
One by One

"What's happening?"

"Did that girl just use all their abilities at once?!"

"Oh my ancestral god… Look!"

As another spectator shouted, they were further shocked when the other four manifested Lux and the others abilities one by one.

It was unimaginable that such a thing was possible.

No… It should be taboo for something like that to be real!

Then a lot of those present started discussing with their friends about what measures they should take about the Mirror Clan in the future.

Some of them were prepared to not interact with them at all in the future. Others said it was best to keep tabs on such a powerful and weird faction.

But a single thing was true, Lia just made everyone respect her lineage.

She humbled them and showed everyone that her Mirror Clan wasn't hiding, they were just slowly moving forward and were ready to show themselves to the world once again.

Next chapter