
Hi, Mr. Siefert

But there was no one to answer my question, because I had also been brought to a new place. It was a dimly lot room, with a single bed, and a table. There was not even a chair. I couldn't help but rub my forehead, when I woke up. I had a fking headache, just the thing I wanted. But with the headache, also came some new memories. It was like those memories were something I had already. It was just that those memories had just resurfaced now.

And that was.... completely useless. Because this new world was same as my world. There wasn't something new like a green monster, or a thunder god, or a god of mischief in green.

There was a possibility that I was in the world before the entry of heroes in marvel world, but nope. There was no Captain America here. And this was 20th century, so yeah, if no Captain America, that means not a marvel world. And there were also no signs of DC universe.

The reason I could be with Michael was simply because of some dumb luck. I was just a University student when I was transmigrated here. And it was at the same University, Michael Bryce, aka Ryan Reynolds was in. And yeah, my course was related to bodyguarding.

It is weird that there are such degrees too. But they do exist alright. Then I saved Michael one day from bullying. Even though it was a university which taught Bodyguarding, there are always bullies at an educational place.

From then on, he has been with me. I had also met his last girlfriend. I don't quite remember her name, but she was the one in the movie. The one he was sleeping with, when the movie started, the agent. She was an Amelia something.

I also had checked the system a bit, when I had first woken up in this world. It was something called Movie System. Yep, just that, nothing new. Nothing catchy. I tried calling out the system's AI. It should have one, but it didn't have one. Or so I thought. When I thought about what the system is about, I saw a string of letters on the blue screen that was only visible to me.

It was something like the introduction for the system. It said that the system had been created from the dawn of time. But I had no idea, how it was known at the dawn of time, that there would be something called Movie in the future.

So the system had something called points. It would help me in buying things from the system mall, which would have items as per the world I was in. According to the system, it was Nature's way of balancing the world.

For example, I won't be able to get iron man suit, or make one in this world. Nor would I get Kryptonian bloodline in this world, because it was kind of weird if you think so. Making an ordinary action movie world into a sci-fi action one, is something that is a bit out of ordinary. And the system also said that the mall would be updated with the world I go in. For example, if I were to be in a world of supernaturals, there is a chance that I would get Kryptonian bloodline in the system mall. Like those worlds of Marvel, dc or even the Boys Universe.

So there was still hope that I would get a Kryptonian bloodline. That bloodline is probably the dream goal of every traverser, because it was the goal for me. I also had a doubt, what if I bought the bloodline, would I continue to have it in the next world, if say it were something ordinary. But the system didn't solve my doubt at all.

Anyways back to the present...

Michael just smiles grimly and says, "It does save time, so... " I decided to control myself, or I would really punch him in the face. Sometimes Michael was too much.

Soon we reached the place where our next client was. It was a building, a good one at that. We parked our car, obviously not at the parking lot, since it would be quite eye catching when there is an ordinary car beside many famous and costly cars.

We took the elevator and went up, to our client's office. There were some bugs that we had to clean, and I did that pretty well, and so did Michael.

When we reached our client's office, it was completely like the office was ransacked. I heard muttering from under the table. I nudged Michael and pointed under the table. There was a person under the table, rummaging through the papers laid on the floor while muttering continuously. I cleared my throat to catch his attention, and funny enough, it did.

Our client was frightened when he saw two pair of feet before him. He slowly raised up, bringing his face from under the table. He was relieved when he saw us. "Hi, Mr.Siefert. ", greeted Michael. Mr. Siefert was panicked as he was. He asked, "I have been waiting for you guys. Where have you been?" I simply replied, "We were doing preparations for your safety. Why? You don't want us to?" Siefert was quiet for some time.

When Michael asked him to follow us, he did. That's when Siefert began telling us about how dangerous were the people after him were.

I couldn't help but snort in annoyance when I heard the tone in which he talked.

We soon reached the parking lot. We stopped in front of a Rolls Royce, or more specifically Michael did at first, so we stopped.

Michael looked at Siefert and asked, "Is this your car?" Siefert nodded with a proud smile and said, "Beauty, isn't it?" Mike nodded and said, "You should better keep it in mind, because your won't be able to be in it for some time. " I couldn't help but snicker. I knew the fate of this car, but still, I decided to keep my mouth shut, just for enjoyment.

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