

The man knows my name. Like, maybe, he's with Mum and she's telling them I'm her daughter. That she meant for me to look after the bags while she went swimming. That I don't like the water. 

"She's not responding," he says to someone over his shoulder. "What do I do?"

We are in a little hut. I can hear the crashing of waves outside. Like the ocean is coming closer and closer to where we are. A storm is drawing in.

"Mouth to mouth," the other person says.

There's a short pause."She's breathing, though."

"My mum's bag is still in  that cave." My throat is hoarse. "And my book."

"What?" Seaweed green eyes are looking at me now. 

"I left my stuff in that cave."

"You won't be able to go in there for another three days," he says to me. "It's high tide. And there's a storm. We can go back after it has passed."

"I bought that book like an hour ago!"

He's shaking my dead-numb body now. "You shouldn't have been inside that cave," he snarls. "Be grateful that a stupid reading book is the only thing you lost."


I'm wide awake now. Bolts of lightning thunder through my body. My lungs draw close."I'm feeling sick," I say. Like I'm going to splash the rice crispies cereal I had for breakfast all over the wooden slats on the cabin floor.

Seaweed green eyes hold a tiny metal bin beneath my chin and I bring up water into the bottom of it. My throat burns.

"Mal." Seeweed eyes sound like he's about to throw something if this Mal person doesn't instruct him on what to do next.

"I don't think she needs to go to the hospital," Mal says."She's fully responsive. Bringing up water is normal after almost drowning."

He's looking at me. "Are you okay? I promise we'll go look for your things when the storm passes."

"I'm okay," I say. "I just need to call my mum."

Seaweed eyes tell me his name is Xavier and that I can use his phone to call Mum. "You can leave me your number and I'll contact you when the storm passes so we can go looking for your belongings."

Mum answers after the first ring. "Yes? Landon? Is that you? Where are you?"

"Umm..." I'm looking at Xavier. 

"Beach recovery centre," he mouths. His seaweed green eyes were enigmatic. 

"I'm at the Beach Recovery Centre. I got stuck in one of those tidal caves. I must have fallen asleep." I'm shaking.

Mum sobs on the other side of the line. "Okay. Okay. I'm so sorry this happened to you. I'll be there in  a few minutes to pick you up."

When I get into the car, Mum is already crying. She shakes her head when I tell her not to be so emotional. That I'm fine.

"You could have drowned."

You should be grateful the only thing you lost is a reading book. "But I didn't."

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