

Liam seriously considered the details of the tournament, asking more questions to Sam as the two approached the building.

The Regional Tournament consisted of the ruling families from each major city. 

Liam could already sense it was a pissing contest – the rulers had immeasurable wealth, he didn't think Rank 4 techniques were too difficult for them to obtain.

'I should definitely find a way to participate,' he planned. 'If all goes well… maybe I can use that opportunity to escape.'

Liam and Samuel entered the large rectangular building – which resembled more of an unfurnished base. 

Powerful guards looked to be accepting missions from a giant holographic map placed on a circular table – their physiques and faces looked battle hardened.

Samuel walked towards the holographic map – which displayed the vast Ucladd region in crystal-clear detail. Even the surrounding cities were visible, which formed a ring around the land.

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