
Chapter 29: Shido is a girl?

Fast forward to 6:50 PM.

The sun was setting, and the humid heat, which had been so oppressive during the day, was finally easing a little. The sounds of the cicadas that had echoed through the afternoon were gradually replaced by those of the katydids.

"Aah... Why this again...?" A boy held a hand against the wall as he staggered down the inn's hall.

Once again, unsealed Spirits had shown up out of nowhere and dragged Shido into a whole situation. All while no one had evacuated to shelters.

Kaguya and Yuzuru had settled down a great deal after Reine spoke to them at the museum. That wasn't quite enough to put his anxiety to rest, however.

"I have to...do something." He trudged forward, a grimace on his face. He was on his way to Reine's room. When they left the museum, she told him to come to see her later to discuss their next steps. But he stopped as he approached the end of the hallway.

A head was poking out around each corner, and two sets of eyes were staring at him intently. He quickly realized whom they belonged to, swallowed his nervousness, and opened his mouth.

"Wh-what are you doing, Kaguya, Yuzuru?" The two Spirits stepped out in front of him.

"Keh. I shall tell you. You'd do well to come."

"Guaranteed. Come this way."

At the same moment, they each pulled on one of Shido's arms. "Wh-what's going on?" Looking back and forth between them, baffled, Shido was dragged along until they reached their apparent destination.

A blue curtain and a red curtain were hanging over two neighboring entrances. One said MEN and the other WOMEN in big letters. They were at the outdoor bathing area the inn was famous for.

"...The bath?" Shido frowned.

"Keh-keh." Kaguya nodded in her exaggerated way. "The stain of the everlasting darkness has accumulated on your body. Allow me to purify it."


"Translation. She's saying to please get in the bath and get cleaned up."

"Ohhh, is that it...? But it's not time to take a bath yet. I don't have a towel or a change of clothes, either. And there's somewhere I need to be right now."

He started to turn around and was yanked back by firm hands on each arm.

"Owww! Wh-what are you doing?"

"You believed you have a choice? Enough complaints about trivialities. Clear away your impurity."

"Petition. Please. We have made all the requisite preparations for bathing." Yuzuru dropped her gaze to indicate a stack of folded towels and yukata robes.

"Wh-why would you...? What exactly are you planning?"

"Keh... My abstruse and sublime thoughts could never be understood by an average person."

"An idea. A large bathing area with no one else in it is a very good thing."

"..." After looking back and forth between them with doubtful eyes, Shido let out a long sigh. It wasn't as though Reine had said any specific time, and he was a bit worried about what they would do if he refused. "Fine. Then I'll get in the bath first."

"Keh-keh... As long as you understand."

"Praise. I express respect for your decision."

He still had no idea what they wanted, but at the same time, he did want to get in the bath and wash away his sweat and exhaustion. He grabbed a towel and a robe and went into the men's bath.

When he glanced back, Kaguya's cheeks were pink like she was a little embarrassed, and Yuzuru had a hand to her mouth for whatever reason. Still suspicious of their motives, Shido took off his clothes in the changing room and opened the door clouded with steam, small towel in hand.


Inside the girls' changing section of the hot springs, Hikaru and Tohka found themselves surrounded by an air of tranquility. Soft, soothing music played in the background as if to welcome them into a realm of relaxation.

"I still understand why are you covering your eyes?" Tohka questioned as she began to disrobe.

"As a man, I have my dignity," Hikaru replied, following suit.

"As a Man?" Tohka asked with a puzzled expression as she glanced at her sister's physique. before suddenly walking towards her with measured steps. she extended her hand.

"Mm?! Nee-san?" Hikaru yelped as she felt someone grab her breasts.

"They're real," Tohka confirmed as she squeezed them.

"Of course they are..."

"Then, What did you mean by <As a man>?" she continued as she fondled her sister's chest.

"In the heart, Nee-san, in the heart... Can you stop... I don't like what I'm feeling," Hikaru protested as she started to feel something unfamiliar and strange.

"Oh, sorry!" Tohka withdrew her hand. "By the way, where did the scars on your body go?" she asked, curious.

"Oh, those? I used my powers to hide them. I don't want to attract too much attention,"

With their conversation coming to an end, both sisters were ready to indulge in the hot springs. Tohka covered her chest and lower body with a tower, as she saw on tv.

In contrast, Hikaru approached the hot springs with a slightly bolder attitude. She draped a towel around her waist. but allowed her ample bosom to remain fully exposed, an unapologetic display of confidence.

"..." Tohka was kinda unsure if she should ask, cause she wasn't even sure if she was doing the right thing.

Tohka's hand reached for the door handle that led to the hot springs, excitement bubbling inside her. But before she could even turn the handle, Hikaru heard voices from behind the door.

"Someone's in there already?" Hikaru's thought

"Hiyah!" Tohka's spirited exclamation filled the air as she swung the door open. Yet, her lively expression came to an abrupt halt, frozen in astonishment.

"Mm?" Hikaru heard her sister's voice suddenly go quiet. She approached her to ask what was wrong, but all she got was a scream - two screams, to be exact.



Tohka hurriedly slapped one arm over her chest and the other over her lower half. "Wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-why are you in here, Shido?!"

"N-no, no, no, no, no! Why did you come in here?! This is the men's bath!"

"What are you talking about?! I went in the red one just like everyone told me to!"

"Huh?!" Shido gasped. A very bad feeling crawled up his spine. "You didn't actually...!" He looked to either side of him, and Kaguya and Yuzuru stared back blankly.

"Mm-hmm. Before you went in, we switched the curtains. Impressive as always, if I do say so myself. Strategy master."

"Question. Is there a problem with that?"

"Why would you...?!" Shido's voice boomed with rage as he glared daggers at them. He wanted to lash out with a torrent of curses, but he knew that it wouldn't solve anything at the moment.

"Oh, I should have anticipated this turn of events..." Hikaru's voice resonated from behind Tohka, her presence unbeknownst to Shido until now.

"...!" Shido's eyes snapped back to Tohka, his gaze widening as he caught sight of someone standing behind her.

Amidst the precarious situation, Hikaru stood unabashedly, a self-assured smirk playing upon her lips. Her hands rested on her waist, accentuating her confidence. Notably, her hair acted as the sole shield veiling her chest, leaving her nipples tantalizingly exposed.

"Oh, boy, how are you faring?" Hikaru's voice dropped with playful arrogance. "Judging by the silence, I'd expect you're staring at me right now."

Shido was indeed staring, in fact so hard at her that he didn't even notice his nose was bleeding.

"Hey, why didn't you look at us like that?" Kaguya pouted, feeling a sense of defeat.

"Agreement. that unfair" added Yuzuru

"Shido!! where do you think you're looking?" Tohka's voice reverberated through the air as she swiftly shielded Hikaru's exposed chest with her hand

Before Shido could even protest or explain himself, his eyes narrowed to small points, and his attention was diverted as the door swung open once again.

A group of girls, their presence unexpected, entered the scene. Shido's bewilderment was palpable as he stammered, "Wha—?"

He immediately sank into the tub and hid behind a rock.

Now that he thought about it, this was only natural. If it was bath time and Tohka and Hikaru were here, that meant the other girls would all be here sooner or later, too.

"Wow! It's so big! And the ocean's right there!"

"Oh, the transfer students are already here. You guys were fast!"

"Huh? Tobiichi, you're not getting in the bath?"

"I have something I must do."

"O-oh... Good luck."

He could hear the high-pitched voices of the girls in his class. It was only a matter of time before they found him.

"C-c-c-c-c-c-crap! Wh-what am I gonna do?!" Faced with this unprecedentedly tight spot, Shido cradled his head in his hands and sent his eyes racing around the room.

If they found him here, they would string him up by his toenails. Actually, he'd be lucky if that was all they did. He would probably be branded as a sex offender and haunted by it for the rest of his life. He'd have to spend the rest of high school being called a pervert or a degenerate or a youthful mistake. In the worst case, they could report him to the police...

He shuddered as Tohka moved out in front of him, as if to hide him.

"T-Tohka?" he asked.

"It's not your fault, right?" She glanced back at him. "So you have to hide behind me and hurry up and escape."

"I've got a better idea," Hikaru cut in, a smirk playing on her lips as she took up position in front of him.

"Hey, I found Tohka and Hikaru!"

"What are you doing at the edge there, and why is Hikaru covering her eyes?" another voice asked.

"Whoa! Your skin is amazing! Let me give you a rubdown!" a third voice chimed in.

The Ai-Mai-Mii trio jumped onto the scene.

"O-oh, no reason! Don't bother with me!" Tohka said, but Ai-Mai-Mii were bubbling over with interest in her.

"Hmm, who is that behind you, Tohka?" Their voices danced with anticipation as they approached, their curiosity piqued.

"Ah!" Tohka's heart skipped a beat as she turned to see Shido, only to find someone entirely different before her. The person had a similar face, but their long, flowing hair was a mesmerizing shade of blue. and its body shape...It was a girl?

"Shido?" Tohka's confusion was palpable as she struggled to make sense of the situation.

The trio was equally confused. "Shido?" they repeated, wondering who Tohka was talking about. The person in front of them was not the Shido they knew. it wasn't even a he—it was a she.

the girl was breathtakingly beautiful, with a flawless complexion and a serene expression on her face. Her hair was the color of a clear, summer sky, and it shimmered in the light. Drops of water glistened on her skin, giving her an otherworldly glow.

"Allow me to introduce her," Hikaru chimed in, eager to clarify the situation. "This is Shu—Sha— OH yeah Shiori. one of the local girls we've just met here. She's a bit shy, so don't expect her to speak much."

"Is that so?" Ai, one of the trio, remarked with intrigue. "Pleasure to meet you, Shiori-san. My name is Ai, and these are Mii and Mai" She introduced herself and her companions.

"Nice to meet you, Shiori-san," Mii and Mai echoed in unison, bowing their heads slightly, their curiosity tinged with a warm welcome.

Shiori merely offered a nod in response to the greeting, her lips tightly sealed as she remained rooted in her spot

"I have to move out from her fast!" he or she, for now, felt her heart race as she made her way out of the bathhouse. Even though the illusion had made her appear as a woman, she still felt the thing rising slowly.

Hikaru utilized her powers to create an illusion around Shido's body, transforming him into a stunning girl—a simple yet effective trick.

"Crap, I have to leave. I feel so wrong with this appearance" she thought to herself.

As she reached for the door, Ai's voice called out from behind, "Oh, leaving already, Shiori-san?" Shido or Shiori, as she now went by, just bowed her head without turning around, her face blushing furiously.

But as she grab the door, her eyes met someone else's. Staring in from the women's bath side. it was Origami Tobiichi. Both of them were momentarily frozen in place, neither saying a word. Origami simply raised a hand with a thumb up and the other hand with a camera.

Without another word, Shiori quickly opened the door and made her escape. She couldn't help but wonder what Origami was thinking or what she had captured on camera. But for now, she was just relieved to be out of that awkward situation.


The night draped the surroundings in an ethereal silence, a tranquil canvas only disturbed by the whispering of leaves dancing in the gentle breeze.

The mellifluous symphony of waves caressing the shore created a melodic rhythm, harmonizing with the swaying of palm trees in the coastal wind. The air carried the faint tang of salt, mingling with the sweet fragrance of tropical blooms, casting an enchanting spell upon the atmosphere.

Up in the sky, aboard their 500-meter-class airship, the team kept a watchful eye on the island, scanning for any signs of disturbance. A voice broke the silence, addressing a certain person.

"Captain, everything seems to be normal so far," the voice reported.

"Good. Let me know if anything unusual happens," replied James A. Paddington, the middle-aged man in the captain's chair on the Arbatel.

"Understood!" chorused the entire group in unison.

Paddington observed the scene on the monitor, a contented expression on his face. "Everything seems to be going as planned," he thought. "I think I'll get some rest now."

As he was about to rise from his seat, a voice interrupted him.

"Captain, we've detected abnormal activity on the beach!"

"Hmm, what kind of abnormal activity?" Paddington inquired.

Their expressions filled with bewilderment, they watched as a lone figure, a girl, wandered along the shore.

"It's the spirit known by the codename Eclipse, sir," a voice reported, promptly displaying the scene on the monitor.

"What could she be doing alone on the beach at this hour?" Paddington muttered in confusion, his eyes fixed on the screen.

As The moon hung high in the sky, casting its silvery light over the vast expanse of the beach. It was deserted, save for a lone figure walking along the shore, her footsteps leaving faint imprints in the sand.

The sound of waves crashing against the shore filled the air, and the salty breeze stirred the girl's long, raven-black hair. She seemed lost in thought, her eyes fixed on the horizon.

"Hmm, which path shall I tread?" she mused, a subtle smile gracing her lips.

Approaching the water's edge, she came to an abrupt halt. Confidence emanated from her demeanor as she planted both hands firmly on the ground, assuming the poised stance of an Olympic sprinter. In an instant, her attire shimmered and radiated an otherworldly luminosity, transforming into her astral dress.

The sudden transformation took the DEM by surprise. "Fast, send the bandersnatches to stop her from whatever she's planning to do," Captain Paddington shouted.

But before they could make a move, the girl launched herself into the air, hurtling towards the west with incredible speed.

"What the—?" Paddington watched in awe and terror as the girl broke through the sound barrier, causing a sonic boom that echoed across the ocean, all that in an instant moment.

The water churned and frothed beneath her as she streaked across the surface, leaving behind a trail of disturbed waves in her wake. The wind roared around her, creating a powerful vortex that stirred up sand and debris from the beach.

As she soared higher into the sky, the atmosphere around her began to change. The air grew thin and icy cold, the stars shining with a brilliant intensity as if drawn closer by her presence.

All the while, her astral dress glowed with ethereal light, streaming behind her like the tail of a shooting star.

"Captain, the bandersnatches can't keep up with her. Should we pursue her in the main ship?" asked a crew member.

Paddington hesitated for a moment, considering their options. But before he could issue a command, a voice interrupted him.

"There's no need," the voice of a young girl chimed in.

"What do you mean, Ellen?"

"She will return on her own. It would be futile to squander time and resources on a fruitless pursuit," she declared, her words resonating with unwavering certainty.

Before Paddington could respond, the transmission abruptly ceased, leaving him with a frustrated click of the tongue.

"Tch," he muttered in frustration


(A/N): i am here again!!

from the Perspective of anime, we just finished episode 2 of the s2, and we still have ep 3

and 4 to finish the arc

for the ep 3, I think we can finish fast as much of the ep was fan-serv, so if we tell the story from Hikaru's pov, that would end fast, the problem is Ep 4 as so much happened there

there is also some plot of my story there, so it would take 2 chapters to finish, 3 overall,

and we could start Miku's arc

anyway, see ya later...

and the last thing last, Shiori is the best girl!!!

Next chapter