

Benjamin handed Gale a parchment.

"We have sufficient food and water for the next few days, thanks to the supplies from the goblin villages.

However, we will need to find additional water sources soon to sustain our forces."

As the generals and advisors continued their discussion, the camp began to prepare for breakfast.

The knights and mages gathered around makeshift tables, where the cooks were distributing food.

It was a simple meal, consisting of dried meats, bread, and some preserved fruits, all sourced from the goblin villages.

Despite its simplicity, the atmosphere was one of camaraderie and shared purpose.

Jay, Tanii, Siena, and Lenora joined the line, their spirits lifted by the king's presence.

As they sat down to eat, they couldn't help but overhear the conversations around them.

"Did you see the king arrive through that sand portal?" one knight asked another.

"I've never seen anything like it."