

Carl, who had entered his camp, had been told his comrades had not arrived. He had gone confused and hence had spent his time searching the camp himself not believing what he had been told. 

" Carl, how long are you going to keep searching? There's only one entrance to this camp. Do you think if anyone had arrived we wouldn't see? " One tall-looking man with curly hair and quite a lot of beard spoke standing beside him with his arms folded.

He had forced himself to search along with Carl since he refused to believe Zac and the rest had not arrived. 

Carl sighed as he stood akimbo, knitting his brows. 

" That can't be, they are not in the woods either..." 

"Did you search everywhere in the woods? Who knows they may probably be on their way here. Also, remember we are mercenaries, it is never assured that we'll always come back alive." The man said as he sighed.

" I know that, but Bernard this—"

" Sir Carl! "

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