
Chapter 97 Assassination of Matthew (1)

I had no idea I'd be caught, and I couldn't help but feel humiliated for a second.

My attention was drawn to the image of a lady peering up coldly between the crevices in the books.

'But what about the real woman?'

Didn't you just state that clearly?

Isn't that a title used solely when referring to the royal or imperial families?

I gazed at the woman's face in the quiet, then opened my eyes wide.

Because he appeared to be aware of her actual identity.

'Armia's Seven Princesses.'

Emperor Grandios' lineage, the 7th princess of the Seinthea imperial family.

It was not difficult to see.

Because she would be the only woman among the emperor's children attending the academy at this time.

She was also a figure who played a significant role among the Emperor's children in the main plot.

I couldn't help but believe that was a really complex coincidence.

'No, it's more than that....'

What is the point?

They appear to have misidentified me as an assassin, but the situation has deteriorated significantly.

Do you have to use a space leap to get to the front of the window and then run away? It's impossible to avoid the chaos no matter what.

"Didn't you say you were already apprehended?" If you're going to continue concealing like that..."

She increased her magical strength when I failed to appear.

That had to be the time when I intended to use the space jump towards the first-floor window.


I sensed another indication from the window at that moment.


I intended to do something different, but the window suddenly opened and a man in a black robe entered.

The 7th Princess was surprised as well, and she shifted her eyes to the new invader.

[Lv. 53]

The guy in the robe dashed towards the 7th Princess, drawing his sword.

I gazed around at the sight, perplexed.

'Is he anything else?'

This time, are you a true assassin?

The princess performed her magic after hurriedly raising her magical abilities. Clusters of blue magic bullets were fired at the assassin.


The thunder of missing magic bullets shattered the library's walls.

The assassin reached the princess in an instant after narrowly avoiding the strike.

The princess spread her shield, but it was instantly broken by the assassin's sword blow. Her body jerked back in horror.


It was just as the assassin's sword was going to fall on the princess's neck.

I opened a floating curtain to prevent the attack after teleporting between the two.

The assassin's mask's eyes widened wide. He drew back his blade and took a step back, surprised.

I straightened up the blood talent and spit out the blood after removing the veil. He was unable to flee and killed quickly.


He moved his head rearward after glancing at the assassin who had fallen on the floor.

The princess on the floor was perplexed as she looked up at me.

After establishing brief eye contact with her, I averted my sight and headed towards the window. Because I could feel people congregating around the library.

"Wait a second."


I heard the princess's words but disregarded it as I dashed outdoors.


People hurried into the library when the door opened.

The guards and other workers had arrived to investigate the noise.

"What exactly is this?"

They were taken aback when they discovered the 7th Princess Armia and the dead assassin seated on the floor.

Armia gazed at them before shifting her attention.

On the second story, there is a mystery figure hiding.

Understandably, he mistook himself for an assassin, but he saved his own life by stopping another assassin from coming out of nowhere.

Suddenly, as if it had sprung out of nowhere, it melted and vanished.


"I don't speak English."

Who in the world was that?

She gazed at the spot where the guy had vanished, puzzled.

The only light streaming in through the open windows was the moonlight.


I made it out of the academy safely and returned to the inn.

'Anything does happen.'

It's not enough to meet the 7th Princess out of nowhere, and you'll even watch the attack scenario. That had to be strange.

That was more of a reflex action to save her.

I was just witnessing as it was ready to be assassinated by an assassin right in front of my eyes.

And, because the 7th Princess was a figure close to an ally in the main plot, nothing she accomplished was in vain.

Well, the tasks were finished, so I made plans to leave town right away.

Even if the day is sunny and you leave, there will be no problem, but there must have already been a ruckus within the school, so it was only because it felt uncomfortable.

I swiftly exited the city with Ashel and returned to the location where I had left Tillong.

The person crouching in the midst of the forest noticed me and approached me with a cheerful face.

"Let's take a break and get out of here as soon as possible."


I closed my eyes for a few minutes till sunrise and then decided to depart right away.

I leaned against T-torso, yong's half-lying down, and closed my eyes.

It was a beautiful day, and we were on our way to our next location.

The Flaberos tomb is located near the city of Gadret, which is our next stop.

Regrettably, it had all been for naught, but the mystery hunt was finished, and it was now time to solve the assassination of the overlord entrusted to him.

'How should I approach him?'

Flaveros' mage, Ankh Gainera.

He was level 90 a few years later, so it would be the same or lower as he is now. I assumed it was the same.

To be honest, killing it wasn't a tough challenge to solve.

I had Ashel in my power at level 90, despite the fact that he was a wizard who might be finicky about his shield.

It would be no problem for Ashel to join the combat now that she has reached level 90.

So, merely murdering does not suggest being a jerk, but rather killing without making a fuss. That was the challenging part.

'There are still no plans at all.'

This is because the overlord's report also included an estimated life pattern for the master mato.

Of course, killing the man within the tower was impossible.

So I was preparing to monitor the moment when the tower's master emerged from the tower. It's much better if you leave town.

As a result, he'd have to call an informant who claimed to be infiltrating the horse tower over there.

Because there was only one means to get real-time Master Ma Thap location information.

'The only question is how long it will take.'

It may take some time because no one knows when he will emerge from the tower.

The challenge of selecting a successor became more difficult if the task was postponed further, therefore I planned to complete it as soon as feasible.

Gadret was a city west of Seinthea, therefore it was fairly far away from here.

We were almost at our objective after travelling nonstop for such a long period.

'I see you over there.'

I turned to gaze towards Gadret, which had began to materialise in the distance.

Flaberos Tower was so massive that it could be seen from miles, right in the centre of the city.

It was time to slow down his flight speed this time since he needed to leave the thief close and enter the city.


A distant presence perceived. That is the basis of the battle.


What's the big deal in the middle of the night?

I could ignore it, but I couldn't help but wonder.

I raised my super senses in the direction of Tiyong.


Beautiful lights that shine through the gloomy woodland.

A lady and her pursuers are walking over a wooded road.

The woman's body was strewn with spears. Half of the blood on her clothes belonged to the pursuers she had slain, while the other half belonged to her.


The woman, who leaned on her side, dodged the lightning strike from behind her. The earth burst as a result of the shock wave, and trees fell around it.

Even if she fainted immediately away, she was still rushing away, narrowly dodging the merciless spell.

The woman took a deep breath and returned her gaze to the relentless pursuers.

Serun is the name of the lady.

He was a Calderic informant who had been infiltrating as a spy in the tower of Flaberos in Seintea for a long time on the orders of the overlord.

She is being pursued since she recently uncovered knowledge about the demon research that the master of magic was covertly undertaking.

There was one blunder.

He misjudged Matapju, Ankh Gainera, and his closest allies.

They were more efficient and careful than expected. So there was no doubt in the end.

Despite the fact that he was confident that he had won their confidence over the years by serving them as dedicated assistants.

Finally, a very tiny pod was captured, his identity was exposed, and he was thrust into this dilemma.

Serun, on the other hand, isn't giving up.

It wasn't too late to notice since she, too, was a worn-out, seasoned informant.

The master mate has not yet intervened. It wasn't impossible to flee if only the pursuers chasing them could figure it out.

'Three, five, and nine....'

Does the total number of heads not add up?

She took a deep breath and prepared for battle after reconfirming the number of pursuers pursuing her.

It was hard to get rid of them altogether by fleeing. I had to get rid of it fully even among a throng.


The new Serun model, who abruptly moved in a direction, was fired like an island battle against the nearest pursuer.

One person's neck was blown off because they were unable to respond to the surprise. The other pursuers were taken aback and prepared their spells.


Serun drained magical energy from her strained body. He succeeded in decapitating two more pursuers after passing past the focused fire. Six people remain.

Magic was unfolding in her hands as she dodged the flame cannons thrown from the side. The concentrated magic force was discharged in the shape of a solid line, piercing the shield and killing another pursuer.

'Just a little bit more!'

The pursuers who had been left behind by their comrades who had perished in the blink of an eye were unable to maintain their position.

Serun had not missed the gap and was prepared to burn all of his remaining endurance and magical ability to raise the number of wins.


Suddenly, the weight on her body pushed her to her knees, causing her to gasp in pain.

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