
The Book

Hours later, they were done with the performance. The werewolves didn't perform because they could only perform when the moon was out.

There was gonna be a full moon today so at night time, the werewolves went outside.

Anderson was now alone in her room since her roommate was with the rest outside. Anderson was still very angry at what happened in the morning, she decided to read something at least to ease her head. She went to the library and searched through the shelves if she could see something interesting to read.

She passed a particular part of a shelf but came back unknowingly and picked a boom. It was as if she wasn't in control of herself. She took the book to her room and sat down to read it, it was at that time that she came back to her senses.

She read the title of the book. "Dark Magic."

Out of curiosity, she quickly opened the book. She opened the first page but the pages blew open and it stopped at a particular page.

She was shocked at first but since it was windy outside, she assumed that the pages opened by itself due to the wind. She decided to open the first page since she didn't like reading half stories but when she opened other pages, it was all blank, she opened more pages but they were still blank, that was the only page that had contents on it.

She was too lazy to go back to the library to take another book so she just decided to do.

The contents read:

"Darkness and light can never be together.

Darkness shall over come light and light shall join darkness.

I choose darkness because I believe darkness shall prevail over light.

My heart and soul is filled with darkness.

And darkness shall reign."

She finished reading and suddenly the lights went off and the room was dark. She put on her flash light but it also went off.

She was so scared.

What just happened?

Suddenly she heard a voice. "You said it yourself, darkness shall over come light and you shall choose darkness so what are you scared of?"

Anderson was already trembling. "What do you mean by I said it myself, I just read the contents on the book and that's all."

The voice said again. "You read the words yourself, the moment you read those words, you were possessed with dark magic and there's nothing you can do about it."


"It's alright my dear, you feel hatred in your heart, you are more clever than your sister so how could they put you below her."

" But I don't hate my sister."

" You do, you just don't want to admit it, she stole your position and now she's gonna mock you for it. You deserve better than anyone else so accept this dark magic and use it to get what you want. You are special."

Then the voice faded.

Anderson repeatedly said as her eyes turned black completely. "I am special, I am special, i am special."

She got up and returned the book to the library, immediately she placed it on the shelf, the book disappeared.

She walked to her room looking straight forward, she wasn't in control of herself anymore.

She entered her room, then went to bed.

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