
The Kronos Chronicles (BL)

Ongoing · 171.5K Views
  • 73 Chs
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Persie lived a life of luxury among the gods on Mount Olympus until Venus grew envious of his rumored relationship with Poseidon. The three sons of Lord Titan Kronos—Hades, Poseidon, and Zeus—had vanished without a trace. Many believed that their father, Kronos, was subjecting them to his customary trials and tribulations. However, Venus cunningly framed Persie, resulting in Kronos punishing him. As his sentence, Persie was tasked with traversing various worlds to save lost souls in order to earn forgiveness. Despite encountering countless challenges, Persie remained resolute in fulfilling his mission. Little did he expect to encounter love for the first time, especially with a man who stood as his complete opposite. Persie found himself drawn to the power and control wielded by Hades, the god of the underworld and ruler of the dead. This attraction stemmed from Persie's lifetime of adhering to societal expectations. He embarked on a journey of new experiences, bringing light into Hades's dark realm. How would Persie react upon discovering that he had fallen in love with the very being who governed and dictated the laws of the underworld? Will their love transcend the boundaries of life and death? Volume 1: Hades & Persie Volume 2: Zeus &... Volume 3: Poseidon &... New chapter every day. 3 extra chapters the very next day, for every super gift.

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Chapter 11.1 The trial

The doors of the hall of justice opened, and Persie strode in, his head held high. Unlike usual, he was met with cold and contemptuous gazes from the others in the room. He never thought he would set foot in the hall of justice, let alone as a defendant.

Taking a moment to look around, Persie saw that the hall was grand and impressive, conveying the power and authority the Lord Titan and the Titans held on Mount Olympus.

It was adorned with marble columns and intricate frescoes, depicting scenes from gods who had successfully passed their trials and tribulations.

The ceiling was decorated with ornate patterns and carvings and featured a skylight that let in natural light.

In the center of the room was a raised platform where the thirteen titans would sit, decorated with rich fabrics and a canopy overhead.

On one side of the room was a gallery for spectators to watch the proceedings, accessible by a grand staircase.

On the other side of the room was a space for the prosecution and defense to make their arguments, marked off by a railing.

There was a raised platform for each side to make their arguments. Persie sneered at the defense's platform. It was unlikely he would get to stand on it.

His trial was supposed to take place the next day, but two messengers had come to his palace and told him the Titans were convening and that they would make their judgment today.

Not only was he accused of a crime he never committed by a jealous friend, but he couldn't even plead his case.

Taking his seat, Persie glanced at the gallery and met Adonis' eyes. He stared at Persie, memorizing every single aspect of him, in case he wouldn't see him again.

Adonis gazed at his Auburn red hair, which fell in gentle waves around his face. Persie's delicate skin had a translucent quality, with a rosy glow that enhanced his natural beauty.

He was blessed with sparkling green eyes. They were almond-shaped and framed by long lashes.

Persie had a well-defined jawline, high cheekbones, and a petite nose. His lips were full and plump, with a natural blush that highlighted their shape.

As always he exuded confidence and elegance. Even as he was walking to his sentence, his movements were fluid and graceful, with a natural flow that drew everyone's attention, no matter what they believed of him.

Adonis held his gaze and looked deeply into his eyes, his lips curving gently and his corners turning up slightly. Persie felt a rush of warmth to his cheeks.

Since Hermes' death, everyone hated him, but Adonis still smiled at him the same way he did before, even in front of the entire Mount Olympus.

Persie looked away, not wanting everyone to hate Adonis when he was about to be sent to his death.

Ever since he entered the hall of justice, Persie tried not to look at Venus, but couldn't retain himself anymore.

Venus held his gaze with a raised eyebrow, and Persie heard in his head, "Are you finally going to tell me where Poseidon is, or should I let Lord Titan punish you?"

Persie sighed. "You were one of my closest friends. How can you believe chatter over me? I have no idea where Kronos sent his children, and Poseidon and I have never been together. I know how much you care for him; I would never betray you."

Venus' eyes darkened. Even now, Persie persisted in lying to him. Very well, then he'd let him take the fall for Hermes' death. "Then you will perish, dear friend."

Persie smiled at him gently. "I will perish with Poseidon's location."

Hearing that, Venus stood up and was about to yell at him when the Titans came out, and everyone stood up respectfully.

The Titans took their seats, and the entire hall followed suit. Persie gazed at Lord Titan, who sat in the middle and swallowed nervously.

Kronos had a tall, imposing figure with a muscular build and broad shoulders. He towered over the other gods and Titans, wearing regal robes and carrying a scepter, the symbol of his power.

He had a fierce and stern countenance, with a thick beard and piercing eyes that exuded an air of authority and strength.

Unable to hold his gaze any longer, Persie looked down.

Kronos declared, "For the slaughter of Hermes the messenger, Persie will go through trials and tribulations. If he succeeds, his offense will be forgiven. But if he fails, he will perish."

Suppressing his emotions, Persie forced himself to remain composed. He would succeed and return to his mother, Adonis, and his meadow.

Closing his eyes, Persie imagined the gentle breeze there, rustling through the tall grass, creating a soft whispering sound that carried the fragrance of wildflowers.

The sunlight streamed down from above, casting a warm glow on everything it touched. Daisies and buttercups dotted the landscape, their delicate petals swaying in the breeze.

The air was filled with the sweet scent of honeysuckle, and the buzzing of bees added a soothing hum to the peaceful scene.

As he took a deep breath, Persie felt as though he was back there in that peaceful and contented moment.

He opened his eyes and looked at Lord Titan. "When do I start?"

Venus frowned as he noticed Persie's unwavering confidence and determination. Persie's steady gaze appeared to see through any distractions and obstacles that would stand in his way, radiating a sense of purpose and conviction.

It was as if he was daring anyone, including Lord Titan, to stand in his way. As though Percie would press forward toward his goal, with relentless determination.

As Venus scanned the hall, he could sense that everyone else was understanding the same. He knew Persie better than anyone else. Even if Persie was innocent, he was stubborn and never backed down from a challenge.

Persie loved his mother more than anything and would do anything to see her again. Venus looked over at Lord Titan.

His mouth was turned up at the corners and his eyes were crinkled. Everyone could feel his playful enjoyment.

Kronos' eyebrows were also lifted slightly, showing his curiosity. When a soft chuckle escaped his lips, everyone fell silent.

Kronos spoke again in a steady and measured cadence: "Now. Iris will explain everything once you're there."

Kronos waved his hand, and Persie faded away. As he vanished, he cast one last glance at Adonis, who smiled at him once again.

Persie appeared in a mysterious location in space that defied all known laws of physics. He stood on a massive, circular platform that hovered in the void, unsupported by any means.

The platform was made of an unknown metallic material that reflected the light of nearby stars, giving it an otherworldly appearance.

The platform was surrounded by thousands of floating doors that varied in size, shape, and color. Some emitted a soft glow or a faint humming sound.

Some doors were plain and unadorned, while others were ornately decorated with intricate patterns and symbols.

Persie felt a weightlessness that defied all logic. The platform seemed to be suspended in a kind of gravitational limbo, neither pulling him down nor propelling him upwards.

"What is this place?" Persie wondered.

A soft voice replied, "It's Dawn, the doorway to the many realms, worlds, realities, and universes."

Persie turned around and saw a floating Maltese dog. The dog was small and dainty with a round, fluffy head and big dark eyes, that sparkled with mischief and intelligence.

Her nose was small and black, and her ears were long and silky, framing her face in a delicate, almost angelic way. Her fur was pure white and looked silky to the touch, with long strands that flowed.

Persie asked, "Are you Iris?"

Iris nodded, "I am, master. I will be by your side for the entirety of your trials and tribulations or TT. I'm here to help you succeed."

Persie felt relieved knowing he would have someone by his side for help.

He said, "Lord Titan said you would explain my TT."

Iris explained, "You'll use the doorways around you to help mortals who were unable to continue on their journey to reincarnation, after dying."

Surprised, Persie looked at Iris and asked, "That's all I need to do? Make the mortal's dying wishes come true?"

Iris nodded, "Yes. But even after the mortal moves on, you'll have to stay until the body's natural death."

Persie looked around and thought that this was a simple mission. It might take time, but it didn't seem like the type of mission Lord Titan would give.

Currently, his three sons were on a TT and he was sure they were suffering greatly. Kronos showed no difference between his children and the other gods on Mount Olympus, which made the whole thing even more infuriating.

Venus believed he was in contact with Poseidon when he and his two other brothers vanished.

Apparently, the underworld was being run by someone else, as were the seas. Persie couldn't understand how Venus could not realize, like everyone else, that this was Kronos' doing.

Furthermore, even before Poseidon vanished, Persie had never had any contact with him. But someone had spread false tales, and now everyone believed they were together.

It was ridiculous. He only cared about living in peace and didn't need or want a partner, unless it was Adonis.

When Persie felt a system bind to him, he closed his eyes.

Iris said, "This is Aurora. With the help of this system, you'll be able to efficiently help the mortals with any of their wishes."

Surprised at how thorough Aurora was, Persie asked, "Why do I need a system?"

"You'll travel to a multitude of different worlds with different rules, and the mortals you'll take over are the most unfortunate. Their end can only be prevented if you destroy the people who caused their souls to be stuck," Iris answered.

Persie finally understood. "Essentially, I'm getting revenge for them."

Iris nodded. "You'll have to do things you are not used to. With the system and me, it will still be hard, but not impossible. No one can know you're not the original soul. You must act as the mortal would."

Persie took a breath and nodded. He could do it. He wasn't used to manipulating, cheating, and killing, but he would become.

Persie would do whatever he had to do, to go back home and destroy Venus. He had only said he knew Poseidon's location, to anger him.

Persie would make him pay for this. He would also finally be honest and tell Adonis how he felt.

"Do you have any more questions before we start?" Iris asked.

"Can you make sure I hear my name any time the mortal's name is being called?" Persie inquired.

"I can, don't worry," Iris reassured.

Persie nodded and looked around. He saw a green door and decided to open it. As soon as he thought about it, it moved toward him.

Persie opened the door when it reached him. He passed through the threshold and disappeared

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Table of Contents
Volume 1 :Persie & Hades