
Caused by an Affair

Elysia and her Goddess sisters tried to ask about the events in Heaven Realm. Unfortunately, the Elder Sacred Tree of Shinou barely knew anything. Its knowledge was limited to the Shinou Island's circumstances.

"Elder Sacred Tree of Shinou, do you perhaps know anything about the lady in this photo?" Erina showed the old photo of her mother to the talking tree.

'This one can't recall anything just by that blurry old photo... Your aura is still a mortal, but why do you need to inquire about it? Give me more details.' Elder Sacred Tree of Shinou responded telepathically, not understanding why a mortal would raise such a question, but it would still try to help.

Erina took a deep breath before continuing. "She once fell into the mortal world twenty-eight years ago. Her name was Nozomi. Earth Mother said this lady was the angel, one of the Tennyo of Shinou. Do you know anything?"

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