
Chapter 4

There she sat in her office sitting behind her table on her cute spinning chair lost in thought. Painful thoughts to be precise.

Thinking about the past did her no good but she still couldn't wrap her head around the fact that he left her. Why? She had no damn idea. The last time she knew she spoke to him was when he told her he would be coming back home to her, that he missed her and all but neither did she saw him, nor did he came home that day,

And that was supposed to be their third anniversary together. She had already planned for everything but eventually he failed her.

She shook her head wiping away her forsaken tears and grabbed her stuff to go with a loaded head.

How constricted she felt, on one hand things were just so messed up and she couldn't stop thinking about him or even take a break from her life, and on the other, her mum was suffering from stage 2 cancer and high blood pressure. Could this day become even more worse? She knew it would so she kept her calm.

"Are you listening to me at all, Kulthum?" Her mother asked, noticing her staring into space.

"Uh.. yes mum I am, what did you say? She cleared her throat.

"And you said you were listening!" She said, Kulthum gave her a sheepish grin then replied gently,

"Well, mum I was but I.." she trailed off not knowing what to say anymore.

"I want you to get married before I die because I have less time remaining, you know, I want to die in peace knowing that my adorable daughter is happily married" her mother cheekly said stealing glances at her

As soon as Kulthum heard that, she spat out the hot chocolate she was drinking and quickly grabbed the Soviet to clean the mess she made.

"Are you alright my dear?" Her Mother asked with furrowed brows

"Mum you are not going anywhere and besides I am just twenty! How do you expect me to get married now when I have plenty of things on my plate to take care of mum?"

"Yes I know that is why I am suggesting you with the wedding" she said looking somehow disturbed.

"Okay, but please not now, can you let me marry when I am twenty two at least?" She asked hopefully.


"No buts" she cut her off. "please just agree please!" She persuaded batting her lashes.

"Okay when you are twenty two I won't wait even for a day to get you married" her mother unsatisfyingly grumbled

"Yes I agree thank you so much" she said then kissed her forehead and said good night to her. By the time she entered her room, she couldn't help but think about Neil wishing he could just come back to her. She unconsciously collected her phone from the side table and thought of calling his number but something kept pulling her hand away from his name.

She wanted to do it, but she couldn't. She wanted to call him and hear his intoxicating voice but she knew it wouldn't go through so she just gave up and laid down to sleep.

The next morning she woke up, did her normal routine and went off to work. On the way there, someone bumped into her car, and it just happened like a flash. She was in front of the person who bumped into her, and like he didn't do anything he refused to come out of his car.

So, she went near his car window and banged it hard.

"What the hell?" He shouted before he came out of his car and now they were face to face with each other.

"Are you out of your mind, or were you blind when you bumped into my car?" Her angry voice accused him.

"Are you mad?" He asked in an authoritative yet calm tone, as anger flashed through his black hawk- like eyes. Really? Who has black eyes she sarcastically hought.

"Excuse me?" He questioned looking more angrier than before. "You were the one who bumped into my car and now you are accusing me of bumping into your car, really? Look I don't have time for your shit so excuse me!" He said then left her there standing dumbfounded. She really couldn't believe his attitude.

She stood there for another five minutes after she got over what happened. Then she entered her car which wasn't really hurt and drove to the office deciding to repair it afterwards.

As she entered her hospital's reception deep in her thoughts she almost entered the lift when she bumped into something or is it someone and stumbled backwards.

"Ouch" I cried in pain then began to massage her temples. Her eyes landed on a pair of black boots, a black pants and a long sleeved white shirt which was folded up to the elbow with a pair of Apple wrist watch.

Her gaze traveled up to the person's face and she was hooked with a pair of black hawk- like eyes, perfect shaved brows, a sharp thin jaw that was shaved nicely. Wow she can't help but just keep staring at how handsome the guy was.

"Are you done checking me out or is there anything missing that I need to put in place?" He asked with an ugly smirk on his handsome face which made her lowered her gaze in embarrassment as her cheeks turned bright pink.

"Huh?" She said just to hide her embarrassment. "I wasn't staring okay?" She snarled. "Well you bumped into someone you didn't know then started staring at him, really? Don't you know how to lower your gaze at men or weren't you taught at home?" He asked with a snarky smirk looking at her pitifully, that was enough for her to get to the edge.

"How dare you question my training background?" She asked. "weren't you taught not to poke your nose in what doesn't concern you?" She asked, pointing an accusing finger at him. "How dare you? Spoiled arrogant brat!" She spat.

"And who the hell are you to point an accusing finger at me?" He questioned in his thick American accent that she could barely hear.

"I know that you have to think twice before you understand what i'm saying right?" He mocked with a stupid smirk on his face which was getting on her nerves.

She glared at him and said,

"Is that what you are thinking or what you wish for? Then Mr.arrogant, you are terribly wrong. And one more thing, just In case we meet in the far future which I pray we wouldn't, don't speak to me in such a rude manner because I don't know what I will do to you if you do. So please beware of me. It's just a piece of advice". She said warned and left with a hammering heart praying he was not at her back.

As soon as she entered her cabin, her panting self saw Alia sitting on her couch sipping coffee and gave her the look "where have you been".

"I can explain before you start talking rubbish" Kulthum quickly mentioned sitting behind her chair and exhaling deeply.

"Okay, start explaining," Alia said impatiently. All the while her eyes were on Kulthum. As she finished explaining she saw her expression change and she started laughing really hard clutching her tummy.

"So... you...you were out there exchanging words with Mr.arrogant and I was waiting for you patiently here? Right?" She calmed down.

"It's not funny Alia so stop laughing" she groaned.

"Okay okay I have stopped" she chuckled.

"Let's get to the OR before we are too late," Alia suggested.

"Just give me a minute and I will be there"

"Okay hurry up, we are doomed in that OR today doctor, good thing I am just an assistant" Alia wiggled her brows and Kulthum shot her a crazy look.

"Way to go professor" Alia joked walking out of the cabin.

"You are also on the way dear friend, because I am assigning you the rest of the surgery today" as Alia hears that she stopped in her tracks to look at Kulthum then lamented,

"You are evil" then walked off. Kulthum laughed and followed her.

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