

The men pressed on through the dense forest, led by Generals Raniel and Benjamin, Hans, and Runiel.

Tanii was behind, Jay following close and Siena behind as well.

Feeling a tap on his shoulder Jay looked back to see Siena looking at him,"What's up Siena?"

"Nothing...I umm...was wondering on how you're progressing in Block C,"Siena said looking down.

"Well other than almost getting my ass chomped off by those brown bears back there, I'm doing okay, thanks to everyones efforts,"Jay answered.

"Oh...okay,"Siena mumbled.

"Anything you wanted to tell me or talk about?"Jay asked Siena.

"I guess...it just feels like we've been on separation for a while now,"Siena said, her cheeks getting red.

"Don't worry, its just that alot has been happening that we barely even get any chance to talk"Jay said.

Even with Jay's assurance, Siena felt like she was alone in all of this.

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