
Chapter 66- Talia – Hell Hound Volume 3

*~*Talia's POV*~*

It took a moment for my brain to comprehend what I was seeing. The beast coming toward me, and it was indeed a beast, it was monstrous. The hound, which, I thought, was going to be a dog, maybe even a slightly larger and more feral dog, stood about four times taller than me, at the very least. And it's teeth, which looked wickedly sharp, dripped with silvery rivulets of drool.

Those streams of drool were literally glowing from what little light they managed to reflect. That, or the drool just produced the light itself, which made me think of something toxic and disgusting. It was definitely odd. 

Despite this, my brain had a hard time saying the monster was ugly. In truth, this hell hound was gorgeous. There was simply no other way to describe it.

The hound's fur was sleek and smooth, dark as night, and looked immensely soft. It was a dog, but also not a dog. I knew it wasn't like any other dog I had seen before in my entire life.

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