
Battle Anticipation 4

After her announcement, the assistant guild master abruptly called and invited me to an empty room.

"This person here is Chester-sama. I want you to keep his safety until we dealt with the upcoming monster invasion."

The person she was introducing was a blonde-haired boy with a haughty look on his face. His height was about the same as mine, but he was a lot skinnier. He looked as though he never lifted weight in his life.

"He's the son of a Duke, so we can't expose him to any harm."

So that means he's a relative of royalty? It's reasonable why they would want me to guard his safety... But then again, why is he even here?

"Wait a minute! Are you sure? Shouldn't I be fighting in the front lines?"

"Of course. That's the more reason why we want you to form a team with him. Chester-sama will also be participating and fighting in the front lines after all," she explained.

Th-that's stupid! Why would they want someone as important as him fight in the front lines? What happened to not exposing him to any harm!?

"As it's not obvious, Chester-sama is actually a direct disciples of the Royal Court mage. I'm certain he would be of use. Still, due to the risk, we can't help but assign a guard to him," she added.

"Hmph! Didn't I say I don't need any guards!? I'll be fine on my own! I'll get my revenge on those bastards for humiliating me!" Chester suddenly bursted out.

"Is that so...?" I blinked my eyes, stupefied.

Now I get it... So this is one of those typical noble shenanigans?

Still, I can't believe they're leaving this trouble on me... The assistant guild master should know the real extent of my power, so shouldn't it be logical for her to have me fight on my own in the front lines? Without any interruptions?

"Please, Eria... The guild and the Baron might get into trouble if anything bad happens to him," the troubled assistant begged.

Again! Then why is he even here in the first place!?

I wanted to yell at her, but I managed to keep my cool and think things out.

There's no doubt about it, the only reason he's here is for the glory he would receive after defeating the Dark army. Even if it's a small battalion, it's still quite an achievement among the nobility to defeat and drive them off. With the size of the enemy's forces this time, he would be treated as a hero in the capital just for surviving.

"Hmph! Are you really the strongest adventurer in this town? You don't look strong at all," Chester nonchalantly comments.

"F-fufu... I may not look like it, but I guarantee you, I'm strong," although I stuttered, I confidently replied.

"I doubt it... With that said..." he mumbled while eyeing my body, "You look pretty, so I won't mind it if you serve me on the bed instead," he suggested.

Fortunately, Log wasn't here to hear him. If he was, he wouldn't be able to leave this room unscathed.

"Kuh..." the assistant guild master groaned, a vein popping out of her forehead. "I'm sorry, Chester-sama... You see, Eria here is a pure maiden, so she won't tolerate anything like you're suggesting," she politely reproached.

A trickle of sweat slides down my forehead...

That's right, that's actually the perceived opinion of the people around me. They can't be further from the truth. I feel guilty, but I cannot exactly admit to them the debauched things I do under the bed sheets, or how I'm actually a perverted person with uncontrollable lust.

Well, it's not like they don't get any ideas, a few rumours were already spreading here and there about my misadventures. The common masses simply won't believe them, since they're too much of a leap from how I usually present myself.

"Ohoo?" Chester inappropriately whistled, now definitely being more curious about me.

"B-before I accept the job, can I ask a question first?" I deliberately tried to divert the conversation.

"Of course! What is it?" the assistant guild master urged so.

"Umu, but it's more of a question for Chester-sama."

"Chester-sama?" understanding my intention, she urged the noble boy to listen instead.

"As long as I can give an answer," he tiredly replied.

"Well then... You said you're a student from the capital and that you're a desciple of the Royal Court mage? By any chance, do you know..."

I thought he would know him, so I asked him about Fin.

Chester was wearing the same clothes Fin was wearing when we first met. Minus the hat, they clearly have the same uniform.

"What? You know that guy?"

"So you know him after all?"

"Of course! That bastard suddenly showed up completely transformed. It's like he's a different person with how skilled he got at such a short amount of time. He's practically a celebrity at the academy now."

"I'm glad to hear that..."

It looks like he's doing well, but he must be getting in a lot of trouble because of me?

"Hmm? What's your relationship with him? Are you his lover?" Chester curiously asked.

"No, we're nothing like that. We just spent the summer together. I also taught him some magic in that time."

Well, while we don't have a lover's relationship, we're physically close like one. However, that's unnecessary information, so I won't mention it.

"Are you telling the truth...?"

"Uh? There's no reason for me to lie, is there?" a little insulted, I frowned.

"Hmph! Women lie always! Besides, that guy was always vague when talking about the person who taught him magic. He simply won't elaborate. As long as I don't have evidence, I won't believe you."

"Tsk! I don't care!"

I don't care about what he says, and it's fine even if he doesn't believe me. I'm just glad to know how my student was doing. I won't get heated that easily.

"Um... Eria, please don't get mad at him," the assistant guild master butted in and whispered to my ears, "We really need you to keep him safe! He's already here, so we can't exactly do anything about the situation anymore!"

"Guh... How troublesome..."

"Please understand!" she crossed her hands and begged once more.

"Ugh! Fine! As long as you..."

"But you're interesting, so fine, I'll accept you coming with me," Chester suddenly interrupted.


Wait a minute... Aren't I supposed to be the one accepting the request?

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