
Chapter 62

Chapter 62 Sacrifice

  The Torentine River emerges from the depths of the Red Mountains and runs southwards. After tens of thousands of miles, it finally flows into the Summer Sea.

  After the Torentine water flows into the sea, it also changes it's violent posture and becomes calm.

  On the summer sea, a ship was going upstream.

  Natalie stood at the bow of the boat, looking at the faintly visible castle in the distance, her purple eyes were both curious and apprehensive.

  At this moment, she was not wearing a veil, revealing her delicate and beautiful face, and the animal skin clothes on her body were also changed into a beautiful blue dress.

  Standing behind Samwell, Katu seemed to be performing his duties as a servant, waiting for orders from his master at any time, but in fact, his eyes were always sneaking at the girl's thigh.

  The ignorant savage boy had never seen such a beautiful girl before, and he became obsessed without knowing it.

  Perhaps sensing Katu's prying gaze, Natalie turned her head and glared at the young man, then snorted softly,

  "What are you looking at? You little brat!"

  Katu turned his head in a panic, his face flushed immediately.

  After a while, he muttered unconvinced: "I'm fourteen years old, I'm not a brat!"

  Unfortunately, Natalie ignored him .

  She put her clean chin in both hands, and asked in a longing tone:

  "My lord, do you think the Dayne family will hold a ball to entertain you?"

  Samwell glanced at the girl beside him and said with a smile:

  "Why? do you want to attend the ball?"

  "Just out of curiosity."

  "Even if there is a ball, it's for noble ladies!" Katu couldn't help interjecting.

  It seems he wanted to dispel some of Natalie's illusions about her identity.

  Natalie turned her head and glared at Katu again, but she still sulked.

  Yes, she is just a savage, how can she be qualified to attend the noble ball.

  Samwell looked at the approaching Starfall City, thinking about his own worries, and didn't have time to comfort the self-pitying girl.

  His visit to the Dayne family this time was also in response to Petyr Baelish's provocation by "Littlefinger".

  Of course, he also knew that this kind of provocation was an unquestionable conspiracy.

  With the prosperity of Eagle Island, it will inevitably arouse the fear and vigilance of the Dorn lords, especially the lord of Starfall City.

  It is even very likely that war will break out.

  However, Samwell didn't want to completely eliminate the fear of the Dornish people, he just wanted to buy himself some time.

  The last time when he travelled to Sunflower City-Arbor Island-Old Town, he bluffed a lot of money and food, and now the construction of the territory has entered the fast lane. In just four or five months, his castle will be basically completed .

  At that time, he can officially become a member of the Lord's of the Reach, and Eagle Island will also be included in the territory of the Reach.

  If the Dornishmen fight again at that time, it will be a declaration of war on the Reach.

  The Duke mace certainly couldn't turn a blind eye.

  Therefore, when he came to Starfall City this time, whether it was through wooing, deceiving, or misleading... In short, he had to do his best to ensure that the acting city lord would not have the idea of Eagle Island for a short time.

  Samwell felt that this goal was not difficult to achieve. After all, the acting lord of Starfall City was just a "Sand", not Dayne. He should not have enough prestige and motivation to instigate a foreign war.

  As long as these four or five months are passed safely, the Dornishmen will lie down and dare not come to fight.

  After all, Dorn is really good at playing "defensive counterattack", but if they are really separated from the protection of the Red mountains and the familiar desert climate, they are really not the opponents of the people of Reach .

  Whether it is material or military strength, Reach is the existence that tops the Seven Kingdoms.

  As long as this dangerous period is over, Samwell can calmly build a territory, carry out trade to earn money, and gradually conquer the savages in the Red Mountains.

  As for whether to cooperate with Lady Olenna's plan to invade Dorne through the Torentine River in the future, that can be discussed in the long term.

  Samwell felt that even if he really wanted to fight Doen, he should choose a suitable time.

  For example, after the death of King Robert, or a little later, after the death of Eddard Stark, the Duke of the North, King's Landing will be in chaos, so that no other forces will take care of him.

  Moreover, he can also use this to attract all the energy of the Reach to Dorne, so that the Tyrell family may not rush to stand in line at the beginning of the War of the Five Kings like in the original book.

  Maybe Margaery wouldn't have to marry that fellow Renly.

  However, he also clearly knows that the development of things cannot all go according to his expectations.

  Even the most far-sighted conspirator in Game of Thrones dare not say that he can make everyone act according to his script, and he certainly dare not.

  Moreover, he always felt that "Littlefinger" Petyr Baelish's plans would not be limited to this.

  Since this guy wants to provoke a war between Reach and Dorne, he probably won't stop at this level.

  Because Petyr is not like him, he can't predict that there will be a chaos in the future.

  From Petyr's point of view, if the conflict between Starfall City and Eagle Island cannot be provoked as soon as possible, then when Samwell's castle is completed, the Dornish people will definitely retreat, and there is no telling when this battle will be fought again .

  Therefore, Samwell felt that this insidious "Littlefinger" might still have a backhand!

  'I just don't know what it is... '

  "Lord Caesar." The captain poked his head out from the cockpit, interrupting Samwell's thoughts , "We are ready to dock!"


  The ship sailed into Braavos from under the Titan statue, passed through the long crowded canal, and finally docked at the square dock.

  "Littlefinger" Petyr Baelish got off the pier, he didn't stop at the bustling market, and went straight to the Isle of Gods.

  The Master of coins of the Iron Throne seemed to be very familiar with the free city-state across the narrow sea, and came to a windowless temple with ease.

  The gates of the temple were a pair of tall carved wooden doors, the left one was made of weirwood, white as bone, and the right one was made of sandalwood, black as the abyss.

  A crescent moon is carved in the middle of the two doors.

  This is the temple dedicated to the God of Many Faces - the House of Black and White.


  Petyr tapped twice on the wooden door, then took a step back.

  Not long after, the wooden door opened and a young man came out.

  He was dressed in black and white robes, his eyes were empty with indifferent expression , as if nothing could arouse his interest.

  Petyr didn't look at this person's face at all, because he knew that these "faceless Bastards" in the House of Black and White had countless faces, and you would never want to know which face was their true appearance.

  The God of Many Faces served by the Faceless Men is also called the God of Death.

  As the most outstanding assassins, the Faceless Men believe that death is a merciful relief. As long as you pay the price, they will take the life of anyone in the world as a sacrifice to the God of Many Faces.

  "Everyone is mortal." Petyr said, leaning slightly.

  "Everyone needs to serve." The Faceless Man who walked out of the door replied, and then asked, "Why did you come here?"

  Petyr handed over a large bag of gold coins and said,

  "I want to two people to God of Many Faces Sacrifice ."

  The Faceless Man took the bag and said calmly,

  "God needs their names."

  The corners of Petyr's mouth turned up slightly, and he said,

  "Edric Dayne, Allyria Dayne ."

  However, the Faceless Man shook his head, "Not enough."

  "Not enough?" Petyr's expression changed , pointing to the money bag in the other's hand, "Do you want to count it carefully? The money is already enough to hire a mercenary group to do this job. If I didn't want to do it more secretly, I would not come to you?"

  "No. Sacrifice to the gods requires paying the most precious things. A copper coin from a poor man is better than a golden dragon from a rich man. For you, this money is only enough to sacrifice a name to the gods."

Petyr was a little angry : "This is almost all my wealth! Isn't this pious enough?"

  The Faceless Man still shook his head: "But money is not what you value most."

  Petyr froze for a moment, and suddenly realized that the other party might have recognized his identity.

  But before he could open his mouth again, the Faceless Man said again: "Then trade it with life."

  "What do you mean?"

  "Only life can be exchanged for death." If someone saves someone, someone will help you kill one."

  "Who do you want to save? Where is he?"

  "Jaqen H'ghar, in the dungeon of Red Keep."

  The black prison in the Keep is the prison of the royal family.

Many felons were detained there.

  But the name that the Faceless Man uttered did not impress Petyr at all.

  It didn't look like someone important.

  Petyr was relieved, nodded and said:

  "Deal. But I want those two people to disappear as soon as possible, you better act quickly!"

  "Okay. Within a month, God will accept those two names."


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