
New Management

The battle in the town hall became bloodier than expected. 15 Guards were already dead, and 19 Junta members were deceased.

Felipe has ordered to chop the heads of the dead members of the Junta and throw them to the window. Funny enough, it was pretty hard to do so with a sword. But they managed. The heads of 19 traitors were thrown into the Plaza.

There were 30 members of the Venezuela Junta. They could kill 15 exactly, but four more tried to be heroes. There was no power of friendship or willpower; it all was decided by the cold blade of a bayonet.

The Imperial Flag was displayed on the outside of the town hall. Yellow, dark blue and Dark Red, but vertical. The Republic of Venezuela horizontally had the typical Colombian colours.

It was a standoff. But with Felipe inside with all the hostages looking at the headless bodies flooding the room floor with blood. Most of them were trembling, and some had already vomited. They were like small chickens that just saw their mom being slaughtered and drained of their blood.

Felipe himself beheaded 4 of them, it was hard work, so it took quite a bit as the Junta members looked at the young man with terror. Right now, they were trying not to piss themselves.

"You are a demon."

"I am waaaay worst. I am human with ambition." Felipe dignified the official with a smirk and a devilish smile. "Please bow to me, the next emperor of the Colombian Empire."

The people there understood what was happening and quickly bowed down to the person leading the guns.

"Heh, I don't know why I am asking you this. You will all be dead anyways."

Most of them moved their heads up and began to cry. They have witnessed one of the most savage images in their lives.

Felipe just smiled as he saw their faces. He just wanted to see them get desperate. They lost all their rights as humans when they sided with traitors. They are worst than slaves; they have fewer rights than animals.

"I didn't have the pleasure to kill Paez with my hands or even my pistol. I would want to do what I didn't do to Paez to you all… but this is more enjoyable. The pathetic excuse of a human trying to leave an empire." Felipe just kicked the floor and splashed warm blood on the Junta members, already trembling with fear.

"You are truly a demon."

Felipe understood they were already broken, with only one thing in their minds. A demon.

"Either way. Bring one by one to the balcony, do it until the soldiers stop shooting at the town hall." Felipe was getting annoyed at the constant sound of muskets firing at the place they were. They killed almost 1/6 of the soldiers left to secure the city of Caracas.

"Yes." Morales didn't hesitate as he brought one back on his feet from the ground. He was all covered in blood. "Open the window, mother fucker." Morales also had adrenaline in his blood.

"Please, please, wait, wait."

"Why are you not doing what I asked?" Morales has become quite cocky as he is stupidly angry at the traitors, so he aims again.

"Okey, okey…" The man said as he opened the door.

"DO NOT SHOO—" he fell as at least ten bullets shot him down.

They were still in a standoff, and constant bullets were raining on the Town Hall. All of it resembled the fall of the Colombian Palace of Justice in 1985 by the M19 terrorist organization. This time though, they were already killing everyone.

"Heh. Next one."

"No, no, no, no… wait, wait, your imperial majesty, just left us alive. It must be a reason, right?" The leader that has survived by chance quickly tries to negotiate with the madman in front of him.

"Yes, I will torture all of you until you all die. All the spies and connections that helped or aided the Venezuelan Revolution will meet you in hell." Felipe said as he smiled, rotated his musket, and used all his force to use the weapon's back part to hit the leader's face; he fainted immediately. "Aint that a bitch."

Morales, on the side, looked at what happened and suddenly felt a massive urge to do that; after all, that is how he almost died in the previous big battle.

"ANOTHER," Felipe said as he began to charge his musket.

Morales quickly went to a conscious hostage and threw him against the window.

He just cried as he put his hands up. His strategy worked somehow, and he was spared. "Please don't shoot. I am Don Jaime from the shop…." He couldn't finish as he was still crying.

"Tell me what is happening," Felipe said as he loaded his musket.

"What do I say." The man asked as he was crying. He just wanted to go back in time and never try involving himself with politics. But it was too late. Now he is about to lose his life and would everything to comply.

"Well, repeat after me," Felipe explained as he looked at the rest of the hostages.

The man looked back to see his fellow Junta members and gulped. So much blood, everything was so red, and so many headless bodies, at least for him.

He ended up passing away.

"…" Felipe rolled his eyes and pointed to other of the eight conscious hostages. "Come on; I have no time to waste. I do, but I prefer not to."

The hostage complied with the threat and slowly got to the large window.

"The members of the Junta of…. Venezuela has been captured and charged with high treason. The imperial army of the Crown Prince division met the army of Paez. In a tragic battle, only a few dozen survived… The imperial army came victorious. We don't come in peace; traitors don't deserve peace… Any soldier that opposes the Crown Prince Felipe Antonio Arboleda de Aragon Toro to exterminate all the rebels will be charged with high treason." The man said as he breathed heavily.


"Your leaders are either here with us, or their heads are in the middle of the plaza; who is going to pay you?" The man said as he was crying. "Your leaders are all dead or soon will be…." The man broke into tears once again.


The thunderous sound of a musket was heard. This time was not from behind the hostage but from above. The hostage was dead. And thus, only nine are alive, and seven are still conscious. They have seen their colleges fall like flies. Human life is valuable, yet it all went down the drain with just a few movements and seconds.

"Gentlemen, for this reason, we became a republic! Because we reject tyranny." The general of the army said as he was the one that shot the shot so he would stop talking. "Tyrants that—"


The rise of the militaristic life was destroyed as he fell dead on the ground. It was not a headshot but a chest shot. It was too centred, too in the heart. He might as well be dead, but his face was not in intense pain as his eyes tried to get out of his face.

When he shot the hostage dead, he unintentionally made all the soldiers flanking all the windows look away to see who shot. That is when Felipe could take swift action and just shoot without much effort aiming; that is why he didn't go for the head.

Such a thing shocked the soldiers that were already entirely stunned by what was happening. First, the city entered a civil war state, and then it turns out it was the rightful claimer of the land, the crown prince himself. And even though General Paez is stupidly popular with the Venezuelan people, he was defeated and killed, according to the Crown Prince.

The members of high society were either dead with their heads a few meters away from them or in a hostage position. They honestly didn't know. Now the most elevated rank between them was just killed. The other higher ranks were in the pile of heads or hostages on the second floor of the town hall.

Venezuela was currently in a temporal militaristic dictatorship, that is. After a while, things were supposed to calm down, then create elections and a republic system. Still, unlike the standard timeline, there was no peace, stability, or death.

Everyone looked at the one closest to a leadership position among themselves. The soldier quickly moved a few steps to the back and said nothing. They were all young, children of people of the city not willing to send their children to war in the name of the republic.

They all quickly looked at the pile of heads and looked at each other, no one wanted to say it, but no one could deny it. They were defeated, and whatever they choose is the difference between dying and keep living.

"The crown prince does not want to shed more blood, but if he must, he will. He thinks the only sinners are the heads of the revolution; anyone else was dragged into it. He will not persecute anyone willingly giving up his weapons and pledge their undying allegiance under the empire and god." Colombia would be the 2nd most Catholic country below Poland in the future original timeline, so religion is essential.

When Colombia was industrializing, they didn't have cameras to ensure the workers would be working and not wasting time. So they would put an image of the sacred heart of Jesus Christ everywhere, making people think that Jesus Christ would judge them if they didn't work honestly.

All in all, symbols have vast power. God is among the most powerful in an illiterate and profoundly religious country like the Colombian Empire. And if they were to judge with god in their mouth, Felipe would feel as safe as being among his men. That is how gullible they were.

Felipe is a psychopath who has taken a considerable interest in manipulation since he was born in such a high noble position. With knowledge of the future and manipulation techniques, he was a menace to society. Everything will be within his grasp; he will take it on no matter how difficult.

"If you can kill me and kill us all, you will be facing the fury of my father, the Emperor, the one that rightfully commands the Imperial Armies. You might be alive for a while but would have sealed your death completely. You now have two choices. Surrender or die because I will kill until my last breath." The man again kept crying as he said the last part out loud.


The sound of a Musket hitting the ground was heard. It was the first brick crumbling of a wall of resistance.

Seeing that, another soldier put his musket down with gentleness. And just like dominoes, everyone began to put their muskets down. Over 80 soldiers there were ready to shoot until the crown prince died. They are now disarmed and with the lowest morale possible. The heads were just too much.

The muskets hitting the ground were like rain hitting the ground. It was so much and so individualistic that it made for a great melody for Felipe to hear. But he knows it is not all over. A vast army was sent to Colombia as part of a civil war. If standard rules are to be expected, they will retreat with thousands of soldiers in their ranks when defeated. And come back to their base, Caracas.

But he couldn't care less about that at the moment. He just out crazy a small army of 80 men. He was nervous inside his mind, but on the outside, he just had a huge grin, almost like the grinch.

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