

"When does an epic orb become so commonplace?" The mentalists whispered in disbelief. 

First, they encountered it at the dream vendor in Santana City, and now, another dream citizen claimed to have one as well.

Their shock was not unwarranted. Defeating an epic monster not only required numerous mentalists and citizens working together but also depended on luck.

Obtaining a common orb was already challenging enough with its meager 10% drop rate, how much more when facing higher rank monster variants?

Not only were they more elusive, but they also needed more manpower to defeat. How could they ensure fair distribution of the drops among the members?

Mr. Floyd examined the brown dog, dressed in a luxurious black suit with a bowtie, sporting golden-rimmed glasses with a cracked right lens. 

"What do you need?" he inquired, not delving into the specifics of Doug's epic psychic ability, out of courtesy and respect for the strong.

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