

"Yeah!" Malia screamed at the top of her voice along with the crowd of students as the Deejay showed them how he earns his pay.

Though they were careful not to get inebriated, the steady stream of alcohol had reduced some of their inhibitions, mostly Malia's as she had lesser restraints about trying to get wasted at a party.

Unlike Malia who had gotten into a party mood, Tristan couldn't help but notice how out of environment he was. Oh the party was lit as fuck, a testimony to the number of raving teenagers on the dance floor, but he just couldn't help but feel uncomfortable. Maybe because he had to keep an eye on Malia and constantly stop her from pommeling some sorry fool who wanted to get frisky with her not knowing how territorial a coyote could get. So far he'd stopped her from lashing out at up to 8 boys who wanted a feel of her. 


He just kept an eye on her since this was the first party she's ever attended with just the two of them so there was no way he would stoop so low and crash in on her fun so soon. He even went an extra mile by going along with whatever she wanted to do. Her fun was that important to him. 

So far, he partook in whatever was moving around the party except drugs. He had a natural hate for those kinds of substances. [A/N: Not me though.. But it's bad for the kids, says the government.] 

Somewhere in the middle of the party Malia had dragged him to an obscure corner for a make out session to calm her raging nerves and he had been more than okay to accommodate her urges. 

"Hey handsome, wanna dance?" A girl walked sultrily around him and traced his face with her finger. He had lost count of how many times a girl had proposed they dance and the reply he gave them was always the same. 

"Sorry, no." It didn't help that he could smell how drunk most of them were and some outright smelled of sex. He also didn't want Malia to beat some poor high school girls. 

He stopped her hand from going further down, making her shrug and leave. He took out his phone and checked the time, 11:23 pm, it was close to midnight and there was no way he was letting the both of them crash the night in the house of some high school jock. 

He made his way to where Malia was dancing and whispered in her ears. "It's almost midnight, let's get going." Unlike the response he expected, Malia held his neck and lifted herself onto his body before taking his lips in a kiss. 

"What's the rush?" Even though she felt tipsy, that didn't mean she was fully drunk. She wrapped her legs around him which made him support her by her rump. 

He chuckled at her enthusiasm as normally he wouldn't have a problem but this party just wasn't his thing. Despite their seemingly unending similarities, they did have their own stark differences that set them apart in more ways than one. One of them being how expressive they are. 

Malia was a unique blend of both an introvert and extrovert. She had a voice that deserved to be heard and she wasn't afraid of expressing herself or making her thoughts known which was something Tristan had trouble in. He had no problems expressing himself to Demarco and others from the pack but doing that to strangers just seemed…like extra effort. One he couldn't bring himself to exert, not when he was sure none would understand him. Not even Brett, Lori, Jiang or Tierney could claim they understood him the most despite spending a lot of time with him, not to the level Malia and their Alpha did. 

"It turns out party isn't much of my thing. I'm uncomfortable, Malia." He whined. 

She huffed at him before patting his shoulder to let her down which he did. "Well the party did have its good moments but you're right. It gets stale as time goes on. I think you would have enjoyed it more if the others had tagged along."

Tristan let out a groan of thanks that he didn't have to convince her much before she agreed. "Well it was an impromptu idea that sprung itself at the moment and I didn't want to disturb them." 

"If these kinds of parties are constantly held by high school students then I don't think it'll be that bad." Malia voiced her honest thoughts as they left the party only for Tristan to pour cold water on her dream bubble. 

"Keep dreaming. Who the hell would want to throw such a costly party for high schoolers at intervals?" It was obvious that the party was organized by the graduating students and it was for that reason, coupled with the fact that they won state championship again, that they threw such a big party. 

"Well, we can't have them all, can we?" 

They kept walking along the pavements as they made their way home, only accompanied by the few speeding cars that traveled the road at that time. 

On their way home, Tristan received a text from Demarco asking if they wanted him to come pick them up midway and give them a ride home from the party as they left their car at home but Tristan declined since they were enjoying their walk. 

"Hey Trist, do you have anything you want to become after finishing high school?" Malia asked out of the blue while skipping on some steps by stepping on them in twos. 

".. No idea." He thought for a bit before shrugging as he couldn't come up with anything. "I think that's the whole reason for high school. It's meant to give us some perspective on which career to pursue. Why are you asking in the first place?" He had known her for as long as he had known himself, picking up on the signs that something was bothering her needed only a little attention from him. 

"… I guess I'm still undecided. Life goals don't really matter that much to you when you're a coyote. It would be pretty dumb for me if I'm the only one of us who doesn't know what they want from life." The way she spoke showed how much thought she had given this particular subject. 

"We're both dumb, Malia. It'll be a stroke of genius on our part if we suddenly made a good life career choice without even knowing what career means. Personally, I wish I could just win a lotto of a hundred million and not have to worry about career choices." They weren't delusional to the point that they'd believe Satomi will just continue letting them leech off her for life so they had to figure out how they wanted to live. 

"How fucked up is it that we get Hunters coming for our lives at every turn but there's no monthly allowance for being a supernatural. It is the height of unfairness." Malia growled with frustration. Drinks were supposed to make her not give a fuck and not give her a new outlook on life, according to what she heard from Demarco. Turns out he was just another fat liar. 

"Right? I mean we're pretty well off given our circumstances but it wouldn't hurt to have a government issued monthly stipend to sooth ourselves. Hahaha." They both burst out laughing at the image that formed in their head of being paid to laze around. Satomi definitely wouldn't like that. 

"Well, don't think too much about it. If it's something important then just leave it to me like always. We have a few years to figure out if we are civil class material anyway." Tristan said and nudged at Malia making her miss her steps. 


He laughed at her expense, an expression of carefreeness only a few people he trusted more than anything had seen. 

"That's it mister!" Malia swiped her hands at him only for him to avoid it with practiced movements. She didn't let up and kicked him only for him to step out of its range with a half turn which turned out not to be a wise move as Malia jumped on his back. "I missed my steps so you're carrying me home." She said and wrapped her hands around his neck while her legs locked themselves around his waist. 

Tristan only chuckled at her antics and nodded before breaking into a light pace jog. 

They were supernaturals, yes, doesn't mean their lives have to be complicated, they both thought as they made their way home. 


*Ring ring.*

"Urgh." Two groaning voices reacted to the blaring alarm clock on the bed stand but none made the effort to turn it off until it gave its second ring. 

*Ring ring.*

Tristan reached for the alarm clock and bopped it on the head to reset the alarm. He opened his eyes only for tufts of brown hair to obscure part of his vision with some in his mouth. Gently placing the head on his chest on the pillow next to him, he focused back on the alarm clock that for some reason rang earlier than usual. 

7:16 am. 


"Malia, get up! We're gonna be late for the first day of school." Tristan pushed Malia until she woke up and stared at him with a frown on her face. 

"Why are you so loud in the morning?" She looked as if she was going to go back to sleep depending on his answer but he couldn't have that so he dragged her off the bed towards the bathroom. 

"We'll be late, Malia." He said and left her standing in the bathroom while he went to brush his teeth. 

His reminder jolted her awake and she grumbly went about with preparing herself knowing that today was the dreaded day. 

Tristan left her in the bathroom and went to prepare something light, bread toast and orange juice, as they were pretty much spent due to the wolf moon the previous night. 

They didn't even have the time to properly wolf down their food, pun not intended, so they took it and ate it as they made way to their car. 

"You got everything?" 

"Yeah, I think so."



"You got your books, Malia?" He asked again as he failed to receive her answer. 

"Yes, dad." She replied bluntly in a sarcastic manner that earned her a serious glare from Tristan. 

"I only like you calling me that during special occasions, no time else. Timetable? Pen?"

"Yes, just drive."

Tristan drove while keeping the car a few speeds below the community limit. The reason they had slept off like that was due to the wolf moon yesterday which made Malia's emotions go haywire so he had spent the better part of when it was up comforting her. 

They drove into the school only to see it bereft of students except a girl sitting near the gate which caused them to wince. It was clear how late they were. 

"Looking at the bright side… I don't know the bright side." Malia shook her head as she gave up on what she wanted to say and took her bag and left the car only to find herself stranded and not knowing what to do. "Let's ask her. It seems like she's a new student like us." 

They had no option than asking the girl for directions or resorting to walking through the halls of a foreign school. 

"Hey, I'm Malia and this here is Tristan. We're new here and I think we're supposed to be making our way to the principal's office." Malia opened up conversation as they gained her attention. 

"Oh hi, I'm Allison. I'm new too- sorry, my mom is calling."

They gave her a little privacy to talk with her mother until Tristan turned and looked around the empty parkway. 

"Is there something wrong, Trist?" Malia asked as she saw him looking towards the school with furrowed brows. 

"I don't know. I thought I felt a stare in our direction." He said. 

"It could be one of the students, y'know." Their conversation came to a stop as the girl, Allison, became flustered on her call. 

"Everything except… a pen." She scrambled through her bag while looking frustrated. "Oh my God. I didn't actually forget a pen. Okay okay, I gotta go. Love ya." She cut the call and turned to face her fellow new students she had rudely muted only to find a pen being outstretched to her by Malia. 

"I think you'll need it more than me." She said with a full face smile while Tristan looked fed up as he knew she was giving out her only pen, oblivious to Allison. 

"Thanks. I can't believe I forgot a pen of all things."

"Well you're not the only one who left the house in a hurry." Before they could continue their discussion, the Vice Principal interrupted them and directed them to their assigned class. 





So canon just started after a little time skip, wonder what's gonna happen next.

Just a random question, but how much are you guys enjoying the story?

Read up to 20 chapters ahead on my patreøn


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