
Chapter 436: Ghostly Flame Organization (1/2) [16/??]


Faced with a gang of armed robbers, Sebastian remained impassive. He coldly watched the bald man in front of him, as if he were just another trivial nuisance. And as it turned out, his judgment was spot-on. There was no need for them to lift a finger against such riffraff. Or to put it another way... these miscreants were never intended for them in the first place.


"Charge! Protect Big Sister!"


In the next instant, along with a thunderous roar that shook the heavens, several large red figures descended amidst a torrent of fighting spirit. They landed with a ground-shaking impact, throwing dirt and rocks into the air. The terrifying force sent the bandits flying in all directions. Even Sebastian and the surrounding Black Rose Knights had to exert control over their unsettled horses and release magic and aura to disperse the oncoming dust storm.


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