
A Chilling History Of Judgment Day  

Whilst the weight of the stolen X-Class sword, Judgment Day, settled on the table, Hao drew up a chair and sat down, he used his Vibe Sense to observe the spot where the sword lay. The atmosphere in the room had become tenser, charged with the combined anticipation and dread that lingered from the horrifying event they had just witnessed. Hao's fingers drummed on the table's surface, his eagerness to uncover the mystery that was Judgment Day was evident in every tap.

Later, he picked up a small device called a Disque Port. With a quiet focus, Hao connected the Disque Port to the hilt of Judgment Day, the metallic clicking sound echoing in the room.

Mentos, ever the pessimist, shook his head and muttered, "I don't believe that will work."

But Hao persisted, his voice resolute, "I have to try."

With a deep breath, Hao activated the Disque Port, and a soft hum began emanating from it as it began its booting sequence. As he waited for the device to come to life, his thoughts wandered through the intricacies of Sword Detail and the powerful Sword Spirits that resided within swords like Judgment Day.

"What kind of Spirit dwells within this sword?" he wondered while his mind buzzed with the possibilities. "The Sword Spirit is the soul of the sword that imbues it with mystical powers. With such a high-class sword, its Spirit must be extraordinary." His mouth dripped with saliva as he thirst to possess such power.

While Hao was lost in his internal monologue, the Disque Port finally finished booting up, its screen cast a dim blue light in the room. The air grew thicker as Hao prepared to delve into the secrets of Judgment Day.

But fate had other plans. The moment Hao pressed the activation button, the Disque Port let out a shrill beep and exploded in a burst of sparks. Hao and Mentos instinctively retreated, their hands covering their faces as they braced for the blast. The room filled with acrid smoke, stinging their noses, moreover, their tongues were laden with the taste of failure, especially Hao's.

After the smoke began to clear, the two friends stared at the charred remnants of the Disque Port while their hearts sink in disappointment. Judgment Day remained a mystery, its secrets locked away and more elusive than ever. The only certain thing was that this sword held a power that was both dangerous and frighteningly unpredictable. Hao and Mentos had only just begun to scratch the surface of what lay hidden within the enigmatic blade known as Judgment Day.

As the silence that followed the explosion prolonged, Mentos tried once more to persuade Hao to abandon his dangerous pursuit of Judgment Day's secrets. He could see the unwavering appeal in Hao's disposition, but he couldn't help but worry for his friend's safety. "I'm warning you, you need to give that sword back or get rid of it somewhere else. That thing is pure trouble."

"No way in hell I'm getting rid of this! This sword is mine now," said Hao resolutely while he picked up Judgment Day. "If I can just unsheathe it, then I will become the most powerful Blade Master to ever live."

"Here we go again with that inflated ego of yours." Mentos intervened, his voice laced with concern, "You might become the most powerful Blade Master to ever live or something else entirely. Maybe a monster." He thought. "That sword is cursed. Kitten's death should have been more than enough to convince you. If not, look at this."

He picked up the S-Catalogue and opened it, showing Hao a specific part of the documentation. It read, "Many years ago, shortly after the fall of Judgment Day, it is rumoured that not only the weapon's Sword Spirit but also the essence of its user dwells within it. The late owner was a sinister spawn of Vardouse's third concubine, born from the depth of Inverse." Mentos paused, the menacing tone of his voice making the air around them even heavier.

"Vardouse," he continued, "is the ferocious God of chaos, reigning over the dark realm of Inverse, a place where nightmares become reality, and despair runs rampant."

Mentos resumed reading, "In its early years of dormancy, Judgment Day claimed countless lives, each being power-hungry Blade Masters who coveted its mystical powers for themselves. Hence, it was sealed away in secret by an ancient and unknown group of curators. Among the handful of known X-Class swords in existence, Judgment Day stands at the pinnacle alongside her siblings in the top five. One can't simply classify it as just a mere weapon; this is assuming wrongly. Judgment Day is a merciless entity that not only relishes the taste of flesh and bones but also the fall of civilizations."

"So creepy," Mentos grimaced as he read the last sentence of the document. He tried to convince Hao to shun the sword, hoping that the chilling history he'd just read would deter his friend from this dangerous path. But to his surprise, Hao's resolve only grew stronger.

"I understand your concern, Mentos," Hao said, his voice steady and filled with conviction. "But the more I learn about Judgment Day, the more I want to uncover its mysteries. This sword is the core objective of the strength and power that I've always sought. It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and I can't let it slip away."

Mentos looked at his friend's countenance, realising that there was no changing his mind. He sighed in resignation, knowing that the only thing he could do now was to support Hao and hope that they could face whatever challenges lay ahead.

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