
The most dangerous man in westeros IV

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chapter of almost three thousand words, since I didn't want to cut it in two.


POV of Brynden Tully

We took the clothes off the prisoners and began to change them for our camouflage of branches and leaves.

'Good thing I'll be more comfortable now, even if it is the Tarly heraldic clothing'.

I waited patiently for Lyn to finish changing, when we started to return we saw that the Finn was already changed into Captain Tarly's clothing and was practicing the Captain's tone of voice we captured.

That's when we first observed this man's face

'He had nothing in particular, it was the most average face I had ever seen in my life, nothing to stand out except pronounced dark circles under his eyes and teeth as white as pearls'

''It was not what you expected, he, Brynden'' said the Finnish soldier.

''Yeah I didn't think it would be so .... normal I was expecting more'' I said to the soldier who was laughing

''We all get that impression, we all expect someone with a well shaped face or some special feature, but in itself having such a common face is something worth mentioning, as it serves a lot in our job, and I tell you seriously it serves a lot in getting lost in the crowd'' said the Finnish soldier

''Well, stop talking, we have to get into that castle taking advantage that night is coming, so eat and drink now before it's too late and if you need to relieve yourselves, do it now, since you won't have that possibility in the future'' said the Finnish

''How much time do we have?'', he asked.

The Finn looked at the sky

''You have about twenty minutes the sun should start to set and we should move to the castle because the night will give us the necessary cover to move in the open field that should have the castle from the forest to the walls'' the Finn said

I nodded and went to eat a little

in the short time we had we started to go through the camp supplies and I was able to find some dried meat with wine that the captain had for his personal consumption

I relaxed as much as I could and tried to heal my feet that had many wounds from the constant cuts I got from walking barefoot through the forest.

'I just hope my wounds don't get infected, without a Maester around I don't even want to imagine what would happen to me.'

''Hey let me help you with'' said the Finnish soldier approaching me with an ointment.

''What is that?'', I asked hesitantly.

''It's an ointment that we use to help heal our wounds and it has a sedative effect, so it should help you with the pain'' said the Finnish soldier

''If it takes away my pain welcome friend'' I answered the man

''Yes, it should help you, wash your feet, I will apply the ointment and we will bandage them, as you have a long day ahead of you'' said the soldier

''Do you really think we can take the castle with only three men'', I asked rather nervously.

''I have seen how that man has killed thousands, he has wiped out entire camps and killed nobles in their own beds, if there is anyone in the whole world who can do it is him, besides he has done it before, he considers the security measures used by the lords of the reach to be pathetic, as if a child was leading them, yesterday, he captured a castle by himself, I think he now wishes to improve the technique'' said the soldier while applying the ointment on me

'I don't know what the hell was in that plant ointment they gave me, but it certainly soothed the pain'.

''well with that one you should be lord Brynden, be sure to keep them dry to avoid an infection, next time ask and we will teach you how to move to not make noise in the forest, although it takes a lot of training, as it requires generating calluses on your feet to avoid the pain when you bury a branch in your foot'' said the soldier while cleaning everything.

''Thank you...''' I said, hoping he would tell me his name.

''We are forbidden to say our names lord Brynden I hope you understand'' said the soldier coming out of the tent.

I did what I had to do and waited for the time we were given to pass until the time came.

The Finn said nothing and we started walking through the forest towards the Tarly castle.

After walking a long way we spotted Hornhill Castle.

Aleksanteri upon seeing the castle carefully began to check the patrols on the walls with his spyglass to establish the most appropriate plan to scale the walls and take advantage of the blind spots in the Westerosis's defenses.

After thirty minutes studying how the castle guards were moving Aleksanteri decided on a plan and how they should move in the castle.

''The guards go in groups of two, and stay at specific points for fifteen minutes, then they change places, so for the whole night it seems so let's run, when they are changing shifts we should move towards the castle'' said the Finn putting the spyglass away.

''Well, anything else we should know'', asked Lyn.

''Nothing, if the castle is the same as the ones we have seen, they are quite old and were built a long time ago, as almost most of the old castles we have seen were built with big blocks of stones and rarely these were left straight which will make it easy to climb them even without proper equipment, we just have to avoid being seen'' said the Finn.

Lyn and I started to follow him as he began to run in the direction of the castle.

For almost an hour the group that had intentions of approaching the castle were running and throwing themselves on the ground when they must hide from the guards that were guarding the walls, this was a long and tedious process, but it was necessary to hide from the sight of the guards

Until finally after much waiting they were under the walls as the hand of night shielded them from the prying eyes of the guards who were rotating positions.

''Well we made it as far as we could now what?'', asked Lyn.

I'm going to climb the wall and throw a rope at you, I'll do this when the guards are close, so I can knock them out and you will change your attire if they are wearing different clothes so you don't stand out from the others,'' said the Finn.

We waited a few moments and when we took steps over our heads the Finn began to climb the wall with great ease almost without problems using skillfully the spaces between the stones of the castles.

I could see the light of the torches carried by the guards and as the Finn was only a few centimeters away from climbing the wall, the seven meters of wall was not an impediment for him.

As I watched he climbed up and we heard a slight groaning from the top of the wall and then two dry blows as if a sack of flour had fallen.

After waiting, we saw him under a rope with a guard hanging at one end

'the son of a bitch made it'

''Brynden, Lyn change your clothes quickly and hide them they are already bound and tied up but you must do it quickly'' said the Finn whispering.

Quickly, we obeyed and hid the first guard and as later the Finlades lowered the second guard with the rope and we changed our clothes again, since there was a difference between the hunters, the guards of the Tarly house.

After securing the knocked out guards we used the rope to climb up and at the top of the ramparts we took the torches and looked at the Finn throwing the rope down.

''You know you should only act as guards, nothing else, when you see a group of guards approaching you should move so as not to raise suspicion, I'll take care of the rest'' said the Finnish man

''What do we do if we are discovered?'', asked Lyn nervously.

''Pray to your gods because I'm going to accomplish the mission with or without you'' said the Finn with a very serious tone.

The Finn then started to go down inside the castle in the same way he climbed up, during the next minutes we saw how he hid in every shadow he found looking for an entrance to the keep

But when we heard footsteps approaching Lyn and I started to move to the position we should occupy for the moment.

''Where the fuck did we go Lord Brynden, now there is no escape'' said Lyn almost panicking.

''Calm down Lyn, nothing good will come of it, if it all goes wrong we just have to go back the way we came and get down and run as far as we can'' I said trying to reassure him.

''But how, we don't have the rope to get down and I doubt we can do the same as him to get down'' said Lyn

''We'll find a way'' I said to Lyn

As I reassured Lyn I watched as the Finn came out of hiding and started to walk like a presumptuous guard and approached the keep entrance where the keep guards let him through

'Well, at least all is good with him'.

During several guard changes, we continued to act naturally with a few panic attacks from Lyn, but for the moment we have not raised even the slightest suspicion about our actions

When we were making another change of guard we were facing the first guards and that's when I got nervous that they might recognize me.

But the guard just yawned and raised his hand in salute.

''How is the night going'' asked the guard.

''Fine, let's hope it stays as quiet'' I replied a little nervously.

''Yes... everything... fine'' replied Lyn.

''What happened to your face, kid, your lip is damaged'' said the guard looking at Lyn's face.

'Shit Lyn's lip, when the Finn hit Lyn in the morning'

''Ha, ha, ha, ha, the idiot tripped and hit his face''I replied trying to cover for Lyn.

''Ha, ha, ha, ha, what a bump you took, well, who hasn't had that happen to them while they're sleepy'' said the guard yawning again

'Shit the Finn was right, nobody knows my face, it's good, but it hurts my pride'.

We were about to get back on our course when our attention was drawn from below

''HEY, there's information about what's going on in the war, a captain is asking us to meet to read us a letter from our lord'' said a guard from down below

''Well I can stretch my feet a bit, standing for so many hours, my feet were already hurting,'' said the guard as he walked down the stairs of the ramparts.

We accompanied them because if we didn't follow him it would be very suspicious.

In front of the keep we were gathering all the guards of the castle that should be almost a thousand, to be the guards who protect the castle during the night are many, the rest must be sleeping in their barracks or outside the castle in nearby towns.

We were surrounded by guards of House Tarly who were looking attentively at a captain who was wearing a rather ornate armor.

''we received a letter from our lord not long ago, the rebels have been defeated, Robert Baratheon is dead, and his fellow rebels await trial'' said the captain.

All the guards began to celebrate at this news, but Lyn and I looked pale.

'It can't be, my family, Hoster, Catelyn, Lisa, Edmure, it can't be, I have to go back'.

I looked at Lyn and he was no better than me, he looked pale and wanted to cry.

''so, as a measure of celebration, our lord has decided that we can feast in his name and that we can use the stores of wine and ale he has in store to celebrate this great victory'' said the captain.

Again, the guards shouted in jubilation at the news.

''So help me clean up the area we are going to make a big stew with some stags while we start to open the barrels of beer and wine'' said the captain

''Many guards started to move training dummies and many other items leaving the space clear, Lyn and I were looking for a way out of the castle but we were interrupted.

''You two with me, I need help looking for the beer'' said the captain with the ornate armor.

''Of course sir'' I replied somewhat nervously.

We followed the captain into the keep and went down to the castle cellar.

''Tell me, did you believe my story?'', said the captain taking off his helmet.

'It was the fucking Finn'.

''Son of a bitch, you gave me the scare of my life with that information'' I said grabbing the Finn by his clothes.

''He, he, he, he, that's the idea, Brynden now help me with the beer, we have little time before they realize that some of their officers are missing'' said the Finnish man

''What did you do to them'', asked Lyn.

''I hunted them down one by one and locked them in a room that was empty, if anyone goes in there we're screwed, that's why we have to be quick.''

''And how are we going to finish them off'', I asked.

''It's done, you're going to like it when you see it'' said the Finn laughing showing his pearly white teeth

''Just don't eat any of what we are going to deliver in feast, but if you want something to drink, feel free to do so'' said the Finn taking a barrel of beer.

We started to bring out the barrels of beer and saw how a huge pot was on a fire pit where they were making a giant stag stew

We started handing out wine and beer and the celebrations began, many more guards began to arrive, they were some of the sleeping ones who quickly joined the festive atmosphere.

After much waiting they started handing out bowls of stag stew and roasted stag meat and other food he was taking from the lord's reserves, but the Finn was making sure everyone ate the stew, even forcing them using his position as captain of the guard.

the celebrations went on for several hours until slowly the faces faded away, and we saw the faces change from happiness to panic.

an extremely strong smell filled the air, covering the smell of the stew and the wine, it was the smell of someone having shit themselves

we saw how many guards were running to the latrines and those who couldn't stand it were shitting themselves and it wasn't something specific, all the guards were in the same condition

no one could move a muscle without shitting their pants.

Lyn and I watched in astonishment as all the guards were unable to move because of the stomach pain they were suffering.

After all this unpleasant sight and terrible smell we saw how the Finnish man came out of the keep with a smile.

''The Castellan surrendered, he gave up the castle, we have to open the doors, my boys must be waiting to enter'' said the Finn smiling.

''What did you do?'', I asked the Finn seriously.

''A powerful laxative, it is not poison, so don't give me the typical, it is a weapon of women and eunuchs because it is not poison, so save your words Brynden because I know what you are going to say'' said the Finn predicting what I was going to say.

''Where is the Castellan?'' asked Lyn.

''He has some important business in the bathroom'' said the Finn smiling.

Lyn and I opened the castle doors as there was no one to stop us.

After that, we gave the signal with a torch and hundreds of Finnish horsemen arrived and started to chain all the guards who couldn't make even the slightest resistance.

''Mission complete, horn hill is ours'' said the Finn.

''Well we accomplished our mission, we can now go talk to your leader'' I said looking at the Finnish man

''Sure, sure, you have no missions, you are free to go'' the Finn said

''Come on Lyn, we need to contact my brother and lord Arryn soon'' I said looking at Lyn

''Of course Lord Brynden'' said Lyn.

We were about to leave the castle when we heard the finn's voice

''Lord Brynden, lord corbray, just the men I need, I have an essential mission for you, we have to capture Oldtown and because you have experience in this kind of missions your presence is very much required'' said the Finn.

I turned around furious

''You are the biggest son of a bitch I've ever seen, Finn'' I said furiously.

He approached me

''My name is Aleksanteri, you did well Brynden, not bad for your first time, Lyn has to do better, I'll take you up on that'' said Aleksanteri whispering in my ear as he gave me a friendly slap on the cheek.

Aleksanteri went to the keep.

''What did he say to you, Lord Brynden'' asked Lyn very curious.

''I seem to have earned his respect from that madman'' I said without looking at Lyn.



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