
Chapter 27.3 : Three

Bern, Switzerland,

As the de facto capital of Switzerland, Bern was a packed city, with people constantly moving around it.

Right now though, we are not interested in the stories of these hundreds of thousands of people, rather, we are all interested in the story of one single man.


As he looked at the train station in front of him, which was packed at the moment, Alexander took in a deep breath and walked up to buy a ticket, unaware of the several sets of eyes currently placed on him.

After getting his ticket, Alexander then swiftly got onto a train before sitting down and waiting for it to start up.

Thankfully, though, Alexander did not have to wait long, as the train then began moving just five minutes after he got onto it.

As he looked at the departing city, which was currently moving around him, Alexander couldn't help but let out a relatively loud breath.

But as he did so, and stared through the window at the departing city, Alexander couldn't help but notice something, something extremely minor, which most normal people wouldn't pay any mind to.

One of the passengers behind him was looking at him weird.

Aware of his current circumstances, Alexander did not make any rash moves, and simply stood there, occasionally staring out of the window whilst observing the surrounding passengers.

Of course, Alexander did this whilst trying his best not to be noticed, causing him to not move his head much and only use his eyes.

After around five minutes, Alexander suddenly noticed something, or rather, someone else, who was also staring at him rather much.

If the first discovery made Alexander feel rather weird, the second one made him instantly raise his guard to the highest level possible.

Time then began slowly passing, excruciatingly slow, as Alexander did his best to be completely aware of his surroundings.

As such, the nearly 25 minutes it took the train to reach its next stop felt like an utter eternity to Alexander.

Thankfully, after a nerve-recking 25 minutes, the train finally arrived at its next stop, causing Alexander to nearly instantly rise up from his seat.

A few moments after that, Alexander walked out of the train and smelled the fresh air of the outside world once again.

Around 15 seconds after that, though, Alexander fell to the floor, as over a dozen armed police officers suddenly swarmed him and began searching him, eventually finding a red gemstone hidden within his backpack.


At the same time,

Step by step, bit by bit, Dmitri crawled through a dirty sewer, moving as silently as he could whilst tightly holding a red gemstone in his palm.

To fit inside this small sewer, Dmitri's backpack had to be abandoned, this meant that he had to take the item he had to retrieve out of it, and place it somewhere else.

Sadly, though, inside this cramped sewer, Dmitri did not trust his pockets to not get caught onto something and ripped up.

Even though the possibility of the gemstone being lost this way was rather tiny, Dmitri would much rather not take any sort of chance with an item of such importance.

At this very moment, though, Dmitri's breathing, as well as his movements, suddenly stopped, as he began carefully listening.

Hearing the faint sounds coming from behind him, a look of determination appeared on Dmitri's face, causing him to suddenly take a grenade out of his pocket and throw it behind him.

Even though the pin of the grenade of not pulled, the meaning that Dmitri wanted to send through it seemed to have gone through to the people following him, as after a while, the sounds stopped.

This allowed Dmitri, who had not sped up quite a bit compared to before, to continue on his way.


Fifteen minutes later,

As he looked at the brick on his left, which had two marks onto it, Dmitri suddenly moved his free hand and pushed it into the wall, causing the entirety of the left wall in an area around 50 centimeters in size to collapse.

After a few more moments, as well as a few more pushes, a hole around 1 meter in length was opened up, allowing Dmitri to turn left and enter a much older, abandoned sewer.

A few minutes after Dmitri entered the old sewer, the sewer finally ended, with a small pipe, one which a human could not fit through, which led to some cursed place.

Thankfully, though, there was already a hole prepared in the wall of this sewer, which now led to an underground tunnel.


At the same time, in another location,

As he looked at the three airport security agents, who were currently checking his bags, as well as himself, Kasparov stretched out his hands to his sides, allowing the agents to have an easier time checking him.

For some reason, unlike usual airport security, these agents were extremely strict, and checked nearly every part of Kasparov's body.

Thankfully though, Kasparov was an honest Russian citizen, and had nothing to hide, which allowed him to finally get onto the plane after around thirty minutes of searching, just in time for the plane to take off fifteen minutes later.

As he looked at the beautiful landscape of Switzerland, which was getting further and further away from him, Kasparov, who was currently relaxing in a first class seat, couldn't help but smile and get up from his seat before going to the bathroom.


The first thing Kasparov did after entering the bathroom was make sure of the absence of security cameras.

The moment he was certain there were none, Kasparov began gagging as he walked up to the sink, before quickly vomiting into it.

Even though he vomited some blood, after seeing that it was of a bright red color, Kasparov no longer paid much attention to it, as he stared at the other thing he had just vomited.

As he looked at the deep red gemstone that had just come out of his stomach, a faint smile appeared on Kasparov's face.

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