
Chapter 59

On the pier outside Sunflower City, there were several merchant ships docked for loading and unloading goods.

  A lavender banner was hung on the mast of one of them, with a crossed sword and a shooting star printed on it-

  this was the coat of arms of House Dayne, the lord of Starfall.

  "Boss, there is a master looking for you!"

  Captain Gilmore walked out of the cabin reeking of alcohol, and shouted impatiently,

  "Which master?"

  "I don't know. He didn't say."

  "He didn't say but can't you see for yourself! Damn idiot!"

  "But he doesn't have any family coat of arms on him, how would i know ?"

  Gilmore frowned, cursed a few words in a low voice, but still staggered off the boat.

  Then, he saw the "Master" in the crew's mouth - a thin middle-aged man with a handsome appearance and elegant temperament, with a small beard on his chin.

  Although this person does not have any family coat of arms on him, Gilmore, who has a vicious vision, dares to bet all his wealth that he must be a nobleman.

  Gilmore stepped forward with a smile on his face: "My lord, How can i help you ?"

  Petyr Baelish casually tossed a silver stag and asked without waiting for Gilmore to thank him. :

  "Your ship is going to Starfall City?"

  "Yes, sir, are you going to Starfall City too?"

  "No, I'm going to EagleIsland."

  "Eagle Island?" Gilmore wondered as he touched his bald head, "Sorry, master, I don't seem to have heard of this place."

  "It's just south of the estuary of the Torentine River, across a bay from Starfall City. You will pass by on the way to Starfall City from here, but it will be a little bit off course. If possible, I would like to hire your boat , the cost is not a problem."

  "It seems to be a bit of an impression..." Gilmore seemed to remember something, "However, my lord, I remember that there is a barren mountain, there is nothing, are you sure you want to go there?"

  "Your news is outdated."

Petyr showed a charismatic smile, "There is already a territory there."

"Territory ?"

  "Yes, the Duke Mace canonized a pioneer knight, and Sir Samwell Caesar has already established a territory there."

"A new territory."

  Hearing that it was a territory established by the people of Reach, Gilmore's face changed slightly.

  Dorne and the Reach have had a thousand-year feud. Although Gilmore often stopped at ports in the Reach for his business, as a Dornish man, he could never erase his hostility towards the people of the Reach

  "There's nothing in that place except rocks. Are the people in reach crazy, are they really going to develop there?"

  "No one said anything, but there is a silver mine there."

  "Silver mine?" Gilmore's eyes popped out uncontrollably golden light.

  "Yes. I heard that the territory has already begun to take shape, with tens of thousands of people."

  "Tens of thousands..." Gilmore's expression gradually became serious, "That's really not small... why is this? Why didn't I hear any news about this? When did the construction began ?"

  "It seems to be more than four months ago."

  "There are tens of thousands of people in just four months?" Although Gilmore doesn't know much about pioneering, he knows how amazing is this speed.

  "Yes, he is a young and promising knight. I am going to visit him. Can you bring me in your ship?"

Gilmore restrained his mind and nodded with a smile:

  "Of course, sir. I also happen to want to go there and have a look."

  "Okay, when will your ship leave?"

  "At noon, sir."

  "Okay, then I'll visit the city first, and be back later."

  "Okay, sir."

  Gilmore looked at Petyr figure in the distance suddenly slapped his head, and said to himself:

  "I forgot to ask that master's name! Forget it, I'll ask when he comes back, I wonder whose family's master was he..."

After muttering Gilmore staggered back to the boat.


  At Noon .

  Gilmore was lying on the side of the boat, looking towards the direction of Starfall City, but he never saw the nobleman from the morning appear again.

  He thought that the other party was just delayed, so he decided to wait a little longer.

  However, Gilmore didn't know that the noble lord he was waiting for had already boarded a merchant ship bound for Braavos and had already set sail.

  As the sun went down, Gilmore's patience finally ran out.

  He slammed the wine bottle in his hand on the deck, and shouted loudly:

  "No more! Let's set off!"

  After setting sail, Gilmore couldn't help but think while manipulating the rudder——

  Why don't i drop by that Eagle Island?


  Among the barren mountains stands a tall and majestic castle.

  On the head of the city , the lavender flag fluttered, with a crossed sword and a shooting star printed on it.

  If we want to talk about the oldest family in Westeros, there may be some disputes, but if we want to talk about the oldest family in Dorne, it must be the Dayne family in Starfall City.

  Legend has it that in the Dawn Era 10,000 years ago, the first Dayne followed the fallen stars, came here, and built his own castle at the mouth of the Torentine River.

  His descendants ruled the mountains west of Dorne in the name of "Kings of the Rapids" until House Martell, united with the Rhoynar, conquered all of Dorne.

  "Samwell Caesar?" Ser Urik Sand, the acting lord of Starfall City, frowned. "Which territory of the Reach is the Caesar family from? Why have I never heard of it?"

Gilmore stood cautiously In the hall and replied:

  "My lord, I have inquired. This Sir Caesar is actually the eldest son of the Tarly family of Horn Hill. Later, he was canonized as a pioneer knight by the Duke Mace , and then went to Eagle Island to develop."

"Horn Hill , the Tarly family..." Urik frowned even tighter, "Since he is the eldest son of the Tarly family, why did he give up his inheritance rights and come out to pioneer?"

  "This... this..."

  Seeing Gilmore hesitating, Urik knew that the other party was also unclear: "Okay, you can leave ."

  "Yes, sir."

  After Gilmore left, Urik leaned back in his chair and fell into deep thought.

  Although the territory of the Dayne family includes the mountainous areas along the Torentine River, to be more precise, they only have enough influence on the east side of the river.

  But the Reach people actually built a city in the Red mountain range, and it was so near the mouth of the Torentine River, which made Urik nervous.

  After all, it is not too far from Starfall City.

  Samwell was also the name of a great King of the Torentine River in the history of the Dayne family. This king nicknamed "Starfire" once conquered a large territory in the south of the reach, even including Old Town.

  Now, a Samwell appeared in the reach, what would he do?

  Urik pondered for a while, then his attendants, and ordered:

  "Send some trustworthy merchant ship owners to go to Eagle island, check the situation there, and report back to me."

  "Yes, my lord. "


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