
Chapter 10

After our training, Fin went back to take a rest, leaving me alone with a few kids who were watching us since we started. Since I've got nothing to do, I humored and played with them for a time. Most of them were only interested in asking me about the magic they see Fin use, so I showed them magic of my own, and they instantly got excited. Among the kids, there were also those close to adolescence, and were blushing, staring at me. The boys were pretty shy, but the girls were straightforward enough to ask me about my looks, asking things like how they can get pretty as me. Of course, like a proper adult, I told them the most generic answer there was to this kind of question. I told them with a knowing smile, "Eat you greens!" and they all stared at me expectantly. They were a little distant towards me when I first saw them, but as I interacted with them throughout the three days we spent in the village, they slowly but surely got attached to me.

After spending a bit more time with the kids, I went back to our temporary lodging. I was surprised to see Fin not around, he usually stays and wait for me after he rested up. Thinking he might've went to the chief's house to have a chat, I went in without reservation. Only taking some clothes from my bag, I also went out right away. I always take a bath whenever I can, and since we're leaving tomorrow, I thought I should take one now.

Villages like this always have a single bathhouse for all the villagers to use. It was more convenient for them to have one near the well where they can all easily clean themselves in, than for each of them to deliver water to their own homes and bathe there.

Sunset is already near, so the villagers won't likely be using the bathhouse anymore. And just as I thought, when I arrived, the bathhouse was empty. Inside, there was an unusually spacious wooden tub, along with two small chairs and a few barrels of water I can use to wash myself with. Showers are only accessible in large towns and cities, small villages have no way of acquiring the same convenience. Still, that was not a problem for me, since I actually prefer bathing in a tub.

Using magic, I filled the tub with warm water. I was supposed to use the water barrels to fill it up, but I used magic instead since it's a lot more easier to do.

With everything prepared, I took off my clothes. Letting my guard down in the bath, it was already too late before I noticed the footsteps of the person who just went and entered the curtain covers of the bathhouse entrance.

"Eria-sama...?" Fin quietly called.

There I was, fully unclothed in the bathhouse while Fin stares blankly at me. It took a moment before he could register the scene in front of him, and I didn't blame him.

"Want to join in?" I casually asked.

"No... no, I can't," Fin seems a bit dazed, and he replied with barely audible words.

"We have a custom in my hometown called mixed-bathing, don't you want to try it out? Besides, it'll be a waste of water if we take a bath in turns now."

Well, I did produce the water on my own, but, oh well.

"Su-such an indecent thing!" with his mind seemingly starting to clear out, Fin exclaimed in the way he usually does when shocked.

"Come on now! Be a man for a change!" I yelled as I put my hands on his pants, trying to pull it off.

"E-Eria-sama! Please!"



"Fuah... you like the heated bath?" I asked Fin, who was sitting naked a bit far from me in the tub.

I don't really know if it was from embarrasment or from the heat of the water, but he was red all over. I heated the water a little just for the sake of it, but it seems Fin wasn't really used to it, and he was sitting uncomfortably.

"Ye-yes! It feels nice," he replied with an awkward smile.

"Don't you think it's nice having someone wash your back for you?" I said as I brought back the scene earlier, when I asked Fin to wash my back and I washed his in return.

"Yes...! It is!" again, Fin replied in a panic.

"Mm? Does it really feel that uncomfortable bathing with me?"

"N-no, Eria-sama! I'm ashamed to say I'm just not used to this kind of thing..."

"Mrmm..." I groaned as I shoot a doubtful look on him.

I even made sure to cover up my front with a thin cloth, just to make him a little bit more comfortable, yet he's still acting the way he does. Well, it's not really my right to complain, when I was the one who invited him in the first place.

"I thought you nobles like hot baths?"

"I think most of us do, but..." he said and murmured, "but not like this...!"

"I see, so the tub is not to your taste..."

"No, not..."

"No, it's fine... I understand," I cut him off and nodded to myself, understanding his process of mind. "Next time, I'll make sure to only invite you in a more luxurious tub," I said with a wink and a thumbs up, reassuring him of the future.

"Eria-sama...!" Fin cried, for sure touched with my words.





"Haah... if only we could get warm milk here..."

We relaxed in silence for a while, until my mouth suddenly craved for something to drink. In a bath, or more like, after a warm bath, there is only one drink to crave for.

"M-Milk!?" Fin jolted at the word, and stared confused at me. No, his eyes landed particularly at my breasts.

"You like milk too, Fin?"

"Yes! I like milk!"

"Hohoo... you like it so much, you're getting that worked up?"

"Y-yes! White and smooth... the milk!"

"White and smooth? I guess it is... Say, how about we ask the villagers later if they have some? I wonder if milk here is expensive..."

"I'll pay any amount!"

"O-Oh...! Sure!" I was so taken aback with his dedication I fell back a little. "After we leave the bath, then..."

Fin is starting to sound weird, so I was starting to worry. Maybe I shouldn't have forced him to bathe with me like this after all...?

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