

It was a busy morning in Arcturus. Markets were bustling with people, people were walking on the streets, the doors of the church were constantly opening and closing with people entering and exiting.

"Huff... I still can't get used to the crowd here." Valentina let out a puff of air while looking outside the window of their class. Tears pooled in her eyes and her lips drew in tightly, "Cadell, don't you miss the quiet of the town sometimes?"

Cadell looked at Valentina's back with solemn eyes. He moved his hand towards her.

"Good Morning class!" As the professor entered, Cadell quickly pulled his hand back and focused ahead. Valentina also wiped her eyes and focused on the class.

Hugo Smith glanced around the class to see if all cadets are facing him. Satisfied, he began to speak. "I'm sure you've all heard about our class going to Rivenport. It's true. Our class will be going to Rivenport's Academy for a friendly exchange."

The class immediately broke into whispers.

"Silence!!" Hugo shouted. The class stopped and focused on him again. Content with himself, Hugo gave a small smile.

"Ahem.. Now, we'll be leaving the day after tomorrow. There will be no class today, you can return home and pack your necessities for the trip. Dismissed." Hugo left the class leaving the cadets to themselves.

"Let's go Val, we need to prepare too." Cadell smiled at Valentina. She nodded and they headed out the class.

"I've never been on a trip before... What should I pack?" Valentina asked nervously.

"Do you think I've ever been to a trip before?"

Valentina pouted and muttered, "Gosh, I was just making small talk"

Even though her voice was low, Cadell heard her and smiled. "We should go and take advice from sister Edana. What do you think?"

Valentina's pout changed to a full smile. "Mm. Let's go quickly!" She grabbed Cadell's hand and turned the corner of the hallway.


She bumped into a person and recoiled.

"Ohh! We've been bumping into each other quite a lot don't you think?"

Valentina raised her head to see who she bumped into and her eyebrows pulled closer. "Odis Roan."

Odis spoke with contempt "Hey peasants. Don't you ever look where you're going?"

"Make way Odis! We don't have time for this today." Valentina spoke with anger apparent on her voice.

"Oh! I'm sorry your highness peasants. I'm wasting your precious peasant time!" He smirked. His lackeys started laughing from behind him. "Please be on your way your highness." They made way for one person to go through.

"Hmph!" Valentina quickly walked through the space they made. Cadell also followed but he was stopped by an arm. It was Odis who stopped him.

Odis stared at Cadell. "You were saved by Knight Edana yesterday. But let's see who will save you during the trip." He then let go of his arm.


*Choo Choo*

5 people were sitting inside a compartment of the train.

Among the five people, someone had a face which resembled a tomato. It was Odis. His face was turning red and he couldn't even raise his head as he remembered what he said two days before.

In front of him, 3 people were seated. Valentina, Cadell and Edana. Beside him sat a beautiful girl maybe a year older than him, with the same blonde hair, blue eyes and a face that resembled him.

"M-Miss Edana, why are you in this compartment?" Odis nervously opened his mouth.

"Why? Is there something wrong with me being in this compartment?"

"N-No! Nothing at all!" Odis slowly raised his head and looked at Cadell with his eyebrows tightened.

Edana smirked. "Well, you all better get along with each other, you've been assigned as a team for this trip after all."

Everyone had different reactions. Odis looked like he was about to scream any moment, Valentina had both disappointed and shocked expression on her face, Cadell was staring intently at the girl beside Odis, and the girl was nonchalant.

'Ouida Roan... She's the sister of Odis, we better be careful around the siblings.' As Cadell was thinking along these lines, Ouida suddenly looked at him, her blue eyes shined like she knew exactly what he was thinking.

"Cadell, Valentina" She spoke with a calm voice. Both Cadell and Valentina became alert as they were mentioned. They looked at her nervously but widened their eyes at her next sentence. "I'm sorry for the trouble that my little brother has caused. I hope we all can get along on this trip" She spoke, her voice sincere and her lips curved into a kind smile which made her look like an angel.

"Uhh.. Of course, I hope we can get along." Cadell replied, confused.

"What! Sister! They're commoners with no parents!" Odis rebutted.

*Bang* Ouida hit Odis on his head with her knuckles. "Shut up! How many times have I told you not to be like this!" Then she looked at her companions on the opposite side and smiled. "Hehehe, hope you'll forgive my brother once again."

All three of them were too stunned to speak, with only one question on their mind. 'What kind of sister-brother dynamic is this?'

The rest of the trip went smoothly, although no one spoke due to the awkward atmosphere.


Valentina's group exited the train and looked around the station. Countless cadets had also left the train.

"Wow! The air of a seaside city really is refreshing!" Valentina exclaimed with a smile on her face. Cadell agreed with her. "Yeah it's great." Then he looked to his side, "Although some of us may not agree."

Odis was emptying his stomach inside a paper bag while Ouida was massaging his back. She looked at Cadell with a sorry expression, "He's just motion sick, he'll be fine in a while!"

*Blarghh* Odis barfed and stared at Cadell. "Don't make fun of me, peasant."

Cadell smirked and looked ahead.

"Attention all cadets!" Everyone looked towards the voice. It was a middle-aged man with graying hair and a neat beard. Night Commander Thorn.

"Yes! Night Commander!" All cadets screamed. The people on the station were startled by this, but went on their way after recognizing the uniforms.

"We will now be moving towards our accommodations. Move with your groups and the Knights leading you. After we reach our accommodations, you can freshen up explore the city. Don't wander around and cause any troubles though! Also, be back by 7:00 P.M. sharp! Understood?"

"Yes Night Commander!" Everyone screamed with happiness. All cadets were looking forward to exploring the sea-side city.


"Remember, don't wander off too far and cause any trouble! Be back in time!" Edana was lecturing Valentina and the group.

"Yeah Yeah, we understand sister. Don't worry!" Valentina nodded.

"Good. Then I'll meet you later."

"Won't you be joining us?" Valentina looked at Edana with sparkling eyes.

Edana felt guilty looking at her eyes and turned away. "No... the knights need to go with the Night Commander to the Church of the Everlasting Storm..."

"Ohh.. okay..." Valentina responded with a disappointed look.

Edana opened one eye to look at her and pulled on her cheek. "We'll have plenty of time later to explore together, now go."

"Ow Ow! Okay! Let go!" Valentina struggled and as soon as Edana removed her hand, she quickly went towards the door. "Then we'll be off! See you later!"

The group looked at Edana, nodded, and left with Valentina.

Left alone, the smiling Edana slowly changed to a serious expression and looked through the window towards the Church of the Everlasting Storm.

Next chapter