Writing quality: fair. There are noticeable mistakes, but they don’t take away from the story.
Updating stability: abysmal. If you go into this expecting to hit the 8 chapters per week release rate, prepare for disappointment.
Story development: solid. While the “villaintagonist” isn’t very genre-savvy, the story works. It’s obvious that the author put a lot of effort into his plotting and prewriting, rather than simply writing by the seat of their pants.
Character design: outstanding. The story may fit into a neatly designed box, with all of the tropes and archetypes you expect, that trope and archetype usage is intentional and borderline satirical. What sets it apart is the actually intelligent MC, which is always a pleasant surprise since most of the MCs I see would lose in an IQ contest against a box of not-particularly-bright rocks.
World background: bog standard. The world is modern-day China, so expect the standard world that you see in pretty much every modern-day novel.
Overall: the lack of regular updates really hurts this novel. It’s good enough that I really want to read more, to the point wheee I’m considering paying for privilege, but the lack of updates would make that pointless. After all, the difference between waiting for chapter 79 and waiting for chapter 109 is virtually nothing, except waiting for chapter 109 will cost me quite a lot of money since privilege may run out and need to be repurchased before the new chapter is released.