
Lord Peverell, Master of dead

If you are willing, I show you the chamber of secrets now, it is best to skip lunch, I think the carcass is a bit smelly by now.

Lady Abbot: "By Morgana's dirty underwear, I am not going near that thing. Watching it in the pensive was already too much!"

"Lady Abbot, I agree with you, unfortunately, Miss Daphne and Miss Tracey need to be present, so are their parents to claim the rings. The others are invited to bear witness." Hannah decided to keep her mum company, Lady Greengrass ordered Astoria to stay too.

On the way to the bathroom, I pointed several paintings that could have and should have told Dumbledore about the snake. In the bathroom, Myrtle looked at us suspiciously.

Myrtle: "What are you all doing here? This is a girls' bathroom. No boy's allowed."

"Just checking the place out Myrtle, to see if I am comfortable here, you know to haunt here as a ghost, the other ghosts are too old for me, so I thought, better in the company of a pretty one." A slap to my head from Hermione, some giggles from Luna and smiles from the rest. Myrtle dove in her toilet with a grey blush.

The sink opened on my command and the steps, there is no suspense if you have done this already. This time I could help with clearing the cave in and support the ceiling. On the way we collected the shed snakeskin, Lord Davis said it would bring in a lot of galleons. The big door had the Lords impressed, a snake motive does it all the time.

§Open up§ Creepy voice? I suppose so, the women had shivers running down their spine when the door opened.

The dead snake was still impressive, did not smell at all, a lot of dead rats were next to it, I suppose they were hungry and wanted to take a bite.

Lord Greengrass: "There is a lot of magic left in this carcass, the meat is only edible by Goblins."

"Then it is a good thing we know some, is the meat still good after more than a year?"

Lord Davis: "The magic keeps it fresh, it needs to be drained before even Goblins can eat it."

"Well they saw the memory too, so you have your potential clients. I have The lady and Consort Slytherin represent me in my dealings with you. I am certain you will give them a good deal."

Hermione: "That is a good idea, Harry. It will help Tracey and Daphne over the trauma in this school, and their parents won't try to get a bigger piece of the pie."

Lady Greengrass: "Yes, Very Slytherin of you my Lord. But we are here to claim the rings you said, so let us do the claiming."

"Right, Daphne, Tracey come with me and climb the steps to this statue." Of course, it is Ladies first, no reason to be rude, the bloody skirts were spelled anyway. Hey, Hermione forgot hers, pink with frills, oops did I say that out loud? The angry look on her face said yes.

§Open up for the Lord Slytherin.§ The head turned and opened his mouth, widening it so we could walk in.

Hermione: "Harry! I can't believe you looked up my skirt, that is very rude of you." Now, this is a reason to raise an eyebrow.

"Oh? Rude? I was admiring the behind of my future consort Potter, who I might add forgot to spell her skirt. And who shared my bed without waking me up? Now that is rude, don't you think?"

That got all girls blushing, Luna mumbled: "We are still not sorry for it." We arrived at the snake motive on the floor. §Open for your Lord.§ A door appeared and opened it up, we went all in, the girls and parents. Let's do this again.

§I Harry James Potter claim my ring as the rightful Lord of Slytherin. So mote it be.§ The glowy thing happened and the ring was on my finger. I asked for the parents' permission to claim their daughters, after a nod, I raised My Hallow wand, which made Lovegood smile, and did the claiming.

Tracey's ring went on her finger, she glowed even more, the magic doing his thing, probably repairing some defects or mental traumas, the same happened for Daphne, it seems to help both.

Hermione: "Congratulations Tracey and Daphne, Harry, I can't read these books, this is not Arabic or any other Middle east language." Daphne took a book, opened and said: "take this one I can read it." Hermione eager to read new books took it and was stumped.

Hermione: "Daphne, I can not read this one either." She gasped. "You can read parseltongue? Is it the ring? That was what the glow was doing!" she looked at me with shiny eyes.

"Hermione, do you really want to be a concubine of Lord Slytherin? Only for to be able to read some old books? I don't know how many consorts are allowed for one House. And you haven't spoken to your parents yet."

The others were exploring the office and rooms next to it. They were all in stasis that ended with opening the door. Salazar had a nice hideout here fully equipped, again the bed was enormous.

Hermione was frustrated, all these books and not able to read one. Lord Davis, Greengrass and Lovegood went back to the snake. While the girls snooped around for treasures. Susan dragged me all over the place and let me ask any snake she met to open up.

Susan: "It is just like Bones manor, there are bone motives that hide rooms or hidden compartments that only open on the Lord's command. We have already found two, there are bound to be more."

We found a treasure room, filled with gold coins, now this I like, these are normal coins, in good shape, so they will be a big hit in the collectors' circles, I told Hermione to take some samples, so her parents can have them appraised. This is worth millions.

"Well girls, with these I can afford you all. The profits of the snake combined with the gold, make us very rich, it will be divided equally among the Houses, the other fortunes or debts to, the properties stay with the families though." That got me hugged by all, we closed the entrance and went back down, I went first to clear the path, of course, the rewards were great, Fleur, Daphne and Luna had dispelled their skirts and allowed me a nice view of the goods, when Daphne passed me, she gave a kiss on my cheek and told me her lord was her hero and always welcome for a view. Fleur kissed me and said her task was going to be teaching the way of love-making to her fiancee like she was meant to do on my thirteenth birthday.

Cursing Dumbledore into the pits of hell, I could have shagged Fleur for a whole year. I am so going to catch up for the last year.

Hoggy popped in: "Master Slythy, unspeakables wants to talk to you about ward-stone."

"Lords, can you come with me to bear witness? This will open your eyes, to what is happening here. Hoggy can your family pop us back up in Myrtle's bathroom?" Yep, I had to close the room up.

At the gargoyle the unspeakables were waiting, Croaker was among them.

Croaker: "Lord Potter, you are making big waves today, you shook up the whole wizarding world."

"Well… Every once in a while the pond needs to be cleaned of the drags and filth that accumulates over the years, this cleaning is long overdue. Open up." The gargoyle looked at me "Password?"

"Simple, Open up or you can guard Myrtle's bathroom." The thing looked horrified and stepped aside.

"Strange, afraid of Myrtle? I kind of like Myrtle, she was the first victim of bastard Voldemort."

Croaker: "First Victim? How do you know that?"

"I don't know how much the old goat spilled yet, Voldemort's real name is Tom Marvolo Riddle, son of a squib and a normal, the lordship comes even from the normal side. Myrtle is the first victim, she was used to creating his first Horcrux, a diary. I will show the memory later to you, or you can ask the Goblins, it will cost you five galleons though." I opened the office, again the paintings were discussing loudly. It is time to teach them a lesson.

"Shut up stupid things, you are traitors and a disgrace to Hogwarts. Who told you to aid in criminal acts? Who told you to cover his crimes? Are you spelled? Cursed? Fuck of to your other paintings for two years and learn again about the wizarding world, instead of staying here pretending to be important." The painting of an old woman tried to explain herself.

Old Lady: "We are honor-bound to aid the current headmaster lord Gryffindor, we must obey him."

Again those week excuses, honor-bound, must obey yadayadayada.

"You are honor-bound to aid in his task as a headmaster stupid bint, not to aid his crimes, you had to report him to the authorities in the fifty's, now fuck of, or your painting will hang above the dung heap of the thestrals. Remember, two whole years." The Lords and unspeakables were watching with open mouths when all the former headmasters left their paintings.

Lord Abbot whispered to Lord Greengrass: "He has quite the temper, how come he did not show it in previous years?" Lord Greengrass shrugged, answered he would ask later.

I opened the passageway to the ward-stone, again raising questioning looks from everybody, and led them down to the stone.

"Analyze the stone first, please before I take control of it." wands went over the stone, analyzing spells, revealing spells, the works. The unspeakables were the first to swear and curse, Lord Lovegood was followed by the three others.

Croaker: "Is that maniac insane? How can this school even function? Lord Potter, lay your hand on the stone and take possession of the ward-stone while we undo Dumbledore's changes. He will get another round of interrogations when we get back."

"Yes, ask him why he didn't kill his lover Gellert, or who killed his sister, Gellert or him, or why he kept dear Gellert in Nurmengard alive and well. Or why he convinced my parents to take Peter as secret keeper, as a legilimence he knew Peter was a spy for Voldy." That was enough wood on the fire for now. Cursing Croaker looked at one of his… men or woman? And told it to return and prepare him for the next round. More misery for the goat and revenge for me… Harry. I put my hand on the stone and let the others do their stuff, while I was concentrating not to get drained in the process. I was happy Missy wasn't here, anyhow, I was not interested to fondle a bunch of old dudes up. Everyone felt the changes, it was like a load was lifted, again. They witnessed me set the stone to kill any dementor trying to enter the grounds. I hated those things. Well, they agreed with me anyhow.

Back in Dumbledores… My office, I pointed at several trinkets for analyzing, while they analyzed them, I lit up like a Christmas tree, cursing they removed all tracking spells, monitoring charms, even some blood tracking trinkets, even a loyalty curse, no wonder I was following the goat, like a lost puppy.

"I suspect there are some more students with that curse, Hermione and Ron are the first that comes to mind, the teachers and nurse have it for sure, I think Hagrid got an overdose of it, he is worshiping the goat, like he was Merlin the second." All present in the office were cursing like sailors.

Croaker: "Along with the hate inducing between Gryffindor and Slytherin, the disabling of the abuse and intend wards, this could become a war zone."

"I asked for some Aurors to substitute the teachers and provide security to the school for the duration of the tournament, can I ask some of your people to? Give them an Auror identity for their anonymity. Oh, did you catch the rat and snakes?" Croaker smiled and nodded.

Croaker: "We thank you for that Lord Potter, we have that thing locked up under heavy security, the only ones allowed to see it needs to swear not following him or his movement. We caught some of his believers that way. We are in your debt."

"I like to cash in on that debt if you allow, the Lord ring of Gaunt is another Horcrux, hidden in their shack. Beware of the ring, it has a withering curse on it with a compulsion charm to put it on. I need the ring though, I claimed the Lordship by right of conquest."

Croaker: "How many did that maniac create? No wonder he was a lunatic."

"Counting me, the ring, the diary, the snake, I destroyed a locket yesterday at Gringotts and there was one in Bellatrix vault. No doubt it is destroyed right now, after dinner I will let them destroy the last one, I need to recuperate from the removal of several blocks Dumbledore put on me, and they will fix the one in my head. After that, you can kill the fuckers."

Lord Lovegood: "You have one in your head you say? Since when? Merlin! From the day your parents got killed? Merlins' saggy balls! Dumbledore knew it! He knows the analyzing spells for it, the nurse should have found it too!"

"Well, the pond needed cleaning, there is a lot of muck that needs removal. I hope there is a happy ever after in it for me, I got shafted once already." Remembering getting paddled when I was ready to shag Hermione was fresh in my memory. I need to at least get some Fleur action.

Croaker: "Thank you for the information Lord Potter, maybe one day you will explain to us how you get all this knowledge, for all the help it provided us we will not pry. We will provide people to substitute the teachers along with the Aurors. You accumulated a lot of Lordships, you know the consequences about them?" The four lords started laughing at my expense.

Lord Abbot: "The count is at eight at the moment and he still needs two Ladies."

Lord Davis: "The reason we are here is that our daughters already claimed him in the old ways."

Lord Lovegood: "But most needs to continuing the line, like my Luna, Greengrass, Bones, and Delacour, Hermione Granger is an Heir of a lost House to."

Lord Greengrass: "This means that he will be a power block on his own someday. And he still needs to claim another House."

Lord Abbot: "I feel sorry for him already." Bloody hell? I was joking material? Let us joke back.

"Maybe you can provide another Lady for me, Lord Abbot? Do you have another daughter? Maybe she wants to be Lady Potter?" Hah! Take that! Lord Abbot's smile disappeared.

Lord Abbot: "Now look here Lord Potter, you have already my youngest in your bed. Let Peggy find one of her own. Maybe Lord Davis can provide another." Yes, pass the hot potato to another.

Lord Davis: "You can't be serious Lord Abbot, Ursula is only eight years old. If I remember it right your Peggy is twenty-one or two. That is a better fit don't you think?" This is getting out of hand.

"Lord Abbot and Davis, I was joking just now. Neither will be my wives, so relax."

Lord Abbot: "Peggy is not good enough for you? I tell you Lord Potter she is as beautiful as my Hannah and has collected a lot of Newts on her final year."

Lord Davis: "My Ursula is the same, she is smart and beautiful there are only six years between you, in ten years that age gap means nothing anymore." I was looking at them both in wonder,

"There is no right response to this is there? I am certain both girls are gorgeous, smart in every way possible, but you just declared yourself that they are off-limits, I only wanted to confirm your statements. Now can we drop this before Lords Greengrass and Lovegood chokes in their laughter?" Lord Davis looked at his friend, thought things through, smiled and said,

Lord Davis: "You are mistaken Lord Potter, you already have Lady Potter, remember Astoria? You only need one for the House you have yet to claim." Lord Greengrass face changed in an instance, how could he forget that? He can not even escape from it, because Astoria has her mind, set on Harry.

Croaker: "I am certain you will find another wife Lord Potter, there are bound to be enough volunteers. Or you can take Lord Abbot or Lord Davis offers for one of their daughters." The fucker is a comedian too?

"Well, Lord Croaker, if you have one of a proper age you can always present her to me." That should shut him up. He looked at me with pity.

Croaker: "I don't think you realize the impact your name and power has in the wizarding world Lord Potter, I happen to have two girls in my family of proper age that is willing to join your family, I am sure my unspeakables are making plans to introduce their daughter, sister or niece to you." Crap I forgot the crazy wizarding parents, eager to dump their daughters to a wealthy family. The unspeakables were nodding. Am I going to end up again with a herd of females? Let us stop it now.

"Well the next title goes to House Gaunt, the previous Heir was Lord Voldemort, any volunteers?"

An unspeakable: "That is not the only title Lord Potter, there are Malfoy, Nott and Flint too, my daughter would love to be Lady Malfoy, she is Megan Jones in Hufflepuff, your year so it is appropriate. Taylor and Wright have sons that can have the Lordship if you want to, if not there are a lot of families wanting to adopt the Lordship and the seat in the wizengamot." Crap this dream is worse than the previous one.

Unspeakable two: "Same here Lord Potter, my niece Lavender Brown would love to join your family I think Lady Nott would be best."

Lord Abbot: "Wait a minute! My Peggy has the first choice, he asked me first!"

Croaker: "Lord potter took the Lordships from Taylor and Wright family too, so the sons have no rights on it anymore my grand nieces are perfect for it. Flora and Fauna need to get away from those crazy parents." Great Goat God, I am on the crazy train again, I need a bigger bed. This is spinning out of control.

"Let me think it over for a few days my Lords, this is a bit much to consume at once. It is diner time, why don't you join us at the table, by now most of the teachers are in St Mungos so there will be room at the tables I suggest removing the disguise and present yourself as ministry workers."

In the great hall, students were entering when we went for the teachers' table, most if not all teachers were missing only Karakof and Maxime were present. I went to Dumbledore's chair and asked Hoggy to replace it with another normal chair. I motioned for Croaker to give a speech, tired to do them myself.

Croaker: "Students, you may have felt it already, we have restored the ward-stone of Hogwarts. This means there will be no more tolerance for sexual abuse, spells fired with malicious intent in the halls and corridors will be severely punished.

We also removed the intent ward that made house Slytherin and Gryffindor mistrust each other and create hostilities, so whatever feeling you have against Slytherin and Gryffindor is just created by the wards. Dumbledore is fired from all his jobs and will face trials that will put him away from the rest of his life. The teachers are recovering in St Mungos, replacements will take over from tomorrow on. Enjoy your dinner." A nice speech, I could not have done it better.

Karakof: "Why are you here boy? Being a champion gives you no rights to sit here."

"Igor, if you like to be called Igor No Name the squib, then I suggest to shut up at your Lord Slytherin." Hey, the bastard has some brains, he did shut up. Madame Maxime was looking at me curiously.

Maxime: "I understand that Miss Delacour is engaged to you, Lord Potter? How did that come to be? She never mentioned you at all."

"Just Dumbledore playing God, Madam Maxime, he put a mail-block a house-elf block and a Veela block on me, so Fleur would forget the marriage contract. Anyway, I am going to beat her at the first task, I am quite good at exploding snap." That got everyone laughing.

Croaker: "Madam Bones showed me the memory Lord Potter, that is the perfect solution, it may please you to hear that Bagman is fired from his job. And the tasks for the inter-school cup will not be as deadly as they were supposed to be."

"I should hope so, letting them face nesting dragons is insane or letting a Veela face their eternal enemies the Mermen in their own village, even setting her sister as a hostage, just to get rid of both is reason to curse Dumbledore with the worse curse possible." Chocked faces on the other headmasters and unspeakables.

Croaker: "How do you know of this Lord Potter? We only got it out Bagman yesterday."

"Didn't you know Trelawney did another prophesy yesterday? The Master of dead walks the planes and stuff? Ask your nieces about it." I was eating my meal in peace while Croaker was talking to the twins and other Slytherins. He came back after ten minutes.

Croaker: "Master of dead? Walker of planes? Is that you Lord Potter?" I tilted my head in thought.

"I am not sure, this is only my second plane, and if that stranger is who I think it is, I don't want to be him." Yeah freezing my ass off in that crazy TV show or worse, the books, fighting for a fucking throne made of swords, with my luck it will be Tyrion or that fucker Joffrey I end up with.

Croaker: "It explains the rush you do things, do you know what happened when you left that plane?"

"Bastard is probably fucking eleven wives right now." The ones I collected and never get to fuck once.

Croaker: "So you lived through this already?" I sighed, I had the full attention of the head table.

"Yes, end of the second year, I got all the baddies, the Lordship I am going to collect later and Magic with Hogwarts rewarded me with aging me and the wives to fifteen, just when I got to collect my price they zapped me here."

Lord Lovegood: "So you are the Master of Dead?" I looked at him with pity.

"What Master? A Master controls his fate, I am more his puppet. I ended up with eleven wives at age thirteen, aged to age fifteen, so just old enough to do some adult stuff, and I get moved to here, again now I am fourteen, too young for the happy stuff. So am I the Master of Dead?"

Anyway, I have to go to the room of requirement for the tiara, inside I was counting, I started with seven, Fleur was eight, Peggy nine, the unspeakables added four, so I am at thirteen. Lucky number or unlucky? With my luck, I get them all and then get shipped somewhere else. Meh… let's do it Pokemon-style and catch them all.

I told the girls I needed to get ready for Gringotts, so they have to deal with their parents, I gave Hermione a memory of what happened in the headmasters' office, telling her to view it with the other girls.

On the seventh floor, I entered the room, the tiara was in the same place next to the cabinet, which I blasted of course, the tiara was placed in a bag. I asked Hoggy to pop me to Gryffindors quarters to get ready, my cloak was always on me, I learned that lesson in my third year… Harry did.

I was popped at the entrance, Skullcleaver and Skullbasher were guarding again. We are going to add some more Galleons to Harry's account.

"Greeting warriors may your young blood themselves with honor and make their trainers proud."

Skullbasher: "Greetings Basiliskslayer, there are not many chances of that happening I am afraid."

"How about a hunting party next Friday? I just became Lord of Hogwarts and there happens to be a large Acromantula colony only about two miles in the forbidden forest. I offer your young the chance to blood themselves, and the first big kill to have for their own, the rest will have to go to my vaults. The colony is fifty years old, so you can go all out. I leave the details for you to handle. Strange, I feel like I have done this before. Anyway, I have a cursed artifact that your specialists need to destroy."

Skullcleaver: "I feel it to basiliskslayer, but thank you for this opportunity. They will be singing songs about your feats for years to come." I hope that they don't invite me for that.

Inside they led me to Blooddagger.

"Blooddagger, I will make you very wealthy but you have to work for it, let us crush our enemies."

Blooddagger: "You seem to be in a good mood basiliskslayer. With what do you like to start? I suggest the will first." I lifted the bag,

"Blooddagger, this one first, another Horcrux, after this one I like the one in my head removed today if possible we can do the will when this Horcrux is being done with."

Blooddagger: "We found the cup in Bellatrix vault, the contents minus 20% is moved to the Black vaults. I already called someone to get this Horcrux, we can do the Will now

Blooddagger had everything ready and we began.

Last will of Lord and Lady Potter / Evans 27 October 1980

All previous wills are hereby forfeit.

Well if you read this, we are both dead, probably killed by Voldemort.

To set things straight, we are in hiding under a fidelius charm, our secret keeper is Peter Pettigrew, we are using Sirius Black as a decoy, under protest of my wife.

To our friends we leave:

To Sirius Black 200 000 galleons and 10 000 annually to take care of Harry as sworn Godfather. Keep him save Sirius, let Alice help if it's too much

To Alice Longbottom nee Brown 200 000 and 10 000 annually, if Sirius is not able to, as sworn Godmother, I hope Harry and Nevvy will be the best of friends

To Remus Lupin 50 000 and our cottage at the seaside, you know where to find it.

To Peter Pettigrew 50 000 and the apartment you are renting in London, Dumbledore recommended you, and we trust you too. If it is proved you betrayed us, everything is void.

To Andromeda Tonks nee Black 20 000 you are my favorite niece

To Nymphadora Tonks Harry's favorite babysitter 10 000 at the age of 17 or marriage

To Amelia Bones 10 000 we heard of the attack, take good care of Susan, I hope she can be friends with Harry

To Veronica Greengrass nee Rivers 10 000 I hope Harry and little Daphne can be friends to

At the end of the list was the goat,

To Albus Dumbledore 50 000 and 5 000 annually for the order, for casting the fidelius and keeping us safe.

Too bad, I already have him by the balls

For Harry's magical guardian we have in descending order:

Sirius Black, Godfather by ritual.

Alice Longbottom nee Brown Godmother by ritual.

Andromeda Tonks nee Black.

Veronica Greengras nee Rivers.

Amelia Bones.

If nobody above is able or willing, to take care of Harry, he can be adopted into a magical family, only if they swear a magical oath, not to belong or sympathies with Voldemort and his death eaters.

If none is found, a magical or muggle orphanage.

Harry is never ever to be placed with my sister, she hates magic, and after a few pranks from Sirius at our wedding, she and her husband hate us, and all about magic.

For the Guardian on the muggle side, we select Theodore Tonks, he is our lawyer and assigns 4 000 Annually

At the end


Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore


"Blooddagger, this Griphook was the first Goblin I met, he led me to my trust vault and never mentioned anything about the will. Look into it please, it seems he is a Dumbledore's Goblin. Send a legal copy to Croaker, Madam Bones and my Lawyer Tonks, as a matter of fact, can you summon the Tonkses now? You can give all the donations except Dumbledores and Pettigrew's.

Now how do I nail that old goat's hide to my door?

Last night my new personal elf discovered that the Potter elves were dying, Dumbledore was draining the ward-stone of the mansion, I left one, after disconnecting it from my wards as proof."

Blooddagger was again smashing his buttons, Griphook was Dumbledore's account manager, and had no right to be a witness for a Potter will especially not with Dumbledore as the cosigner.

If Griphook followed the happenings yesterday, then he would be out of the country by now.

The copies were sent out, while we waited for the Tonkses I gave a summary of the events today and counting of fiancees and wives. I showed him the Slytherin ring and told him how I summoned it in the chamber of secrets.

Blooddagger: "Lord Potter, you can claim every Lordship that you are entitled to in Gringotts. If I were you, claim the five you squibbed today, that let the others know you are not one to be fooled with."

Meh, let this harry choke in women. I claimed the five Lordships, a good thing they can be combined or I would have to use my toes.

"Blooddagger, I have yet one to claim, but it is made in a Horcrux and has a withering curse on it. If I claim that lordships ring does the curse happen when the ring gets on my finger?"

Blooddagger: "A withering curse is easily dispelled by my mother, I will call her, be glad it is not a Sunday, she charges double fees on that day." Granny came after a few minutes.

Granny: "Basiliskslayer, why do I have those urges to cane you? It is like you deserve them somehow. Now, what is the problem now? Trouble to get a girlfriend and need my advice?"

"Nah granny, maybe advice to have some less. I need to summon the Gaunt ring and it is a Horcrux, with a withering curse on it, also a compulsion to put it on your finger, so your assistance will be appreciated, for a fee of course."

Granny: "I am ready, but so you know I am not cheap, basiliskslayer." Must. Not. Comment.

"I Harry James Potter, Lord of House Gaunt hereby summon the Lord's ring. So mote it be."

After thirty seconds the ring got on my finger, I felt the Hallows connect, erasing the curse, and with a powerful blast the two last Horcruxes were dealt with, it gave me a splitting headache.

Granny: "Basiliskslayer, it seems you called me for nothing, you have the strangest luck, the fee stays the same though."

"Think nothing of it granny I'll pay happily, and I had the chance to look at you and enjoy your company." Bam, I got caned for the first time on this plane.

"And I was going to ask for advice about girls." Bam, again with the cane.

Granny: "That felt familiar Basiliskslayer. You can always come for more, just ask." Shutting up now.

"Well, here is the last one. I harry James Potter claim the Lordship of House Peverell by blood and artifacts. So mote it be." Fucking Master of Dead again. Puppet of Dead is more accurate. The glowy thing was impressive and I got a nice ring out of it.

While I was claiming the Lordship, the Tonkses were led in.

"Well met solicitor Tonks, you brought your wife along with my future fiancee?"

Tonksie: "Hey I am an Auror, no mocking me, or I will arrest you."

"Now Tonksie, it is too soon for role-playing games." I was lucky to be in Gringotts where she wasn't allowed to use a wand. Instead, I got caned by granny.

Tonks: "We read the will, we also know what you did today at the wizengamot. They will write a book about that. What can I do for you, Lord Black? I am afraid you can not have my daughter, she will decide on her own."

"Fair enough, I Harry James Potter, Lord of House Black welcome Andromeda Tonks nee Black back in House Black, with all the benefits included, meaning the dowry for marrying Theodore Tonks. So mote it be." The glowy thing happened. I think Blooddagger needs sunglasses by now. No hugs from Andromeda though, bummer.

"Are you sure Tonksie? You can be Lady Peverell, pretty impressive title for a pretty Lady." Dammed caned again.

Tonksie: "That title is dormant for centuries I probably end up poor as a church rat."

"Blooddagger, what was my combined worth when I came in?"

Blooddagger: "With the Houses of Malfoy, Nott, Flint, Taylor and Wright added about two hundred million Galleons, the properties not included, that will get over a hundred million to, give or take a million." Tonksie was imitating a fish her hair changing a color every two seconds.

"You would be a rich rat, honey."

Andromeda: "It is a good offer Nymphadora, Lady Peverell is a title that demands respect, those idiots at the ministry will grovel at your feet."

"No Mrs. Tonks we can not force her, she would be the fourteenth wife and I am not sure she would share, although she can even bring a friend in, a lady friend I mean. I have so many Lordships I lost count, so Tonksie, let us say every wife gets a million galleons in their personal vault, to do with it whatever they want with it, the parents get three hundred thousand galleons."

Tonksie: "Don't joke, Potter, you can not joke about something like that, it is cruel."

"Who is joking Tonksie? My parents loved you, so Lady Peverell is yours, you can even bring your girlfriend." The shock was showing on her face.

Tonksie: "How did you know?"

"Deduction dear, rumors about a metamorphmagus that was into boys and girls in my first and second year, and your hair give it away somehow that you are one. What is her name?"

Tonksie: "Hestia Jones, Do you really mean it? A million Galleons per wife?" Meh, why not?

"Sure Tonksie, but she has to be a wife or consort for another Lordship, Consort Peverell is already spoken for. Call her here if you want." I might as well get the whole set. Harry is going to fuck until his balls are blue.

"You can use a messengers Patronus if you are capable of doing that. Now that I think of it has someone got Moody out of his trunk? I completely forgot him."

Tonksie: "He was brought in this morning by the substitute of the Dada course. He was in bad shape, cursing Dumbledore and all the idiots for not noticing the impostor." she set the messenger Patronus after getting permission.

"Master Tonks, I want you to go over all the five death-eater family's I squibbed and see what their family status is, I don't want to put little kids on the street so you can offer the women and children a place to live but the death-eaters and the squibbed students are out on the street, no mercy for those animals, If the females are branded to they will be arrested with the rest of them, that means Narcissa to. She can come back in House Black but the two animals are out. Blooddagger can you make two copies of all these papers? One for me and one for solicitor Tonks."

Hestia came in, was she waiting at the bloody door? I looked at Tonksie questioningly.

Tonksie: "We were on a date when dad called me to Gringotts, she was waiting outside." She started to explain to Hestia the opportunity, for money, safety and prestige, both were half-bloods and didn't have it easy.

Hestia: "What are you offering Lord Potter? I am willing to go along with it, but I refuse to be passed around your friends like a whore." I smiled at the thought.

"My dear Hestia, I offer Consort Black, you will never be shared out of my family, meaning I have a lot of wives, Tonksie is included in that count, and if you want you can share with the wives. I am selfish so if you have a man in sight, say it now and the deal is off.

Like I said to Tonksie, a million on a personal account, three hundred thousand to your parents for Consort Black and your loyalty to me alone and my family."

Hestia: "I agree, darling where do a sign?" Boy life is hard for half-bloods, they are agreeing on the spot.

"We are doing the claiming the old way Hestia and Tonksie. Together with the other wives." Hey, maybe I can get some before they zap me again. Granny was grumbling about smart asses getting too many wives. Tonks and I got our copy.

"Blooddagger, I made an agreement wit Skullbasher and Skullcleaver, Friday they can come to Hogwarts to destroy an acromantula farm, to blood the young, I promised the first big kill to the young, the rest is for my Houses, if you can supervise or pay someone for it you get 5% of the profits, do you agree?"

Blooddagger: "Agree Lord Potter, I will contact the Skull brothers."

We went outside asked Hogwarts elves to get us in Slytherins' quarters, they smiled, and popped us next to the tub, filled with girls, screams, laughter and giggles all around.

Luna: "Husband, drop the clothes and join us, we wives were hoping you would. And you brought the other wives to." I spotted Peggy, Fleur, the Carrow twins, Lavender Brown, and Megan Jones, Jones?

Hestia: "Megan? Are you here too?"

Megan: "Sis? I thought you were with Tonks? Oh, she is here to, join us, this tub is big enough." Tonks was already but naked and entering the tub. She spotted me looking.

Tonksie: "Tell me, hubby, do you like shaved pussies?"

"No Tonksie, I hate shaved pussy, it is like real cats, they are pretty with fur but hideous without, so no naked pussy for me." I heard Hestia grumbling to regrow it. I shed my clothes and got in the tub.

"Girls, I made a deal with Tonksie and Hestia that includes everyone here, it turns out I am bloody rich, so every girl gets a private vault with one million galleons, to do with as they like, and the parents get three hundred thousand galleons, Greengrass, Carrow, Abbot and Jones are in luck with two daughters."

This will at least get me some. Hermione hugged me but began to blush when Little Harry said hello, Lavender thanked me for accepting her, a thing I do not remember, The Carrow twins asked that the money was transferred to their gran.

Peggy: "Strange, it is like we have done this before." Tonksie and Hestia came to the same realization.

Fleur: "I was flying through the stars with him, with almost all of you. But now I have a year of teaching to catch up, Harry mon amour sit on the side so I can demonstrate the Veela techniques I was meant to teach you."

This was the fastest I got on the side in my life, Fleur was demonstrating her skills while explaining it to the others, she swallowed the first load. Hey don't judge, go yourself in a tub filled with beautiful women and try to keep it in. Fleur explained the need for recuperation and how to get it back up, all kinds of positions, the titty fuck among others, then she let the others try it, correcting were needed, admiring Tonksie and Hestia for double teaming.

Hermione was taking notes if she was out of the tub, but in it was for practical, Boy, she is a fast learner, Susan was a pro with the titty fuck, she had the equipment for it. After five times, I had to do something back or there was nothing left in my balls, I put my magic out over the tub, and gave the girls something back, my magic went everywhere, every happy place was worked on, soon the girls had their own buzz and were riding it through.

Luna: "I Luna Pandora Lovegood Claim Harry James Potter to be my husband. He is ours."

Daphne: "I Daphne Ellen Greengrass Claim Harry James Potter to be my husband. He is ours"

One by one they claimed me, from Astoria the youngest till Peggy the oldest, the tub never stopped glowing, Hermione was last.

Hermione: "I Hermione Jean Dagworth-Granger Claim Harry James Potter to be my husband. He is ours." Well… we can not refuse this, can we? We would not survive. I accio'd my hallow wand, raised it and proclaimed.

"I Harry James Potter, Lord of several Houses accept the claims of the women made here, to be their husband and the women here to be my wives. So. Mote. It. Be."

Magic overload is the expression that comes close to what happened. We stopped glowing after ten minutes Fawkes flew in with a joyful song when we started glowing and sang until it stopped. Yep, Harry Potter and the lightbulbs.

We dried ourselves and went naked to the bed. The elves extended the bed to make room for all. I kind of expected what was going to happen, and got the Hallows under my pillow. Told Dobby to warn the centaurs that Friday the goblins would take care of the acromantulas. Tired we got under the sheets and fell asleep. Like last time it happened again. A bed filled with girls and one boy. Well. I got a fabulous blow-job session out of it.

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