
21: Stranger with a gun

"Don't move pretty boy," Jimin heard unfamiliar voice and felt the tip of a gun press against the back of his head, "Turn around slowly." The voice demanded and Jimin obeyed with caution.

Once he could see he saw an old looking man with an even older hand gun, Jimin swiftly hit the gun away from his head and punched him as hard as he could.

He immediately started running through the forest looking for one of the others, unfortunately he was already exhausted from running away from Jungkook and was significantly slowing.

Luckily the stranger with a gun had back problems and couldn't run fast enough to catch him.

"JUNGKOOK-AH!!!" Jimin yelled as loudly as he could and caught all the others attentions, of course Jungkook raced over to where he was but Jimin didn't stop running.

"MAN WITH A GUN MAN WITH A GUN." He yelled repeatedly dragging Jungkook through the forest.

Taehyung and Hoseok soon caught up, they didn't want to get involved but hearing someone scream bloody murder like that was attention grabbing no matter how badly they wanted to stay out of it.

"What's happening?!" Taehyung yelled running into them, luckily they caught their balance and started running away again.

"Man with a gun man with a gun!" This time it was Jungkook's time to shout it out terrified.

Hoseok also almost ran straight into them but luckily they were able to collect their balance before anyone fell over, they soon heard several men shouting at each other to hurry up before they find the boats. Of course they are going back to the beach to look for the boats.

"Can't we just talk to them?!" Taehyung shouted running as fast as he could, just as he finished he heard gunshots going off. "I don't think they're listening!"

Jungkook looked back for only a brief second and noticed a gun pointed straight at Jimin, he grabbed Jimin's hand and pulled him out of shooting range, unfortunately that put him into it.

"Boom!" A gun said shooting Jungkook in the left shoulder from the back, it just barely missed his heart but was still enough to send him into cardiac shock.

"JUNGKOOK-AH!" Jimin shouted being the first to realize one of them got shot, "Take him!" Jungkook managed to shout and push Jimin into Hoseok's arms before he collapsed onto the ground, to anyone around it was easy to see he died instantly.

"NO! NO JUNGKOOK!!!" Jimin shouted trying to get to him, but Hoseok wasn't about to risk all their lives and betray Jungkook's wishes just to try and drag a dead corpse with them.

"NO! STOP IT NO!!! JUNGKOOK-AHHH!!!" Jimin screamed bloody murder once again being picked up and thrown over Hoseok's shoulder, "Taehyung dont. He's dead and we're going to be too if you hesitate." Hoseok siad bluntly pulling Taehyung's arm to him.

Luckily Taehyung understood a lot better then Jimin who was fighting Hoseok with all his might, futile of course. Taehyung luckily followed with teary eyes and knocked Jimin out ninja style.

Once he did Jimin dropped the dagger Jungkook had given him and luckily Taehyung recognised it as Jungkook's having seen Jungkook making it. So he grabbed it right before another gunshot activated, luckily no one was hit this time.

They found the boats not long after given how fast they were running, immediately they hopped onto an electric life boat and was out of there.

Once Jimin came to they were quite far from the island and was still going, "Jungkookie?..." Jimin asked hoping to god he was dreaming.

Seeing Taehyung crying and sobbing in Hoseok's relatively calm arms made him realize he wasn't just having a nightmare.

"Jungkookie?!" He almost yelled getting Taehyung's attention, seeing him shake his head no looking at him with such painful eyes.

It was torture.

It was nasty.

It was his worst nightmare.

"You.... You did this.... YOU COULDVE HELPED HIM!" Jimin yelled pushing Taehyung aside so he could comfortably attack Hoseok with slaps and punches that were so weak it didn't hurt at all.

"YOU BASTARD YOU COULDVE SAVED MY JUNGKOOKIE HOW DARE YOU?!!" Knowing what he had done Hoseok took all the attacks and didn't even try to defend himself. If they had stayed even another few seconds they would've confirmed their nightmares and Hoseok didn't want to put Taehyung and Jimin through that.

Besides, they were being taled by armed men and would've ended up in the same grave, at least Jungkook's lights turned off saving the love of his life.

"Jimin stop! He was just trying to save us!" Taehyung defended Hoseok trying to get Jimin off of him, "I PREFER TO DIE WITH HIM!!!" Jimin yelled grabbing the dagger off of the floor where Taehyung had left it.

At first Taehyung thought it was for Hoseok but once he realized the blade was pointed at his own stomach he was even more determined to stop Jimin.

Right before Jimin could stab himself and the fetus inside of his belly Hoseok threw his arm into the blade instead causing Taehyung to grab the opportunity and take the dagger from Jimin.

"Fuck Jimin! Why would you do that?!!" Hoseok exclaimed grabbing Jimin by his shoulders and squeezing right, in return Jimin just fell into his arms sobbing.

"I WANT MY JUNGKOOKIE!!" He shouted into Hoseok's chest while ignoring the pain of the small cut he managed onto his abdominal, it wasn't even two inches deep and couldn't do much damage even if he tried.

Unfortunately Hoseok wasnt as lucky and had a nasty cut on his forearm.

"Hoooooooooooonk." An approaching boat exclaimed scaring the life out of them all, since they couldn't escape this time Hoseok decided to try and talk to them and maybe even intimidate them with his horrible Mafia reputation.

"Whatever you're operating here I promise you I'm more important, so how about you loose the guns?" Hoseok asked arms crossed staring at the crowd of armed men and woman, Taehyung and Jimin huddled close to each other right next to Hoseok's confident stance.

"Oh really?" They heard a deep and attractive voice echoing from behind the crowd of armed guards, "Who are you?" The voice asked with a cocky voice and a smirk so attractive. His confidence walking through the crowd was unbelievable.

His pale cat-like featured and dyed white hair standing out from the rest of the crowd.

"My name is Jung Hoseok of the South Korean Yakuza clan, first in line for the throne." Hoseok explained with pride, however no one seemed to recognise his name, second times a charm.

"Also known as J-hope." He explained and boy did that work, almost everyone in the crowd of people bowed down immediately, some still unaware of the name but bowing anyway.

"You have our most sincerest apologies sir! If we had known you'd be paying us a visit we would've prepared ourselves." The man named Min Yoongi said, also bowing down.

"That's fine, unless you don't put those guns down. We just lost one of our own in a cross fire back on the island and would prefer not to do it again." Hoseok explained and everyone immediately put their guns away into their holders.

"If you don't mind me asking, who did you loose? Our men on the island might be able to find him," Yoongi explained walking over to them, "By the way, my name is Min Yoongi. More commonly known as Suga."

"Yes, I am aware of that name. This is a slave trading operation then?" Hoseok avoided the question by asking another being fully aware of the family name Min.

It has been popping up throughout their clans history, and to be honest. He admired their works, it was horrendous work. But you had the option to walk out at any moment in time with just a swear of secrecy and the usual everyday 'you tell you die' warnings.

He of all people admired that, in The Jung Family, and most other families for that matter, you Jim-in you can't Jim-out.

"Yes, sir. We are operating through this island to keep on the downlow, seeing as it is so secluded that not even locals on the mainland is aware of it." Yoongi explained showing Hoseok and the others down deck to get a change of clothes before they have dinner.

"Smart, we were vacationing in Hawaii and our boat miss-fired. We ended up on that island and have been there for about two weeks." Of course he lied, what was he gonna do? Tell the truth? 'Yeah we kinda faked our own deaths' How would that conversation go? I'll tell you how, not well.

"And these are?" Yoongi asked pointing at Taehyung and Jimin right behind Hoseok.

"My younger brother, Kim Taehyung. And.... my partner, Park Jimin." Hoseok seemed to have a thing for lying right now, but it was the best option.

"And we lost Jeon Jungkook on the island, he was one of our most trusted and loved allies." For once Hoseok stopped lying ended up shedding multiple tears for it, of course he tried to hide it though. It was unprofessional and weak to cry.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. Our men must've thought you were FBI or police." Yoongi explained and suddenly Jimin yelled, "WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU JUST GO AROUND SHOOTING AT PEOPLE?!!"

"Calm down!" Hoseok snapped grabbing Jimin by the throat, "No matter how upset you are blaming every random person you can is unacceptable. This is your fault! He was trying to save you, he died because you couldn't protect yourself. If you're gonna blame anyone blame yourself."

"Enough!" Taehyung shouted grabbing Jimin away from Hoseok's tight grip, "It's not anyone's fault! It was an accident that no body is responsible for!" Taehyung tried his hardest to defend Jimin but neither Hoseok nor Jimin believed him.

"He's right.... I killed Jungkookie...." Jimin melted inside of Taehyung's arms feeling like his world is falling apart when really it always laying dead on the floor already.

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