

"Indeed. True to her title, the Goddess of Secrets is an expert on this matter. Tales of her exploits still linger—and terrify—some of the longer-lived species. It is said that she once concealed half the world in jest, only freeing it when the six other Hallowed Sovereigns relented to her whimsical demands."

Yaen spoke with a low voice, almost fearful of mentioning her deeds.

"Her brand of magecraft, the Esoteric Sorceries, is closely tied to the concept of mystery. It wouldn't be a surprise if some of her followers could perform similar feats on a smaller scale, helping conceal the two Nightmare-class Eidolons in Priene."

"And that's help we haven't been receiving," Nave interjected. "To even the scales between the two players she had forced on the board, she used yesterday night's incident to give us clues."

Nysa continued, "She also most likely gave information to the Temple of Stars, which locked its sights on the Henosis Seekers. Even while concealed, they won't be able to move as freely. Last night's incident was probably a beacon that acted as payment for the help they've been getting, pinning them as targets while providing the Mekkubal Order with clues about their bases."

"How devious~" Ilana said. "The Henosis Seekers gained absolutely nothing from yesterday's stunt. The loss of a few Occultists wouldn't weaken the Temple of Stars, and it would've been excessive if they were targeting a Homunculus and a lone Sethian magus. She forced them into a tight spot only for her enjoyment and fickle sense of fairness. I'm a fan. If I weren't already dedicated, body and soul, to the August One, I would've joined her temple~"

"There's still the issue of deciphering the clues," remarked Geffen while approaching the shadow-made map.

Yaen chuckled. "It's all but cracked, my friend. Nave, count the number of false notes in each section and arrange them according to their related mention in the myths—North, East, and West."

"The fourth section is supposed to be the rumored South, but I don't know the original composition. It'll be hard to search for anomalies."

"That's alright," Yaen said. "There's no point dwelling on that section when we lack a necessary part of the puzzle. Just tell me the number of anomalies in each composition, starting from the North."

After a brief count, Nave wrote them down on a piece of papyrus. "One false note for North, nine for East, and six for West."

"Let us begin with North, then," Yaen passed a finger on the table's surface, and a carving appeared out of nowhere. "Something of note that one should know is that the Goddess of Secrets is particularly fond of her nation, Qeharmenod. In situations like these, where doubt settles over a clue she offers, it's always a good idea to utilize Qehari culture as the main reference."

"Most likely, the clue given doesn't lie in the nature of the note itself, but in the number tied to it. For Qehari people, One isn't merely an arithmetical value but a symbol of birth and origin—the beginning of all things. In Qadim, it shares roots with the word Earth and is often used as an allegory for the dawn of humanity, as they believe that the first humans sprouted from beneath the soil, akin to plants."

"Earth... Beneath the soil..." Jonam echoed as the answer slowly bloomed in his mind. "Underground. They have headquarters underground!"

Nysa nodded, "We did find a closed-off passage in the transitional base. If they're aware of the subterranean network, so long as they avoid the surveyed spots, it's easy to set up a base there. Moreover, it's structured like a labyrinth, so navigating is particularly tricky unless one knows the correct path."

"Fortunately, we can assume that its location lies North of the transitional base, which will greatly reduce the scope of our search," Yaen stated. "Next, we have nine for East. This one is a little trickier, but it ties up with West. The orthodox train of thought, popular amongst the seven nations, dictates that the numerals Three, Six, and Nine are representative of human existence."

"Three is the metaphysical basis, that which gives consistency to our sentience and anchors it to the Physical Realm—in other words, the Soul. Six represents the distinctive feature of each birthed Soul and the manner in which its surroundings shape it—that is, the Mind. Nine is the medium of interaction, the host, and the cradle all at once. It's the Body."

Nave pinched his chin. "A place linked to the body East of the transitional base and another one tied to the mind West of it..."

"Don't forget that we ought to add the Qehari understanding of said notions to the equation," Yaen noted, "Qehari are jolly people. Their concept of a healthy mind is heavily linked to its entertainment, meaning they find intellectual nourishment in exercises such as artful plays, performances, and the likes."

"The Theatre of Priene!" Nysa immediately answered. "I found no signs of the Henosis Seekers when I last visited it, but I wasn't searching for them."

"It wouldn't have mattered anyway if they're actively concealed by magi of the Esoteric Sorceries," Geffen said. "Does the Theatre's location fit the given clue?"

"It does lie West of the transitional base, near the banks of River Danaus," Jonam confirmed.

"Then we just have one base left!" Ilana exclaimed.

"Aside from the South, which we can't pinpoint yet."

"Always such a spoilsport, Nave. This is why no woman likes you~"

Nave loudly hit the table with his palm. "Damn you—"

"Enough," Yaen cut them short. "We don't have time for your bickering. The location of the last base should be linked with bodily pleasures. In Qehari culture, temperance is as sinful as hedonism, as it is human nature and duty to experience all that is good—namely, and most importantly, sexual gratification."

He eyed Nysa's shadow-made map, moving his finger along the length of River Phanias.

"To the East of the transitional base, there should be establishments offering such services. One of them is a front for the Henosis Seekers."

He retracted his hand, sighing. "With this, we should have three of their four headquarters in Priene. It's a pity we couldn't pinpoint the southern one, but there's no point if we lack crucial information. We have three days to prepare—Ilana, you'll take care of the Theatre. Nave, you'll search the brothels East of the transitional base alongside Jonam."

"As for Geffen, your branch is the best suited to finding the underground headquarters. To synchronize our assaults, you can start scouting one day in advance. Is that alright with you, Lady Quinctillia?"

"So long as he doesn't spark the fighting before the agreed day, it's fine with me."

"Excellent," Yaen nodded. "I will advance as far as the transitional base's former location. Once the assault begins, I'll make sure to stop any attempt at a pincer attack from the southern headquarters. However, if any of you encounter the Nightmare-class Eidolons, your first objective should be to contact me. I'll exceptionally allow you to carry the Emerald Plaques to battle, so use them wisely. Understood?"

"Understood, Master Beracha," all of them echoed except Nysa.

"I assume there's no further need for me here?" she asked.

"You've done more than enough to honor your part of the contract, Lady Quinctillia." Yaen displayed a genuine smile.

"An individual that contributes to the Henosis Seekers' end is an eternal friend to us. Should you survive your endeavor, and if the August One wishes it, you'll hold great favor with the Mekkubal Order. Aid is always provided to our allies, and we never forget them."

Nysa wanted to scoff at the notion of her survival from this mission, but she still humbly accepted his kindness with a graceful bow.

"I shall remember your words, Yaen Beracha."

Next chapter