
Web designer

After parting ways with Rei, and needing to clear my head with the whole Mr.Doubt encounter, I went back into the kitchen and finished making food for everyone. After a few minutes I Finished making burgers, I made a simple one for Silvia and a purplish one for Teles. You see every time I gave Teles other food besides chorus fruit, her body would always reject it and cause her to vomit. So I thought I'd try something different this time, to do a type of fusion making the burger half of my normal ingredients, and the other half being the fruit, I hope this works!

As I handed the chorus burger to Teles I explained, "I know you can't really eat other foods, but I think it's gotta be a pain having to eat the same thing over and over again, try this!"

She was pretty hesitant about my idea, "I don't know..."

It took some persuasion, but I managed to get Teles to try the food. After she finished the sandwich I made, I studied to see if it would still make her sick, but surprisingly she was completely fine after eating the Chorus burger! I was amazed, and I knew Teles was too.

"That was delicious! How did you know that would work?" Teles asked. I shrugged, to be honest, I just try completely random ideas and hope it works, because you know me! I always like to find the exploits in this game, or in this case, beating the system in real life!

"Glad you liked it!" I said with a grin, Teles looked a bit discontented and looked at me

"say... Mind if I have another one?" she asked

"M-Me too?" Silvia also asked, I never noticed how fast she finished her food, I guess this recipe of mine is a little TOO good, but hey! Who doesn't like hamburgers!?!?

I Laughed "Sure thing! Here ya go" I said as I finished making more food for them.

Well, I'm glad my special chorus burger recipe was a success, Teles was able to eat multiple burgers without getting sick! But umm... she ended up eating WAY too much food that night and got sick from overeating, it was a bit of a hollow victory sure, but I can't really blame her, Teles finally found other foods to eat other than just straight chorus fruit, and I would be happy to incorporate other foods with it too besides just burgers. I decided to carry Teles and take her to her bed hoping she would feel better later.

I bid her goodnight, left her room, and got ready for my last task of the night, finishing the new room for Silvia, unless she was really content with sleeping on our couch, I knew this was probably the best go-to, I saw Silvia still eating in the kitchen, so I decided to just finish it on my own, shouldn't really be too hard, just simply placing block after block.


It didn't take long, but I was able to create a nice room extension for Silvia in my base, I simply placed a bed and a few other basic pieces of furniture, and BOOM! room finished! For now, at least, it wasn't much but she could always decorate it however she wanted when she gets the chance. I then called Silvia over and showed her the room location, she still had a worried expression, but I know she'll loosen up a bit after getting used to things!

"I-I really like this room!" She said happily, but still a bit uneasy.

"Alright!" I said, "You should be all set for now, if there is anything else you need, I'm in the room next door." I explained. As I headed out of the room, I felt a tug on my ripped-up jacket (I guess all those monster encounters really did a number on it, I should seriously get it tailored), Silvia was behind me, but it seemed as if she was at a lost for words.

"I... I-I... well...are you sure about this?" she stammered

"Yeah, don't worry about anything tonight, we will get things straight later alright?" I said holding her shoulders "My first night here was as crazy as you'd expect, but eventually we all get over it, and we need to help those who are having trouble going through those hurdles!" I said

|Very inspirational, wonder what over-the-top topic you'll talk about next| Mr.Doubt said sarcastically

"I didn't ask! GO AWAY!" I shouted at him

"B-but why me? I don't remember much, but I could've sworn I was attacking you in the cave earlier... why would you use so much xp on me, and at the same time give me a place to stay!?!?"

"Because I learned. I learned about the fate of people who were cursed to become monsters, thanks to my friends and their information, I'm making it my goal to save as many humans as possible! Starting with you!" I explained happily

Silvia was shocked, probably amazed at how my plan was successful

"Just try to remember as much as you can! The more information I have, the better I can use it to continue to save others with my machine, okay?" I said

She said nothing, but nodded her head,

"But for now, I need to make sure you're fine, so if there are any other problems you are dealing with don't hesitate to ask for help got it?"

"O-Okay... thank you..." she said

I smiled and said "No problem"

Silvia looked out her window and noticed the sun was starting to set, she grew scarred and cut our conversation short.

"umm I-I'm pretty tired, I think I will go to bed n-now..." She said shakey

"Ah I understand, goodnight then!" I replied

Silvia then shut the door in a hurry, 'hmm strange one.' I thought

|Something weird is going on...| Mr.Doubt said

"For once I agree with you," I said as I walked down the hallway

|Well you got another monster living with you, things'll probably just get worse from here| Mr.Doubt shrugged

"Oh don't be like that!" I said, "She probably has a home that we can return her to the next day, she might not remember immediately, but I know she might have a place to go to!"

|And if she doesn't?| Mr.Doubt said,

"Then... then... ah forget it!!! I'm not gonna worry about it right now, I'm hungry!" I said as I went to the kitchen to finally eat the food I made

|Did you make me one?| Mr.Doubt asked

"NO, find your own food... wait do you even need to eat?" I asked

|Hey now, even I need my BRAIN FOOD| Mr.Doubt laughed as he disappeared

What a strange way to leave a conversation... AWW MAN, my hamburger is cold!!!


A week has passed since Silvia has lived here, and things have gone pretty smoothly despite what Mr.Doubt thought! Silvia continued eating pretty heartily, and I could tell she was getting a lot healthier, she grew taller, and.. how do I put this correctly, thicker? eh, you get the idea! I now kinda felt bad for her in the beginning, she wasn't just genetically short, she was malnourished this whole time, and I guess I caught her at the right time! Silvia however, was still pretty short even after her recovery, but she didn't look like a child anymore which was pretty good! Especially since she told me she was actually 19 years old... ouch!

Despite the looks, it didn't take Teles long to realize Silvia wasn't exactly a child, but almost as old as SHE was! Yeah, this was a pretty strange problem we finally cleared up, but luckily for me, Teles understood that I didn't know Silvia was 19, and that I just assumed she was just a child because of how she looked at the time, Of course, this wasn't exactly true, but if it makes Teles okay with this whole situation, then I'm just gonna roll with it!

I also recently learned about Silvia's interests, I noticed she crafted a Loom in her room. Looms are blocks in Minecraft that allow you to create banner patterns and whatnot, but apparently, you can use them for other purposes in this world. Silvia actually uses a loom to create clothing! I never knew she was such a great designer, and I guess since she is a spider, she can create threads, and string for sewing whenever she wanted, or at least that's how I presume it worked!

The first thing she created was a new outfit for herself! I could always kinda tell she never liked her fit from the tailor on her first day, her new outfit consisted of a black sleeveless cropped top, and wore what I think is a fishnet undershirt, she also wore fishnet on her legs, besides that she wore a black ruffled miniskirt, black boots, a few black bracelets and a laced chocker. I personally couldn't believe she was capable of creating outfits like this, I'm crazy impressed by this talent of hers. I decided to help by crafting some armor stands for her to use as clothing models.

"Will these help?" I said as I placed a couple of stands in her room, I noticed that she also decorated her room to be kinda darkish? I guess it reminds her of the caves where she spent a ton of time before we took her in. better not ask about it. I see Silvia lit up at what I created for her.

"Absolutely, thank you!" Silvia said happily.

"Also I love your new fit!" I said as I noticed her new change of clothing.

"You really like it?!?!" She said flattered, "I made it special so I can use my other legs without ripping the outfit," she said proud of her work.

"Impressive" I replied, I don't know how she does it, but I'll just go with it.

I'm glad she is finally opening up to me more, she's also making a good impression with the villagers, she had a lot easier time gaining their trust than Teles did, though I think it's mostly because they think she's a human, despite Silvia being a spider girl, it helps because she can put her spider legs away, and look completely human.

Silvia stopped what she was doing, and started to study my clothing for a few seconds.

"umm, w-what's wrong?" I asked looking confused

"I notice your outfit has been pretty torn up... how about I fix it for you!" she offered

Oh yeah, I think it's about time I got it fixed, it wasn't THAT bad, but you could still notice the rips in certain places I've been struck by monsters. If Silvia's offering, I might as well get it back to normal, she is pretty good and professional with her work.

"hmm, you know what? Sure! It could use some repairs..." I said

"Alright then! Take it off and hand it to me!"

I took my jacket off and put it on one of her new armor stands. Silvia looked a little confused and said

"Umm, all of you're ripped clothing?"

I jolted, I guess more than just my jacket got beat up, but I was a bit embarrassed, I wasn't wearing any other undershirts and whatnot.

"Go on! I won't look!" Silvia reassured me. "And of course, I will give you something else to wear in the meantime."

I gave in as she turned around, and put the rest of my ripped clothing onto the other armor stands. I ended up in nothing but my underwear, oh and I had my headphones on too I guess...

Silvia walked over and grabbed a bathrobe for me, "Here wear this while I- oh my..." She stopped in her tracks as she blankly stared at my build. I guess all that time punching trees, and stones can make for a pretty good workout, but It didn't take long for me to notice her checking me out.

"things all good???" I said trying to put her back into place, I still had standards ya know?

"O-oh s-sorry..." she apologized "I just never noticed how much you've been through" pointing to certain parts of my body and arms. Have I really been that busy not to notice?

Oh yeah, now that she drew attention to it, I had some battle scars from the monster I'd fought, "Let's just say that I had some pretty hard encounters with the hostile mobs around here" I said, I won't tell her about the time I went out to fight on for resources of course."

"There is so much I want to know!" Silvia said in wonder "Haven't any healing items helped your case?"

"yeah... I guess those golden apples just make you recover from basic injuries, I guess they don't fix scars or missing limbs..." I explained "You see I--"

Our conversation was put short when I heard someone approaching.

"Hey Takeo, have you seen-" Teles said as she walked in opening the door, proceeding to witness my situation here well the fact that I was wearing next to nothing with no one else here but Silvia, she proceeded to stare for a few seconds, came to a realization, and replied "Oh umm sorry..." Teles said as she slowly closed Silvia's door.

"Wait no! It's not like that!!!" I called out a bit annoyed, I turned to Silvia who was completely Flustered with embarrassment. "Man does anyone around here ever knock" I complained to her. Still shocked Silvia handed me the robe, I put it on and walked back to my room, waiting for my clothing to be fixed. Jeez, I hope this dilemma doesn't come back to bite me later, especially because it wasn't my fault! I should really consider getting other clothing or armor soon, but I can't really go into the caves or get resources like this, looks like I gotta stay in the base for now.

I guess I don't have anything pressing to do today, strange it's been a long time since I had anything to do, I guess I'll just work on my crafting book, and check up on my xp machine. I wonder how everyone else is doing in the village I said while I lounged in my bed.


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