
Time to Move - 3

(Pant.. Pant.. UAHK!)


I don't know when did it happen.

Was it my fault?

Why were they attacking us?

What did we do?

Those questions keep streaming down inside my head as i run at full speed towards wherever it is I'm running. I just run. With my baby little brother who's just 2 year old in my embrace.

My 5 year old body keep going and going. Even though i didn't hear anymore footsteps, no they never were aware we ran, I still run with all I have. But in the first place, how did this even happen!?

[An hour before]

Today was like any other day where i goes back to home from school with mom and Issei.

"Mom, what's lunch??"

"(Sigh) Ichi-kun... All that in your head is only food huh?"


Mom smiled, her smile is the best, like always.

This is my daily life now. Goes to school with Mom and Issei then goes home with them and then eat lunch with them. Dad? He's at work, we still had dinner with him though.

"Oh right, I heard from your teacher that you didn't do anything right again."

"Huh? But mom, I already know everything the teacher teach us!"

"That doesn't mean you can just ignore her! You should respect your teacher okay?"

"Okay mom..." I grumbled under my breath.

Hmph. The teacher is not that bad, but it's also not my fault! In fact, i think I'm the one who has been working while other kids just told the teacher I didn't do anything. Well, I didn't do anything about that since they're still kids. And people make mistakes.

After a few more minutes, we finally arrived at home. I quickly go to my room and change my clothes.

Remember when I said I'll act as if I'm a genius at the age of 5? Well, I already did. This is the result of it, now mom let me does things myself, except reaching out for things that are out of my  height. Hey, it was not my fault i'm small.

After changing my clothes, I goes to the living room, finding mom and Issei there. After I arrived, mom stand up and give Issei to me. The two of us then start to play together.

Mom, also change her clothes and goes to the kitchen to cook for lunch.

It took around 30 minutes and mom then call for us. I took Issei and goes to the dining room, which were just a few steps away.

"It's curry!" I exclaimed happily.

"Churi!" My lil bro exclaimed after me. After all, we like curry together. Of course, my lil bro will like cheesecake in the future but for now, mom curry is the best.

Mom chuckled.

I sit my bro in his seat and then take my plate. Mom filled it with rice and curry and I look at it with sparkly eyes. "Itadakimashu!" And I proceed to eat my lunch.

In my past life, I also liked curry. I missed my past mom's curry... Welp, whatever, let's just eat the one in front of me!

Just as I was done eating, I goes back to play with my lil bro. No, my stomach is fine, because I didn't eat until I'm full. Why? Because it'll be a bother. I always feel like puking if I eat till I'm full..

As Issei and I play with each other, the door bell ringed. I heard mom say something before everything turn into chaos.


All I know was that fallen angels attacked our residence. I don't know why or how mom managed to get them ahold. Because it all happen too sudden.

It just that, I know the fallen angels doesn't know me and Issei managed to run away.

I then feel something wetting my cheeks. Tears. I cried as I run with Issei in my embrace. Issei is not by all means light. In fact, my arms are starting to give up.

And with that thought, i tripped. My eyes widened before closing it and quickly covering my lil bro body and head.

We rolled on the ground before i hit a tree with my back.

"Ahck! Cough-!?" I cough blood as my back make impact with the tree.

"B-bwothwer!" Small Issei called for me, his eyes filled with tears.

"I.. Issei-!" I reached out for him, but before I could reach him, someone cut my hand off. "GYAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!"

"N-NWII-SAN!" Issei cried louder.

I look up, tears coming out my eyes more and more because of the pain. There, I see an exorcist having a sickening face while looking at me.

"Kyahhahahaha! Kids, you can't run away anymore! Your mother is dead, now it's YOUR tUrN!" The exorcist said with delight and laugh evilly.

My eyes widened at the news of our mom's death. My only arm fisted the dirt of the forest. My teeth bit off my lips.

If... If only i trained more earlier..! M-maybe.. None of this would happen..

[Child... ]


[You want power.... Right? Use me.]

What- w-who are you!?

[There's no time child! Hurry use me before you and your little brother die!]

[Call me out!]

Call you?! How should i-

[Repeat after me. We need to get this done as fast]


[Thy, under the light]

"Urghk... T-thy, under.. The light..!"

The exorcist raised an eyebrow at what the protagonist trying to say. "What's up with this kid?"

[Thy, under the sky]

"T-thy, under the.. Sky..!"

[Thou, the infinite and light]

"T-thou, the... Infinite... and.. Light.."

[Lend thy thou powers!]

"L-lend thy.. Th-Thou.. Powers!"

"Huh? Powers? What are you saying ki- uaaahk!!" A light came out from the protagonist body, lasted for 2 seconds before dissipating.

Ichizo now is floating with a light sword in his hand.

"E-eh?!" Ichizo were bewildered by the sudden heal and powers inside his small body. His right hand now we're healed and is holding the said light sword.

The voice laughed with a hint of pride and amusement.

[Great! You're fine for a kid. Heh, I know I choose the right host.]

Our protagonist eyes widened at the voice that seemed to echo around him. (Bro, that's not healthy to have voices in your head, lol)

"N-nii-san!" Issei exclaimed happily and quickly run towards him. But the exorcist from before quickly grab him and hold him with the blade to Issei's throat. ".....! hic-" The 2 year old is frightened.

This make Ichizo alarmed. "Issei!" He grit his teeth and then suddenly disappeared from sight, from the sight of the exorcist and Issei.

The next thing that happened were Ichizo slashed the exorcist's head off his body. Ichizo then grabbed his little brother.

Issei screamed at the sudden move, but Ichizo ignore it. Escape is more important right now, he can deal with Issei later since if he did it now, he may won't be able to see the light of day anymore.

Issei is confused by what is happening. Everything happen too fast for the 2 year old. All he could grasp were that he won't be able to meet with their mommy and daddy anymore.

Issei burried himself on his big brother, the last person related to him, chest. Ichizo squinted his eyes for he is running at full speed. Using the mana that he learned to control a few minutes ago to move faster.

He don't know how long he has been running. It could be seconds, minutes, or even hours. Tree is all he could see as he keep running and running. That is until he arrived at a park. Ichizo's eyes widened, the feeling of relief, though, did not came.

He don't know but his instinct is telling him to be careful, to be on guard most of the time.

So when he arrived at the park, he hug his little brother, being on guard just in case there is more of those exorcists that are chasing after them.

He found no exorcists, but there are people in the park. In fact, everyone are looking at them with a shocked face. They all were taken aback when the two if them suddenly emerged from the forest, blood all over their body. None are at least a teenagers, but the two of them were really underage, they should be in kindergarten.

After a few minutes, a man snapped back to reality and approached the two of them. The older one of the two kids glared at the man. Realizing this, the man raised both his hand up to the air, "whoa! Don't worry kid, I won't hurt you or your brother!"

That make the others snapped back and start to approach also.

One woman with light brown hair crouched down, "hello, child. I'm Sakura, we won't hurt you, but would you like to follow us to the hospital?"

Ichizo frowned and scowled at her, not believing her. An old lady took a step forward, "Kids... You should go to a hospital... It look bad.."

The old lady stated, making Ichizo look at the both of them and realized that they're covered in blood. His throat turn dry, right I did kill someone... N-no... I killed som- a human!

The man from earlier noticed Ichizo's look of terror and quickly hug the kid. "It's fine, you're save now. Don't worry, no one will hurt you here." The reassurance of words that came out of the man did not calm Ichizo down but it make him let his guard down.

After all the commotion, Issei and Ichizo were brought to the nearest hospital. They examine the two and found out that other than bruises, both children were traumatized with whatever happened before they were 'found' at the park.

They search for both identity and found out that they came from a neighborhood city. They also found out that both children parents were death. Their father died in a 'car crash' while their mother were killed by a 'robber'.

This news were spread across Japan and were a talk all over the country for a whole week.

But they had yet to tell the children this news.


Ichizo found himself in a terrace in a tree house in a wide forest. Looking around, this place don't have an end to it, just trees. Well, the reason he could see that it's just trees around him were because he's on the tallest tree there is here.

Ichizo frowned.

Where is he?

Was he safe now?

What about his little bro—

"ISSEI!" The 5 year old boy stood up aburtly. He then look around and finally, he noticed something else.

There were another place other than the mass forest. It were a void, a void of nothing but white and he start to feel the feelings of recognition, familiarity and.... Power? Yeah, power.

He walked towards the other side of the tree house. And what behind send great shock to him.

There, in the white void were a B I G  D R A G O N. Wait, why did he spell it? I mean, there's a FUCKING big DRAGON standing right beside the line between the void and where the mass forest were.

The sight of the creature managed to take his breathe away, he was fascinated by the dragon. It-  he is beautiful. The white scale of the dragon oddly yet beautifully shine in the void, it's eyes were a beautiful gold that also shine like real gold and Ichizo was sure that it is gold. The dragon is also elegant with it's wing open, as if to show his mightiness to Ichizo. At that thought Ichizo stopped his process of admiring the dragon and gave the creature a look.

The creature then realized that Ichizo had stopped admiring him and—funnily—make a face that resembling one of a pout. Ichizo lips couldn't help but start to go up and then a chuckle and next a full blown laugh. The dragon, look at his laughing figure and also start laughing.

Both of them finally stopped laughing and calmed down with low giggles.

["Welcome kid, to your mind."]

The dragon started with a booming voice that echoes through the world of void and mass of green trees. Ichizo eyes widened in realization.

"You're the one who spoke to me!" He exclaimed loudly. "Who are you? Why are you in- uhh, my mind?"

The dragon wear a smug face, ["I am your sacred gear, the best of the best, the dragon God of Light, Cosmic Light, My true name is Illuminash!."]

Ichizo's eyes widened at the mention of 'Dragon God', "A... Dragon God?"

the dragon nodded, confirming the reincarnated boy. ["I know you want to know, how did a dragon god such as myself was inside this gear, well, as silly as it sounded, I let my guard down when I was asleep in my lair and God(you know which one) came and kill me then get me inside this prison for years. Fortunately, after his death, I was free to choose a host as my previous hosts are all dead even before they awaken my powers."]

Ichizo proceed the information once again.

There's a sacred gear like this? One that held the power of one being could destroy the world with one flick of a finger? Certainly this was not what he expected. Nor did he expect to have a dragon sacred gear much less a dragon god! The same level as Ophis and Great Red!,

The reincarnated boy open his mouth and close it a few times, like a gaping fish before finally finding the words to speak, ".... Why did you choose me? How do I activate your power? Does it do the same thing as giving any part of my body to you? or—" ["That's enough kid. You're rambling."]

Ichizo look down, a bit embarrassed. ["Don't worry too much, kid. You're still a baby, we should do this slow. But I'll tell you how to use my power. For now though, you need to wake up outside, you have been sleeping for 2 days straight."]

That make Ichizo panicked, he has been sleeping for 2 days? What about Issei? Was he fine? Can he trust the man and the adults? Have the fallen angels and rogue exorcist that attacked them found them? Shit, he need to get stronger! fastfastfastfastfastfastfastfastfastfastfastfastfastfastfastfastfastfastfastfas———["KID!"]

(Gasp) Ichizo look at the dragon, whose face was close to his. His eyes show that the great creature were worried for him. Which now that Ichizo noticed, he were trembling. He could see his own reflection in the dragon's eyes, in there he were trembling and look horrified. That's him, that's Ichizo.

["You need to calm down kid.."] The dragon god sighed in relief, ["I could hear your thoughts, so first thing first, we need to strengthen your mind first. No need to hurry, when it comes to my power, all you need to do is adapt since from your memories, you have all what is needed, all needed bar getting used to my power."]

Ichizo didn't react to his words, but the dragon god know better that the kid were listening carefully to his words. ['He have great potentials'] Those words ring in Ichizo's little head. Even though he knew that the dragon didn't say that, it was the great dragon's thought. Must be the link.

"T-thanks." Ichizo muttered, before changing mood and adopted a confused one, "So how do I get out of here?"

The Light dragon laughs before saying, ["Just close your eyes and imagine yourself getting out of a door or gate or whatever exit that wasn't exist here."]

Ichizo smile widely, "Thank you Illuminash! I hope we will get along well now and then!" The said creature snorted and nodded at his host.

The reincarnated child closes his eyes and do as what the dragon of light instructed him to do.


A pair of black eyes open up from a short coma. Ichizo cover his eyes at the sudden light booming over him. After a while, he sat up and look around the room.

The room were all white and there a couch a few feets away from where he is, which were sitting up in a bed, and to the left were a door to outside of the room. Left side of him, there's another night stand, which were also there right on his right, and there's a window with the curtains put aside.

A hospital.

Was what his brain concluded. He could hear a growl of agreement from deep inside himself, but he pushed it aside and focused on the door, that bursted open by an adult with a familiar child in hand.

Issei beamed when he sees his big brother wake up. "Ichwi-niw!" The little guy lurched forward, but fortunately the man catches him in time so that he won't fall to the ground. Ichizo cast a thankful gaze to the man, who he recognized as the one who and Ichizo assume as someone who brought them here, brought him here.

Ichizo smile happily at his little brother, "Issei!"

"Hey, kid. You're finally awake." The man smiles at the waking kid, who they found out was exhausted, he figured out because they had been having a walk towards their city, which were pretty far from this city even though they're neighbors.

Ichizo nodded, "Thank you Mr.... uhh.."

"Koushiki Rokuji." He introduced himself.

"Good name! I'm Ichizo Hyoudou, thank you again Rokuji-san," Ichizo smile weakly, sleeping for 2 days and after all the things that had happened had tire the shit outta him. But then he remembered about his and Issei's situation.

Honestly? He know at one point, this will happen. After all, he was the one who made this world, he should've seen it coming! Only he didn't expect it to come 5 years earlier than the Fanfic he had made. What changed? Was it his presence here? No way, he was just a kid with no power until 2 days ago, no way that the fallen angel had detected their family. He growled, and here Ichizo thought he could prevent his parents death.

What the change? Beside his presence here. Was it possible that there's another person who were like him? Reborn here as the enemy? Or are they an ally? Ichizo know he should investigate it.

It's time to move.




But for now, he need to get a place to stay and get stronger and protect Issei from the enemy which were much more dangerous than the Chaos Brigade. Which Ichizo shouldn't have made in the first place.

Fuck GOD!

Hey guys, to answer your questions(to the one who are too lazy to think) Yes, in this fanfic, the Hyoudou but Issei are destined to die. Yes, they have a connection to the supernatural, I won't tell what kind. Yes, There's an enemy that the whole faction and even Chaos Brigade. No, I won't tell it wouldn't be fun and some others also think so.

Thank you for reading.

Arinya_H03creators' thoughts
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