
Chapter 407 : Traveling Alone (1)

Upon hearing Qiao Wei's pronouncement of his inability to marry Bai Ling, Bai Siyang declared their engagement officially dissolved. His daughter, however, reacted with vehement disapproval.

That night, a tempestuous scene ensued between her and her father.

"He said that he only saw me as a little sister!" Bai Ling cried out. "He didn't say that he hated me! He still cared for me, so why can't he just marry me???"

With a deliberate shove, Bai Ling toppled a porcelain statue from its stand, sending it plummeting to the floor in a porcelain rain.

"Little Ling, will you stop already!"

A sharp tone laced Bai Siyang's words as he reprimanded his daughter.

"Qiao Wei must have a strong reason for his decision. We must respect his wishes!"

Hot tears burned Bai Ling's eyes, blurring her vision as she fought to breathe through the rising tide of emotion.

"His wishes?? Does he even know what he wants??? What about my wishes???"

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