

Adrelhena's black eyes met his hazel gaze with a scrutinizing light, as if she was attempting to peer into his soul and divine what he had learned.

Although she didn't say anything, when she noted the almost unnoticeable satisfaction in his eyes, she gave Morne an approving nod before turning to Essenla, whose own tree had fallen silent.

"Please, tell me the names your creations have given you," Adrelhena requested. "Never before has a non-elf succeeded in creating Growth, and I would like to see how the human mind differs from ours."

"How would telling you the name of my thingamabob help you with that?" Essenla asked the Dryad.

"During creation, the product is colored by one's personality and disposition. While the general effects of Growth are largely the same, there are sometimes nuances unique to the user.

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