!!!

Not long, they arrived at the piece of land that was twice the initial one that had been used as the battlefield. The first floor was already finished and she could see a number of beastmen moving around stone boulders. Squirming out of Shawn's hold, he gently place her to the ground and she sprinted off to check out if Caden had done as she had instructed. She was sad that she had been left out but there was nothing she could do.

As the building became clearer the closer she got, she noticed that it was a replica of what she had described. The tall hovering pillars and wide entrance and windows for enough ventilation, she looked forward to seeing the complete structure. Shawn caught up to her in no time and led her to the side.

Ash who was handling creating the 'house ware' as she called in came out of the place covered in a thin layer of sweat. He was in his human form with only a skin skirt covering his modesty, albeit barely as his firm eight pack abs and drool worthy v line was in sight.

Sydney who wasn't far from the house saw the most breathtaking male she had seen. His whole body was rippling with sexual appeal! She got lost in admiring his looks and her heart did a somersault sending shivers through her body. He had sturdy legs and his arms were lined with muscles. She always knew that men who worked looked the most handsome but this one was literally giving her a nose bleed! His chest was wide and looked taut.....

She felt something flow from her nose and her hand subconsciously touched the liquid. Ash who had felt a gaze on him instinctively looked where the gaze was from only to see that Sydney was looking at him. He nearly gloated with delight but before he could bask in her admiring gaze, a strong scent of blood wafted through the air and he was alarmed to see that it was Sydney.

Shawn who was next to her too a deep sniff and he frowned. Before Sydney could register what was happening, her small face was cupped in large palms and made to look up. Sombering emerald eyes were looking at her with pain. "Get the witch master here!!!" Ash seethed out those words and the beastmen who were close ran off to find him.

The female was sick and she was bleeding....that was bad!!!!!!!!

Her senses returning, she saw that a small crowd had formed around her with pain striken expressions.

"What ..what's wrong?" Ash asked worriedly. "Are you sick? Does any part hurt? Don't worry, the witch master will be here soon and check on you... Don't worry you'll be fine!" Ash comforted her as he gently rubbed her face. He noticed that she was really thin!!!!!! She almost had not meat on her bones!

Shawn who was by her side was pale frozen in place and there was a slight trembling to his body. Sydney who was admiring the male species was stupified when he was right before her eye and holding her!!!! Her face turned a considerate shade of red and the only thing left would be the smoke that was supposed to come off of her head.

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