
The Sole Ruler of Cescil Kingdom

Sometimes, to prevent greater evil, we have to become the monsters we fear.

— Criyca


Queen Oda quickly moved her finger to her lips, indicating him to lower his voice, lest he wake the now-resting Prince Navarro.

"Speak, but in hushed tones," she commanded, her gaze never leaving the slumbering infant.

Swallowing his fear, the page nervously continued, "Our King... he's in the Healer's Keep, my Queen."

This revelation struck Oda like a wave. It was not an unusual event, as the king would often retreat there for consultations regarding state matters with the Head of the Healer's clan, Lady Severa.

However, the gnawing suspicion inside her belly amplified a hundred folds.

"Did he... been visiting regularly?" she queried, her words barely a whisper.

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