
Remember the Source

If you like music while you read, try "Gallows" by Katie Garfield.


~ ZARA ~

I don't know how long I stood there, staring at the cracked door back into the ballroom, but I knew the moment Ash turned up, because he peered out through the door, his face an expressionless mask, but his eyes searching for me.

"Zara? What's going on?"

I just shook my head. What was I going to say?

I'd been standing there, trying to rebuild the sense I'd had of solid ground under my feet—reminding myself of it. From the moment we'd spoken the vows, my fear of David and his motives had dissipated like morning fog under the sun. I'd been so sure. So certain.

I still was.

Wasn't I?

Remember the source…

I swallowed hard. Emory and Ash were the only two people to warn me against David. And both of them had selfish reasons to do so. But… but that also meant both of them had reason to tell me the truth as well.

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