
Out of the Woods

There wasn't much.

The stones had destroyed the tents, along with the cookware and many other things. He took a pan flattened to the point of being a metal plate, which he figured he could use to cook on once he wrapped the handle in a thick layer of cloth.

One of the sleeping bags was torn but usable, the food was flattened and smooshed, but edible, and he dug out a canteen that was misshapen but didn't have any holes. Perhaps most importantly, the map of the mountain was still mostly intact.

He found a spare hat and slid it on his bald head, but the only pair of goggles he found was cracked to the point of uselessness.

He tossed out everything that wasn't usable and stuffed the rest in the pack with the least number of holes, using Geleb's coat to pad the bottom so nothing would fall out. It wasn't like the noble needed it anymore.

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