
Trick 161: Getting Death Threats from your wife!

The next afternoon

Ace was eating with the kids as Sharon came back, wiping her lip, rubbing the blood between her fingers.

Ace looked at her and frowned, looking at her cut lip before clenching his fist and turning back to the kids, asking softly "Are you okay?" Sharon paused and replied quietly "Mhm…"

Ace nodded and ate in silence, Jack and Margaret looked at Ace and Sharon silently as they ate. Sharon sat at the table and Ace tapped his finger on the glass, a plate of food appearing in front of her.

She smiled slightly and started eating in silence.

Jack and Margaret looked back and forth at the two before looking at each other…

Jack heard Margaret's voice in his head, "What's wrong with them?" Jack shoved a spoonful of food into his mouth, replying without speaking "Didn't you hear them fight yesterday? Dad's mad that Mom trained us to kill people."

Apparently, he wasn't too bothered.

Margaret ate in silence, replying "Well. Dad doesn't kill people, he's probably mad." Jack retorted, "That's not really my problem." Margaret glared at him and said angrily "Do you want Dad to leave again!?"

Jack paused his fork and replied slowly "No…" Margaret snorted and said "Then shut up! 'ThAt's nOt rEaLlY My PrObLeM' what an idiot." Jack gave her a dirty look, kicking her under the table as she said "Ow!"

Before glaring at him, "You're such a dick!" Jack chuckled and replied "I know you are but what am I?" Margaret ignored him and stopped talking.

Ace looked at the two and smiled gently, not knowing anything of the incident as he said "Why don't you two go clean yourselves up and go to bed." Jack complained "It's only 6!" Ace stared at him and he swallowed, "Okay…"

Margaret smiled happily and said "Okay, daddy." before walking away, glaring at Jack, saying "Let's go, Jackass!" Jack glared at her, retorting angrily "I told you not to call me that, Pinhead!" Margaret snorted and trotted off with her chin up as Jack followed her.

They left the room and Ace continued eating. Sharon looked at him and cleared her throat asking "Do anything today?" Ace's plate turned to cereal as he said dryly "No." Sharon sucked in a breath and pressed her lips together, nodding silently.

She returned to eating for a few seconds, poking at her plate before slamming her fist on the table, saying "Ace, I can't do this anymore. Please don't be like this. I love you but if you want to leave, just leave. Sitting here and being dry is really giving me problems."

Ace looked up and crunched his cereal as she looked at him in silence. He swallowed and asked "You want me to leave?" She let out a frustrated breath, saying "No! Of course not! But you're not happy, obviously! What do you want me to do?!" Ace slowly put another spoonful in his mouth as he stared at her.

She closed her eyes and swallowed, pressing her lips together as she muttered, "Don't. I'm not apologizing again. If once wasn't enough, any more won't work either… I cried about you every night. I didn't see anyone else, I didn't think of anything else, I only had you on my mind every day."

Ace said "I was dead for 50 years by the way." She wiped her eyes and looked at him as he pointed his spoon at her, his forearm laid out on the table in front of his cereal bowl along with his elbow, leaning on the table and continuing "50 years. I did a lot in those 50 years. I met a lot of people. One of them being Aunt Peggy."

Sharon looked at him saying "And?" Ace smacked his lips, saying "She's doing well for herself. Running shop in my Realm while I'm gone. I became a Death God by the way, thanks for asking. Aunt Peggy was pretty happy hearing that you had kids. I also met a different Universe version of Peggy, she was Captain Carter, Super Soldier Serum and all."

Sharon asked, "Is there a point?" Ace shrugged and said "Not really. She doesn't know that you're the king of Madripoor, selling Super Soldier Serum to other criminals and wastes of society." Sharon fell silent and Ace tossed the packets to her, they bounced on the table, rolling right in front of Sharon.

She looked at them and asked "This is…?" Ace turned back to his cereal and said plainly "In the kids' bodies. Very powerful poison. Karli Morgenthau sends her regards." Sharon froze and her pupils shrank to pins as she grabbed the packets, clenching her fists and twisting the fork out of shape.

She smashed the table and Ace held his bowl, continuing to eat as she stood up, walking away while pulling out her phone. Ace scooped up cereal saying "Going to do Power Broker things?" Sharon paused at the door before saying "No." Ace turned his head while chewing, looking at Sharon's back as she ripped the door off its hinges, adding "She'll deal with Sharon Carter, not the Power Broker."

Ace nodded "Your soul is already nearly black, who cares about a little more, right?" Sharon suddenly turned her head and locked eyes with Ace as she said "If you don't care about your children, then get the fuck out of this building. If you try to stop me from ending her miserable life, I will kill you too." her eyes were fierce and deadly, full of icy coldness as she looked at him.

He licked the milk from the corner of his mouth, looking at her indifferently for a moment before asking "Who am I talking to?" Sharon paused for a moment before answering "Your wife and the mother of your children." as she walked out the door, leaving Ace alone in the room, staring at her figure disappearing.

He exhaled from his nose and turned back to the cereal as everything in the room fixed itself. He looked at the cereal in silence before slapping it across the room and rubbing his face, sighing deeply.

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