

"Wait I got a question your empress, how come you all agreed to seperate the female and male hob goblins?"Jay asked trying to move his arms, the clanking of chains echoing in the throne room.

Empress Agnes leaned forward, her gaze fixed on Jay with unwavering intensity. She clasped her hands together, her expression resolute as she continued her explanation.

"The reason for segregating the Hob Goblins into separate camps is rooted in our unique abilities and strengths," Agnes began, her voice commanding attention.

"Female Hob Goblins possess extraordinary strength and prowess compared to our male counterparts. We also possess the rare ability to reproduce on our own, without the need for males."


"What the fuck...so basically they don't need dicks?...that's crazy,"Jay pondered he couldn't master the strength to imagine a life without having a woman in bed or rather a life without sex.

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