
Chapter 10- Rika – A New Era (VOLUME 1)

*~*Rika's POV*~*

It was different, living alone. I had to cook and clean for myself and I wasn't used to that. I had burned a lot of food in the beginning. Hell, I still was burning it. And I had gotten way more deliveries than I thought I would be getting in the last week or so since I had moved in. I had heard from Andre that he thought it was funny that I was having trouble with cooking. He had figured it out when I had needed to order more food again and again.

I was good at the cleaning though, and that was a good thing. I didn't want a messy house. I was used to the clean standards of the castle after all, and there was no way that I could live in a mess. That was another reason to have my own place and not share it with someone else. I didn't want to let someone that might not have the same standard make my living space messy. Lyssa and Alexa were nice and all, but their rooms were always a mess. It wasn't the same thing as being a dirty person, but I just didn't want to chance having a dirty home.

I had gotten used to things though, and I was starting to really enjoy living on my own. And with the help of online videos and tutorials, I was starting to be able to cook more and more without making charcoal. I had actually made breakfast this morning as well, and it was really good.

Now that I was done eating though, it was time for me to head to the university. I headed out about thirty minutes before I needed to get there, thinking more along the lines of when I was coming from the castle in the mountains. Now though, I arrived way too early.

I was sitting at the fountain, our usual place that we stopped at, when the others started to arrive. Looking like they were feeling jittery and anxious, Luther and Fauna got out of the SUV that Uncle Shawn was driving them in. He waved at me with a smile, which I returned, as the others walked over toward me.

"Hey." I called out to them as they settled in around the fountain.

"Hey." They both said in response. Luther's light brown hair and green eyes made him look so normal while Fauna stood out. She had hair that was more orange than anything. It was a burnt looking orange that made you stare at it. And, like Ashle, she used to hide it when she was younger. Now, she let that hair and her purple eyes show to the world around her. She didn't care that some people didn't like it, she wanted to be herself.

"You're here early." I told them as I went back to the book that I was writing in. I had started to keep a diary of sorts since I had moved. I thought that it would help me reconnect with my wolf eventually.

"You're one to talk." Luther said as he looked around the campus. I knew that he had gone on a tour like I had last year, but he still looked worried.

"I miscalculated the time it took to get here, it was the first time coming from my new place."

"That makes sense." Fauna nodded as we saw more of the others arriving. My cousin, Elias, was riding in with the triplets Ashle, Beech and Cypress. They were the oldest children of Cedar and Acacia, some people that my mom had known for a long time. Right behind them were the twins, Ilana and Rowan, they were the oldest for my mom's best friend Juniper, and they were cousins to the triplets.

Elias looked just like my Uncle Noah, my mom's oldest brother. He had dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. He at first looked plain, but he was handsome in a sort of ethereal way. Beech and Cypress, brothers to Ashle, were similar to their sister. They had hair with vine patterns in it, but the patterns were different, and their hair was more indigo than light purple. And they had the same green eyes. Rowan had black hair and hazel eyes. All of them were physically fit, on the taller side, the men among them six feet or taller while the ladies were between five feet nine inches and five feet eleven. Ilana was one of the taller ones among them. I thought that all of my friends were gorgeous, even the guys. They just had good features, good genes was more like it.

We were all sitting together and talking when Talia came walking up with her friends. They had arrived at the same time. She was with another set of multiples, triplets named Sereia, Saylor and Storm Waters. They were another of those magical babies that were born from two men. And their dads were a merman and the only male Siren, well the only one before Saylor, he was a full Siren like his sister Sereia. Storm was a merman.

Sereia was possibly the most beautiful woman I had ever seen in my life. She was definitely a Siren through and through. She had blue hair that was cut short in a pixie cut. It was messy but still stylish. And her blue-gray eyes were perfect. Her pale complexion was flawless, and I knew that she had had many admirers in her life. Her brothers looked a lot like their dads. Saylor was like their dad Ocean, with dark nearly black hair and blue gray eyes. His hair had blue highlights in it. Storm was like their dad Makai, he had dark brown hair with red highlights and seafoam green eyes. Also, Storm had a natural tan whereas Saylor was pale like Sereia. I do believe that pale complexion was a trait of Sirens. Oh, and the three of them were about five months older than Talia, so they were also sixteen as well.

Finally, my brother and the others arrived. They were finally here and ready to join the group that I had been leading for the last twenty minutes. I thought about the way that Levi and Luka looked. I had taken a good look at them all that morning, and they were unique as well. They had silver hair and gray eyes like their dad. And their features were narrow and very boy band-like, almost a little airbrushed and feminine. They were handsome, that was true, but they didn't look real at times. Then again, neither did most of my friends.

"Finally, you're here." I called out to my brother as if he were late or something.

"We're here on time. It's not my fault if you're early." He countered with a laugh and an eye roll.

"Sure." We all laughed at the easy banter that we fell into. And for the next ten minutes we talked about our schedules for the day. We had different classes at different times, we wouldn't all be able to meet up for lunch, but we would be able to go in groups. I would be with Talia, Sereia, Melissa, Beech, and Lyssa. The others would be off in two different groups.

"Do any of us have classes together?" I asked as we looked things over. I didn't have a single class with my friends, but Talia had some with her friends Melissa and Sereia, Reagan had some with the others as well, but for the most part, we second years were on our own. We were branching out from the core classes that we needed to take, and this was when we were working hard on our own majors.

"Well, I think that this is a first." Lyssa laughed as she looked over the schedules. "We've been in almost all the same classes since preschool, and now we're going to be all alone." She laughed and tried to act like it wasn't bothering her.

"It'll be fine, Lyssa. We will still have a lot of time together. Especially with having our own places. We may not be studying the same things at the moment, but we can still help each other. And study sessions are easier with others. And now we can do that at my place or at yours."

"Yeah, that will be good. There is nothing wrong with new things. It's a new era, but we are still going to be friends." She hugged me, a little more feeling going into it than I thought she was willing to admit. I hugged her back, feeling the tension in her body. I wondered why was she feeling so nervous at the moment, why was she so tense?

I wanted to ask her, but it was time for us to start going our own ways. I had class in five minutes, even though hers wasn't for another twenty minutes. We would meet back up later when we had the chance. I really wanted to catch up with her and ask her what was the matter.

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