
The Unfortunate Warning

When Shizu and I arrived at our lodgings, the three adventurers greeted us excitedly, wanting to hear about where we were.

They seemed genuinely interested in our excursion, so we obliged and informed them that we had taken a leisurely stroll up a nearby hill and had the opportunity to engage in an intimate discussion with Rimuru. Understanding nods were given to each other, and everything appeared to be normal for a brief moment.

However, as I looked at the three of them, I couldn't help but notice a strange expression in their eyes. It sent shivers down my spine and filled me with an unnerving sensation of uneasiness.

I couldn't ignore it any longer, so I mustered the courage to inquire, "Why are you three staring at us like that?" My voice trembled with curiosity and anxiety.

To my surprise, instead of answering my question, they suddenly swarmed around me, enveloping me in an unexpected group hug. The suddenness of it all made it difficult to breathe, and I found myself struggling to comprehend their strange behavior.

"Ah, Klee," Kaval playfully teased, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "You and Shizu share such a strong sisterly bond. It's truly heartwarming."

Gido chimed in, pointing out my role as Shizu's younger sibling. "Indeed, the way you act as Shizu's little sister is absolutely precious, Klee."

Eren couldn't contain her excitement, exclaiming, "Oh my gosh! Klee being Shizu's little sister is just too adorable!" She squeezed her cheeks against mine, further intensifying the bizarre situation.

Their constant harassing got on my nerves, and I eventually snapped, shouting, "Enough! Quit it, dammit!"

My pleadings, however, fell on deaf ears. They continued to cling to me, uttering odd remarks and utterly disregarding my displeasure. I turned to Shizu in desperation, hoping for her assistance. To my surprise, she giggled softly, finding enjoyment in my predicament.

As I watched Shizu's reaction, I felt an overwhelming sense of helplessness rush over me. Tears welled up in my eyes as the three finally released me and apologized profusely for their lack of consideration.

Shizu, sensing my distress, enveloped me in a loving, comforting hug, calming my disoriented emotions.

Just as I believed the ordeal was over, a voice broke the silence, begging Shizu and me for a hug. I turned my attention to the source of the sound, only to discover the three fools waiting for another embrace.

Given the misery they had caused me, refusing their request seemed like an appropriate punishment. They stared down, disheartened and humiliated, their displeasure evident.

However, amidst their despondence, a pang of sympathy tugged at my heart. Reluctantly, I extended my arms and said, "Alright, come here and hug us, you three."

At the sound of my words, their eyes lit up with joy, and they rushed towards Shizu and me. In that moment, the five of us embraced one another, creating a sense of profound unity.

The warmth and wholesomeness that enveloped us made me realize that despite their foolishness, they were part of our tight-knit group, and their presence brought a unique kind of comfort and belonging.


As our embrace came to an end, we collectively decided to call it a day. With grateful hearts, we made our way to the comfortable beds provided by Rimuru, ready to surrender ourselves to a peaceful slumber.

As I closed my eyes, darkness enveloped my vision, only to quickly give way to a mesmerizing display of colors. Gradually, the vibrant hues materialized into a vivid landscape, as if being rendered like a level in a video game.

Recognizing the familiar dazzling trees and vibrant scenery, I realized with certainty that I had entered Wonderland. Alicia, the summoner, must have called upon me for a significant purpose.

Eager to embark on this enchanting journey, I sprang to my feet and ventured towards the magical forest. While traversing the path, a delightful sight awaited me in the distance—a small creature, fluffy and round, with adorable rabbit-like ears. It was Spark, who had been eagerly anticipating my arrival.

As Spark noticed my approach, he joyfully exclaimed, "Ah, welcome back, Klee!" The sound of his voice brought an instant smile to my face, and I responded with equal delight, "Nice to see you again, Spark." The reunion filled us both with a profound sense of joy and warmth.

As his curiosity grew, Spark began to wonder about my well-being. "So, how are you, Klee? Are you doing well?" he inquired, evidently interested in my current situation.

With enthusiasm, I nodded and replied, "I'm fine. Thank you for asking."

Spark's eyes lit up, and he gestured for me to follow him. "Good, now come along. The queen is waiting for us." I willingly complied, and together we set off towards the Dodoco kingdom, venturing deeper into this magical realm.

We completed a short journey and reached our destination, where the lively atmosphere of the kingdom's entrance greeted us. The Dodoco inhabitants exuded cheerfulness and energy as they warmly welcomed both Spark and me.

Navigating through the bustling crowd, Spark led me to the queen's castle. However, instead of heading straight to the throne room, he guided me to a serene garden.

There, amidst the fragrant blooms, Alicia awaited my arrival, her anticipation palpable as she stood beneath the gazebo.

Her relief was evident when our eyes met, finally reuniting after what felt like an eternity.


Approaching the elegant elf lady, her warm smile greeted me as she uttered, "Nice to see you again, Klee." Her hospitable nature was evident as she had prepared tea and dessert in advance.

Returning her greeting, I replied, "Nice to see you too, Miss Alicia," appreciating her thoughtfulness. She motioned for me to take a seat on the opposite side of the table, a gesture I readily accepted.

Settling into my chair, Alicia gracefully poured juice into my cup, her curiosity shining through as she inquired, "So, how was your journey, Klee? Did you achieve what you set out to do?" Eager to hear about my recent experiences.

Accepting the cup of juice from her, I began recounting every detail, captivated by her attentive presence.

From the moment I awoke from my first dream in Wonderland, I delved into the tale, recounting the unjust accusation of witchcraft and my subsequent expulsion from the Blumund kingdom.

Alicia sighed sympathetically, sipping her own drink. "I can imagine how dreadful that must have been, Klee," she empathized, her voice laced with understanding.

Frustration mixed with each sip of juice, and I vented, "It's just infuriating to be labeled a witch for no valid reason!"

"Take a deep breath, Klee. There's no need to let it consume you," Alicia gently advised, offering me a plate of delectable desserts.

Grateful for the distraction, I indulged in a bite, continuing, "It's just disheartening not knowing who the Crimson Witch really is."

*Cough* *Cough*

As I described the Crimson Witch in detail, Alicia's near-choking on her drink both concerned and intrigued me, stirring a mix of worry and skepticism.

"M-Miss Alicia, do you have any knowledge about the Crimson Witch?" I inquired cautiously, eager to uncover any information she might possess.

Furrowing her brows and meeting my gaze, Alicia replied solemnly, "No, I have absolutely no idea who this Crimson Witch could be."

Caught off guard by her serious tone, I hastily responded, "I understand. Please forget I asked."

Setting aside my query, I resumed sharing my story, narrating the events that unfolded during my journey through the mystical Jura Forest—my startling revelation about Shizu's true identity as a person from my world and my encounter with the extraordinary talking slime.

As Alicia listened intently to my narrative, her eyes widened for a fleeting moment before furrowing with concern. It was at this point that she imparted something that shook me to the core, her words leaving an indelible mark on my thoughts.

"Klee, I believe it's best if you keep your distance from Shizu from now on."

Alicia's words hit me with such force that I had to pause and replay them in my mind, double-checking that I hadn't misinterpreted her. Once the gravity of her statement sank in, my brow furrowed in confusion, and I asked, "Why would you suggest such a thing, Miss Alicia?"

Sipping her drink calmly, Alicia responded in a nonchalant tone, "Shizu, the person you mentioned earlier, harbors a dark secret."

Fear and concern gripped my heart upon hearing this revelation, prompting me to inquire anxiously, "What dark secret are you referring to?"

With a solemn tone, Alicia explained, "Shizu is host to a malevolent spirit known as Ifrit, which is on the brink of manifesting itself and taking control over her."

It felt as though icy fingers traced down my spine as I absorbed this information. The possibility seemed inconceivable, and I desperately clung to the hope that it couldn't be true. The very thought of it shattered my perception of Shizu, a prospect I dreaded.

After a moment of contemplation, I directed a piercing glare at Alicia and demanded, "Why didn't you inform me of this sooner?"

Puzzled, I wondered why the elf woman had withheld such crucial knowledge during my previous encounter with her and why she had chosen this particular moment to disclose it.

Alicia took a deep breath, preparing her response. "If I had revealed everything earlier, it would have impeded your journey to the goblin village," she explained, connecting the dots for me.

Perplexed, I questioned, "How does that relate to the malevolent spirit inhabiting Shizu?"

Alicia exhaled slowly, gathering her thoughts. "Because Rimuru is the only one capable of resolving this predicament," she clarified, dropping another revelation that sent shockwaves through me.

"What!?" I exclaimed, caught off guard by the significance of Rimuru's involvement. I had been completely oblivious to the slime's crucial role in addressing this dire situation, leaving me unsure of how to respond.

Rising from her seat, Alicia approached me and placed her hands on my shoulders, her gaze searching mine. "Can you promise me that you will keep this information to yourself, Klee?" she pleaded, her voice tinged with nervousness.

Torn between disbelief and a reluctance to defy her, I hesitated. However, in this moment, I felt incapable of refusing her request, no matter how frustrating it was.

"Fine, I'll do it, but only if Shizu comes out of this unscathed," I warned Alicia, making it clear that if anything tragic befell to the person I care, I would hold her responsible.

Nervously, Alicia nodded in acknowledgment of my warning, her voice barely audible as she murmured, "Of course."

As our conversation drew to a close, I noticed a faint glow emanating from my body, signaling the impending awakening from this dreamlike state.

"So, this is it. I'm about to wake up," I muttered with an indifferent tone, observing the ethereal illumination of my hand.

Alicia nodded once more, confirming, "Indeed, it seems that morning has arrived."

While Alicia spoke, my mind raced, contemplating whether there could be an alternative path to avert this looming tragedy. One part of me believed there must be, while another feared that there was no other choice.

As my body began to fade from this dream realm, I sensed that Alicia harbored something more to say, something she hesitated to divulge. Turning my gaze toward her, I encouraged, "If there's something you need to tell me, please do so now."

Her voice trembled with timidity as she mustered the words, "Ah, well, please convey my apologies to Shizu... for abandoning her."

The sincerity in her tone was tinged with suspicion, leaving me no time to delve deeper into her statement as the rest of my body dissolved into nothingness.


As the morning light filtered into the room, I slowly opened my eyes, realizing that I had returned from the depths of Wonderland. To my surprise, the others were already up and about, bustling with preparations for the day.

"Oh, you're awake, Klee." Eren greeted me cheerfully, her warm smile contrasting with the remnants of the dream that still clung to my thoughts.

Beside her stood Shizu, her curious gaze fixed on me. Recalling Alicia's words about the impending danger, my breath hitched, and fear gripped my trembling body.

Sensing my distress, Shizu approached me, genuine concern etched on her face. However, the closer she got, the more uneasy I felt. I instinctively moved away, causing her to tilt her head in confusion.

"Is something bothering you, Klee?" Eren asked, her voice laced with worry as she joined Shizu by my side.

I was caught off guard and struggled to come up with an answer. Alicia's warning echoed in my mind, urging me to keep the truth concealed within the confines of Wonderland. But silence would only invite suspicion.

"It's nothing. Just a vivid nightmare," I responded, fabricating a lie to shield Shizu and Eren from the disturbing truth I had learned.

Thankfully, Shizu and Eren accepted my explanation, their understanding nods putting me at ease. They urged me to get ready, reminding me that we would be departing from the village soon. I complied, following their instructions and preparing myself for the journey ahead.

Soon enough, Kaval and Gido entered the room, their impatience palpable as they complained about the time it took for us to be ready. Their rude remarks were met with exasperated glances from us girls, unwilling to be swayed by their impatience.

Moments later, the group was assembled and ready to depart. In the distance, Rimuru and his imposing goblin servant awaited our approach. But as we drew closer, a sense of unease settled over me, and my gaze fixed on Shizu.

"Big sister?" I called out, my voice tinged with concern. For a brief moment, she seemed unresponsive, as if lost in her own thoughts. Then, suddenly, her body convulsed uncontrollably, and a bloodcurdling scream tore through the air.


The piercing shriek reverberated throughout the village, shocking everyone present. Though I had been prepared for this, having been forewarned by Alicia, witnessing it unfold was still a jarring experience.

In that moment, I noticed Shizu's mask beginning to crack, with light seeping through the fractures and momentarily blinding us. Gasps of alarm escaped the lips of those around me, but my attention was drawn to Eren, who was overcome with desperation.

"Let me go! Shizu needs help!" Eren pleaded, her voice filled with urgency, struggling against the firm grip of Kaval and Gido, who were trying to restrain her.

"Eren, Stop! It's too dangerous!" Kaval cautioned as his voice tinged with worry. But Eren refused to heed their warnings, and her determination was unwavering. She continued to fight against their hold, her voice rising defiantly: "I don't care!"

Meanwhile, I watched in helpless anguish as Shizu, mask discarded, ascended into the sky. Her expression, once full of life and warmth, had turned vacant and devoid of emotion.

However, in a fleeting moment that caught my attention—an instant when tears trickled down her cheeks, only to evaporate instantly due to the intense heat surrounding her— And in a barely audible whisper, I caught the words, "I'm sorry."

Gradually, the flames enveloped Shizu's body, transforming her into a nightmarish figure. When the fire finally subsided, she emerged as a malevolent being, a horned figure with fiery red hair and bronzed skin, unrecognizable compared to the gentle swordswoman I had known.

Gritting my teeth and scowling at the entity before me, I realized that this was Ifrit, the wicked spirit Alicia had warned me about.

Anguish and determination welled up within me, igniting a fierce resolve to reclaim my friend from the clutches of this malevolent force.

A "Heated" Battle is about to Begin

Good_Doggo2001creators' thoughts
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