
Comments of chapter undefined of Garden Of Poison


Aiden will come to her aid, I think he is not far from where they've thrown her, remember she is alive she will scream and caught his attention...i honestly hoping she survive this


OMG!! I hope you can swim, Anna!! 🙃 Now, I’m so curious how this will turn out. Will she get back in the palace? When will Dante notice her missing? That Zion and his accomplices need to be tortured big time!! Can’t wait for them to experience Dante’s wrath!!! Aiden and Gabriel also exude some shady vibes here. I don’t know who to trust!!! 😣


Glad Anna has the dagger so she can free herself…I hope she could swim or we might need Eve to save her 😂 Wondering who is the guy ordering Zion? Here, I am hoping Aiden is smart enough to notice that something was odd and will come back and help Anna… Ugh! This is so nerve wracking… Dante where are you? Anna is now holding a very important information.… Let’s not forget the significant detail that it was Marianne who brought her there and witness the conversation that lead her to this predicament, that means something, right? So many thoughts … next chapter please…


my mood right now ..to this book


This poor girl!!! I hope she can swim! Who is Gabriel exactly? Does he work for that Prince Lady Emma doesn’t like?


OMG Ash, how could you leave us on edge AGAIN??? I swear I'm going to have a heart attack reading this book 🤪🤪 so Zion is a bad guy (never liked him) but who is the other one 🤔 I've got my suspicions about Gabriel tbh, I don't think Stella was his sister but a spy, could he be the kings son to someone none of them know about & wants to cause a rift to leave the throne open to him?? QMG needs to tell A & D about the rose & themselves, A is already getting feelings for him & if he saves her this time I think she'll be sold on the idea of being with him. Is Mary's ghost Mary!! why can't she tell Anna who killed her?? This is all to much stress lol when is the golden moon ball, when will he get his crux & when will they find out that Lady E is not Max soulmate " she's being kept asleep by someone oh so many questions can't wait for next chapter(s) love you Ash 😍


Well, I’m pretty sure Maxwell is going to be upset about this…everyone already knows that Dante is going to rain hellfire 😈🔥


thank you ash for this 2nd release... but.. oh no... this will definitely release dante's demon that he is trying to supress..

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Me pretending to be Taylor Swift for tonight as "It's me. Hi! I'm waiting for the update. It's me."


Please please PLEASE know how to swim. Dante?! Aiden!? GABRIEL!?!?! SOMEONE HELP A GIRL OUT


Zion you will get your punishment!! Gabriel who are you exactly?🤔 Aiden you need to be more suspicious of people!!!! Anna I hope you make it to shore or someone finds you!!!!! Don’t drown!!!!!! Quick chapter but alot to think about ahhhhhhh


my thoughts right now Ahhhhh and hurry and get some powers now Anna! Dante save her. ahhh. (take some breaths self) 😵‍💫😵🫣


Ash_ I have a feeling these two chaps were a set up to Rob us out of our sleep. Well played 😂 Dante is more and more feeling like Anna is his soulmate. He looks for her love in anyway he can find. King Max also don’t want anyone in the corridors cause he doesnt want them to me Mary Things are heating up now, we should prepare ourselves cause this author right here is not playing around. She has come to slay our souls 🤣




Thank you Ash💜💜💜💜 but now I have to wait anxiously for the next chapter. Wow....Anna Anna Anna girl...I understand why she needed to hear the convo from them. Is it Maya and the Vizer doing this? and maybe one more person? Hopefully Aiden and Gabriel notice something.....


Oh my god!!! She is pushed into the sea??? I hope the rope around her ankle is loose and she knows how to swim. She's a courtesan valued by King Maxwell, pursued by the first Prince Dante, Taken care of by the princess Emily, Hope invested by the motherqueen, to top it all being marked and under the scrutinizing eye of Minerva, Maya and the bratty princess. Not easy to discard her so easily without losing your head.I hope Dante will come for her rescue if she's unable to free herself.Who might be the 2nd person? the person who hit her on her head.I have my doubts on Gabriel too. I have a hunch that it may be Prince Aide who'll be saving her this time around


At least, if she’s ‘Dead’ Dante can hide her somewhere


No stress here. Perfectly calm and relaxed, no anxiety… nope


thank you Ash for a second chapter.. good job


I always think that Gabriel was shady.. he's too attached to Anna and he seems to be seen anywhere in the palace. And Aiden, I'm starting to think he's not as simple as we think he is.. there are sure lot of conspiracies in the palace 🤔 Who could be the one wanting to create a rift among the royalties and cause imbalance? Could that Vizier working for another kingdom and he is a spy planted by the enemy? An enemy of Blackthornes? But I hope Anna survived this one.. I was hoping Aiden noticed something and saved her but suddenly I don't trust him now and it hurts me to think that he could be a villain.. 🥺


The suspense is killing me! Who is Zion working with? Maya? Aiden? Gabriel? Everyone is a suspect! Anna is in danger but hopefully will make it! So many questions!