
Immortal Destroyer [Volume 8]

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What is Immortal Destroyer [Volume 8]

Read Immortal Destroyer [Volume 8] novel written by the author Jilib480_Jilib480 on WebNovel, This serial novel genre is Fantasy stories, covering action, romance, adventure, system, comedy. ✓ Newest updated ✓ All rights reserved


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Cara: "Cara, can you please tell us where you came from? Or, at least, who you think is after you?" "I only know him as 'Sir.'" I glanced up to see Jess and Beck exchanging a look. "'Sir?'" they said in unison. "Yes," I hesitated before continuing. "My mother married him when I was twelve years old and then," I had to stop. I couldn't say it. The words caught in my throat making it feel as though I was burning and freezing at the same time. "Hey, it's okay," Beck slowly reached for my hand. I looked down at it expecting to feel afraid, but his warm touch was comforting. "Take your time." I raised my gaze to his face and his eyes caught mine. It felt as though I was drawing strength from him. Without breaking eye contact I said "He killed her and kept me for himself. He's the father of my baby." Beck: I didn't like killing. With each life I had taken, a little piece of my soul chipped away. I had only killed twice, and, to be honest, they both really did deserve to die, but did killing them really make me any better? I was a murderer. "Are you okay?" The voice startled me. I kept my eyes steady on the horizon, as I contemplated how to answer. "I'd say I'm fine, but I know you see right through me. So there's no point in lying." Jess was silent. "Shit, Jess, what are we doing?" I turned to look at her. "We could die today, and we're making that girl promises to protect her and her baby?" I looked deep into her eyes searching for answers to questions I didn't know how to ask. "And killing," I turned away again and grabbed the rail of the boat so tightly that my knuckles blanched. "Are you really ready to kill for her?" "You've killed for me before, and I'm grateful." I felt the light pressure of her hand on my arm. "I'm not asking you to kill for me again, or for her. But when she told us about that man," she paused for a moment and leaned her hip against the rail next to my hand. "That 'Sir,'" she grimaced. "That could have been me, but you stopped it. I could be the one with some monster's baby, and frankly, I don't think I would feel the same way about it as Cara does." I looked up and saw tears in her eyes. "Jess," I released my grip on the rail and reached for her, but she put up her hand to stop me. "Look, I know you did what you did because you love me, and we've only just met this girl." She sniffled and wiped the tears from her eyes with the palms of her hands. "But she clearly didn't have a Beck to protect her when she needed it. It would be wrong for us to turn our backs on her now." She looked up at me with stubborn conviction. "If it comes down to it, I'll gladly kill the bastard."

Katie_Story · Fantasy
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6 Chs


Sekelompok orang yang haus akan darah munculnya menjadi malaikat penyabut nyawa, kekejamannya mampu membuat orang ketakutan. Namun mereka tertutupi dengan wajah poos serta ketampanan bak dewa yunani yang mereka miliki. Juga tidak ada satu hal yang janggal saat kamu melihat mereka bahwa mereka seorang psikopat. Panggil dia Williem. Williem Fred Margeyunga. Tenang dia ga gigit kok cuma suka darah kamu aja. Hehehe Williem kerap dipangil dengan sebutan Willi atau ga ya Williem, benamakan panjang Williem Fred Margeyuga, keluaraga Williem yang berada di Amerika dan Williem di Indonesia, Willem blasteran antara Indonesia Amerika Korea maka tidak heran dengan kegantengan Williem yang sudah turun temurun dari orang tuanya. Williem mempunyai sebuah perusahaan yang cukup besar bernama Wllycrop, yang dibangun dengan bantuan ayahnya. Williem mempunyai dua orang teman bernama Ray Mbayang Pasmakassa dan Punjan Maharaja Sawa mereka mempunyai sifat yang sama namun berbeda tugas. Williem sangat menyukai darah, dirinya juga bukan vampir namun kesukaannya dengan darah seperti seorang vampir yang haus darah. Berbeda dengan Ray, Ray tidak suka darah dirinya lebih suka meneliti dan berexperimen, namun yang membuat gila adalah experimennya dengan menggunakan bahan dasar manusia, yang entah tubuh manusia otaknya atau organya. Untuk Punjan dirinya berbeda, punjan lebih memilih untuk berjualan, tetapi yang membedakan dengan orang adalah dirinya berjualan organ dalam manusia, untuk kelangsungan hidupnya, Punjan kaya, bahkan orang tuanya berada namun Punjan pernah bilang jika dirinya ingin mandiri dan mencari uang sendiri. Williem bergabung dengan gengster ayahnya saat dirinya masih terbilang muda dengan umur belasan, ayahnya yang bernama Xiander Fred Margeyuga menjadi penerus pemimpin gengster dengan Williem penerusnya. Williem juga mempunyai kakak bernama Tera. Suatu hari saat Williem sedang duduk didepan rumah ada sosok cewek bernama Navinka yang berhasil mencuri pandang dirinya, Navinka yang lemot, telmi membuat Williem exstra sabar menghadapinya, Navinka yang sudah membuat Williem jugkir balik untuk mendapatkan hatinya dibuat emosi saat melihat Navinka bermersaan dengan teman lama Navinka bernama Aksal dan itu sukses membuat Williem dan temannya mempunyai rencana untuk memusnahkan teman Navinka dengan tugas mereka masing-masing. Aksal yang sudah berada ditangan Williem dan temannya, membuat Navinka murka saat tau beredadaan temannya. Dan semenjak saat itu Navinka mmbenci Williem, namun bukanya Willeim meminta maaf atas apa yang dirinya dan temannya lakukan, Williem melancarkan aksinya yang ke-dua untuk mnjadikan Navinka kekasihnya dan seutuhnya. Selang beberapa lama Navinka dan Williem luluh mereka yang akan berbaikan mendapat petaka sebuah musuh gengster dari ayahnya akan membunuh Navinka dan Williem untuk membalas demdamkan kematian Aksal angotanya. Navinka kembali ketakutan, dan berfikir apakah dirinya akan kembali kehilangan orang yang dirinya cinta?.

aayraa01_ · Fantasy
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This is a "COMPLETED" novel! Helga is the lost heiress of the throne of Fantasia. She has been cast away to live by her grown up mother to hide from the tyranny of the villain who happened to be her own blood Maru, brother of her late queen mother. This clever girl whom the kingdoms have been longing for to raise the power of light will soon come closest to her quest. She has grown up with a life seeking world that molded her to be fighting sassy spirit and a legend. This is not a typical story of a girl who happened to be a real princess from a fantasy world of demon tribe. All of a sudden she woke up running for her life and hiding for the sake of her king father... She has no choice but to wait until she reveals the real enemies in the palace and eventually torn between her love interest. There is is nothing but a single choice and one rule... Fight for her life and beloved ones or lose her chance forever. On the other hand the evil has been trying all the way to conquer the rest of the universe for summoning the old dark demon king Olga. One day of her life when everything went out of her sight she has just realized the great burden and duty to save up the future of the universe. Witness a love story over whirlwind fantasy of magic which is just beneath your pages and be empowered over this princess' journey toward her crown... Will love triumph despite duty? *Embedded in luminiscent power comes an adventure-packed epic fantasy romance novel weaved in vibrant world of magic and insurmountable danger—— She has got what it takes to get onto the multiverse with this first #1st book from Roilan Tondo Bibaño, a certified company signed author. Please send me an email for any recommendations. Thank you! Email address: roilanbibanotondo@gmail.com

RoilanBibano · Fantasy
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