
Hades' Library and Fruit of Ascension.

Hades led Maulketh, Grimnar, and Leman toward his personal library. When he was first freed from his father's stomach, he had been a warrior and used his bident. And he stuck to his warrior ways for ages, but meeting Persephone had changed him.

The love he felt for her and her for him allowed him to become 'patient' and he began his path as a Mage. Eventually, he became one of the greatest magic users of his pantheon and the world, as even Hecate the goddess of Magic lost to him in pure magic. After countless ages of study also meant he was one of the most knowledgeable as well.

Hades turned to Maulketh who was walking next to him.

"In my long life, I have been curious about Hell and have made some discoveries on the subject. All my discoveries in magic were noted down in my grand library, and I believe I am the most knowledgeable on Hell in our world."

Maulketh respected that as his race the Dragons had no need for study. Any magic they wanted was cast by them forcing their will on magic itself.

"I believe it. We need to know more, because knowing that the Greater Omniverse is a thing, this Hell we are in contact with, might just be a version and not The original. If it is just a version of Hell then the real one will truly be something we need to gain access to. But for now, this one will give us a clearer picture of Hells."

Hades understood that point well.

"True. Going in blind would be a fool's errand. What I will tell you is that I have personally summoned Demons after creating a unique set of magic circles to suppress their power. I have not been able to gather much, but the Demons that come over do not have real flesh and blood bodies.

Instead, their bodies are formed from Hell Mana which is why they are banished when killed."

That was interesting.

"Have you found a way to make sure they stay dead Hades?"

Hades shook his head.

"Honestly, no. I managed to bind a Demon to this world 2,000 years ago, and yet I still know little about it. When I did my research into Lilith, I gleaned some new discoveries which I think will help me with this demon. But, if I have your help, we might have a way to find now and not later."

Eventually, they stopped at a giant pair of black doors forged from Stygian Iron with many precious gems embedded inside. Hades reached toward his hip and grabbed his skull wand. He raised it high and with a burst of his Divinity, the door rattled open.

"Welcome to my Library and the location I have this Demon Bound."

Maulketh followed Hades along with Leman and Grimnar. Once they were inside, Maulketh instantly noticed the gigantic scale of the place. His Domain spread throughout the Library and he found it was bigger than a city.

Hades seemed proud of his Magic Library which would probably be the place most mages wanted to find.

"In my life, I have wanted to know the secrets of magic all to break the Divine Laws placed on us gods. But in time, I fell in love with the research along with my love for the Bident."

Maulketh saw that real mages worked for knowledge and power. His race had no need for this, but he could see the benefits of him doing this.

"You were not kidding when you said you said your library was grand."

Hades smirked as he pointed at his head.

"Everything here, I have memorized. But my greatest treasure would be this."

Hades raised his hand and from his library, a large Demonic book rushed into his hands. On the cover was what looked like the skull of a Demon with bloody red eyes. The mouth of the skull seemed to be bleeding and was sealed in black Chains.

He looked closely at it and noticed that it was bound in leather. In the leather were Black Diamonds, which were refined in Hades' blood and Divine Energy. The Chains themselves were also forged in the fires of Tartarus and quenched in Hades' blood as well.

"This book is bound in the skin of my father Kronus. I collected it long ago when he was split by Zeus and created this tome from it. When I summoned that Demon, I sealed him into this tome after careful study.

The Demon still tries to escape from me, but I don't give him any chances. The materials, the rituals that went into creating this book, and the seals I have on this ensure it won't go anywhere. I open it once in a while to see what else the Tome collects from the Demon's mind.

The Progress is slow and I can feel the Demon always trying to tempt me. Maybe you will see something from it."

When Hades handed the Tome to Maulketh, he snapped his fingers and undid the chains on the Tome. Those black chains rattled as they fell to the ground. When that happened, the eyes in the skull lit up and Maulketh felt the Demon try to enter his mind.

The level of power of this Demon was higher than a Heavenly Dragon that was for sure. It was not at the level of a Dragon God, but it was getting to that point. Hades catching this Demon meant that his knowledge had to be great enough to catch even a Heavenly Dragon. Scary.

As for this Demon, it tried to enter the wrong mind. His Concept fell onto the Tome and the Soul of this Demon. Instantly it regretted doing that as Maulketh was in a league beyond his own.

"Now, let's see what you know Demon."

Maulketh opened the tome and began to read the words that began to appear on the pages. His Concept was taking everything this Demon knew and adding it to the Tome. As this happened, the Demon weakened as his Hell Energy further fused into the Tome.

The process was fast as everything this Demon was put to paper and before long the Demon's Soul was just an empty husk along with its personality and self. The Hell Energy of the Demon caused the Tome to glow with all the power of the Demon contained inside.

After reading it he turned to Hades.

"Done. And Hades, from what I can see from this Demon's Mind we got a Higherchy to a certain point. You got Lesser Demons which are the ones who have crossed over. This one was a Demon Soldier a higher class than Lesser Demons. The classes are as follows.

Demon Soldier, Demon Knight, Demon Paladin, Demon General, Demon Champion, Arch Demon, Demon King, and then you get the 7 Deadly Sin Demons."

Hades was honestly surprised.

"And our world has only been facing the Lesser Demons. How strong are the other classes."

Maulketh read through the Tome with his Domain and figured some stuff out.

"Ok, Lesser Demons are on the level of Heavenly Dragons but as we see they are mindless brutes and easier to kill, Demon Soldiers are stronger than that, but not at the Dragon God Level. As for Demon Knights, they are Dragon God-level beings, and this Demon has no idea how much stronger are the rest.

But if I had to rank myself, I would say I could fight maybe Generals or Champions if Paladins are not too much stronger than Knights. But I honestly don't think this is The True Hell, it most likely is just a version of Hell. And it also has a Lucifer who rules it. Who happens to be a woman? Of course, she had to be one."

Hades sat down as Maulketh learned more. He passed the Tome over to him as Hades began to go through it. It was a shame this Demon was not very good at magic as it was just a brute. But he still could learn something from it now that it was 'dead'.

As for Maulketh, he thought about the information in his mind.

'Hell Energy concentration leads to a rising in rank. 7 Rings of Hell for each Sin, and this Demon hoped to join one of the Demon King's armies as a soldier. Which are the same as the 72 Pillars of the Devils. All under the Lucifer of this Hell. Is this another Omniverse thing that the name Lucifer is used over and over? Along with other myths? Like Zeus, Hades, and other famous gods.

Does that mean a myth of me is spreading? Or I am still too weak to get to that point?'

When Hades was done reading he closed it.

"I agree with you. This Hell is just a version and not the original. Thank goodness. We will be cautious and not move until all our allies reach the point of a Dragon God. Fair?"

Maulketh nodded.

"We have the time. So why rush? Also, would you teach me how regular mages use their magic? It could be useful to me to have the option?"

Hades would be glad to teach Maulketh the defacto ruler of their world.

"And I will be glad to teach you. So, Hell is on the back burner at the moment?"

Maulketh nodded.

"For the moment. How long though, I am not sure. But I won't impose on you anymore."

Maulketh opened a gate to Nyx's Domain where they had grown the fruits. But before he left he retrieved Liliana. She appeared next to him in a flash of flames. When Maulketh got a look at her she was dressed up way better than before and she had some makeup on.

"Wow, Persephone really meant what she meant."

She smiled as he praised her. Serving her master was all she cared about.

"Does it look good master?"

He nodded.

"I think it does. Now come along."

"Right away."

Grimnar's three heads barked as he ran into the portal first. Leman ran after him making him smile at their shenanigans. He walked inside with Liliana next to him into the Domain of Nyx in Tarturus in front of her mansion.

Near her mansion was an entire orchard of Apples of Torment which got his attention.

"She really likes those doesn't she."

Nyx appeared in front of him in a wave of glowing Primordial Energy.

"That I do. They are the only food I genuinely enjoy and my husband likes them as well. I greet you, Lord Maulketh."

She gave a polite bow, as despite being a Primordial of the Greek Pantheon, so was Gaea and she was dead. She did not want to be next so she showed proper respect to this monster.

"I take you are here for the fruits we have grown?"

He nodded.

"That I am. I am here to see how they work and I have someone and somewhere I will be giving you all to aid in the growth of more if they meet the standard."

Liliana looked Nyx over and smirked. Her breasts were double the size of Nyx, but Nyx did not give her the satisfaction of even looking at her.

"Follow me."

Maulketh followed along with his two pets and Liliana. They did not walk very far only a few steps to the side of the house where she spread her hands apart. A black tear in space opened up where they had the Separate Dimension where they were growing these fruits.

The Dimension was the size of Texas, but at the moment they had only grown a single tree which was near the entrance. Some of Nyx's servants were tending to the giant tree.

The tree was 300 Meters tall, twice the size of the biggest Red Wood Tree in the world. His sight allowed him to see that the tree despite its size and wonder only had 12 fruits.

Nyx turned to him and explained.

"Great Red named the Tree the Tree of Ascension. Through the efforts of myself, Calypso, Demeter, and Persephone we created this tree. It is a mix of the Golden Apples of Immortality, Persephone's Pomegranates of Life, my Apples of Torment, the Fruit of Life, knowledge, and Peaches of Immortality that Ophis stole from Goddess Xiwangmu of the Chinese Gods."

Maulketh took in the giant tree and despite its grand leaf canopy had only grown 12 fruits. Nyx turned to him and explained.

"This single tree took us nearly 600 years of careful growing and in that time it only grew those fruits grew. It was the culmination of our efforts and even Great Red helped us fulfill our 'Dream' to create this tree.

We all wanted to be the ones to try the first fruit, but out of wariness we decided to wait for you first."

He chuckled a bit grinning as he looked at Nyx. What he did not know was his teeth, he had become feared among all the gods. If he decided they were traitors they would all be devoured.

They would be fully consumed and have all their power and knowledge given over to him so she silently began to sweat at the sight of that grin.

"Well, no time like the present."

He held his hand out and from the tree one of the 12 fruits was carefully plucked and brought into his open hand. He observed the fruit they had managed to create in this relatively short amount of time. Thanks to Great Red once again and all their efforts.

The fruit was the size of a large coconut and was honestly weird to look at. It did not have skin like fruit and instead had dark purple dragon-like scales that flowed with formless power. The power of Concept was created with the help of Great Red's Concept of Dreams.

At the top, it had a crown of golden crystal-like growths that flowed with Divine Life Force. And he could also feel powerful Soul Energy and Vitality that even caused him to hunger for this fruit.

[Maulketh. I want one. This thing is making my desire for treasure go crazy.]

{I may not be a Red Dragon, but I feel the same. I can barely resist the urge to not escape.}

"Try to relax as you will get some of the energy through our links. Now time to try it."

(Image here)

He opened his mouth wide open which naturally opened wider. His teeth seemed to grow to look like those in his true form and his eyes glowed even stronger at the instinctive hunger.

He closed his jaws around it and did not allow even a single piece of the fruit to go to waste. He bit through the scales and crystals while chewing up the flesh inside. Instantly the greatest-tasting thing he had ever eaten hit his pallet.

This made Hermes and Kronus who were gods feel like junk food. After enjoying the fruit for a moment he swallowed all of it and once he did, he was hit with a tidal wave of Conceptual Energy.

He fell to his knee not out of pain, but sheer pleasure. His Concept got to work as it got all it could from the fruit. The first thing was the unique blend of energies in the fruit.

The Life Force inside flowed through each of his cells and his two Dragon Hearts making them even stronger. He even felt his Bloodline become stimulated which was already shocking that this fruit was that good.

Soul Energy also began to enter his soul causing and mind causing the Void Energy to react. It flowed through his body from his two Dragon Hearts causing his power and aura to rise dramatically. Nyx and Liliana took a step back as the aura waving off his body was off the charts.

As for Grimnar, he sat down and just watched as his master took a further step into his power. Leman sat next to him as they both did the same. Maulketh's Soul, Body, Bloodline, and most importantly, his Concept all began to grow even further.

This was all thanks to Great Red who used his Dream Concept to create this magical fruit that could even affect Dragon Gods on the level of Maulketh. He would have to repay him with one of these, but that was not all.

His Concept of Tyranny which was his most powerful ability actually began to grow stronger which it had been doing since his feeding in DC. If that was all, this fruit would have been just what he wanted, but it did one thing he needed.

It gave him Knowledge, and just what he was looking for. He closed his eyes as the changes kept happening as he saw the answer to his question on how to become a Singular Entity.

'Thank you Great Red.'

The Knowledge he gained was that to become a Singular Entity, he would need to reach a point where his Concept would evolve once again into a Law. And then he would need to evolve it again to allow him to become a Primordial Dragon God.

He would then need to absorb the souls and lives of every single one of his infinite alternative selves and if he lost himself, he would die. If he survived, he would gain the knowledge, power, and strength of all of his infinite selves granting him True Singularity.

When he opened his eyes he grinned as he knew the way forward would be one paved with blood, but he was willing to pave that path in his own blood and suffering if he had to. But making his Concept into Law was not going to be easy.

What that meant, he did not know, but he would find the answer soon. He turned to Nyx with a grin.

"Thank you Nyx, you have no idea what you just created. But I will help you out more."

Maulketh stuck his hand forward and into his Dimension. He pulled out Poison Ivy who was currently relaxing with Harley, but when she was pulled out by the nape of her neck like a cat.

"Pamella. I have a job for you."

He put her down as she knew what he meant when she took in the giant tree.

"Does it involve the tree? If it does, count me in."

As a Botonits with her evolved Metahuman ability would be able to help out further in the tree's progress.

He nodded.

"Yes. I want you to help in tending to it. To what you feel is right and if you can plant more, I will reward you with more of my blood or anything else you may desire. This here is Nyx, you will work under her on this project."

Pamela turned to Nyx and nodded.

"Got it. I won't fail."

Before he left, he walked toward the tree and placed his hand on it. He had given Life to the Planet, so he wanted to do the same for this tree. His Concept fell onto the Tree and along with the Dream Concept began to gather in the center of the tree forming a heart-like organ.

Draconic Soul Energy and his Concept caused the tree to form a Dragon Heart-like growth in the center. He stopped giving it more energy as a soul formed in the tree which did not grow much larger.

Unlike the planet's Will, this Tree seemed to need more time to mature so after ensuring the soul was linked to his Concept he turned around to leave. But he first took the other 11 fruits from the tree and stored them in his Spatial Ring.

With the Fruits collected, he teleported away with Grimnar, Leman, and Liliana. When he was gone, Nyx sighed in both relief and shame. She hoped he would have given her one, but he did not. He had other people to give these too. And Great Red was the one who deserved these the most as they were created through his efforts.

Next chapter