
Mate .

Damon couldn't think anymore as his paws led him onto the bodies of the wolfs , his fangs on their necks removing their heads and throw them away , shredding them onto pieces as blood oozed from their limbs and necks while others tried their best way to survive from the monster but today nobody was going to survive the wrath of the black wolf appeared before them .

One of the wolf on seeing how his colleagues died and he's the only one alive , his eyes saw a chance to escape as his paws took steps backs and wanted to run away when Damon landed before him groaning so hard , his eyes were Golden dark in colour as sharp as they were , spoke of how much the wolf was pissed , with no words or negotiations to be done , the other wolf was ripped off his head and layer lifeless .

Damon howled as the sky roared with thunders and the clouds suddenly got heavy wanting to release some frustrations out . After a howl , his paws led him toward a young girl before him whom didn't even squeeze herself from the monster walking toward her but her eyes closed slowly , slipping into darkness .

" Mate " Damon groaned as Damien took control still in wolf form and Damon ran back wincing in pain on the sight of her state , he couldn't handle it , the pain he felt before was his mates , the bond was calling onto her .

Damien walked toward her his body being numb from the site before him , anger flooded within his body as his hands worked into fists swearing to kill whomever did anything bad to her .

His mind was frenzy as he still wanted to kill the men over and over again to relieve his anger but none was alive . His calloused hands came into contact to the girl as he picked her up in bridal style .

One of her hand hanged on her abdomen while the other hanged on the air swinging as he ran like a mad man , from where they were to the Dark Royal pack was a long way to go but he did not care , for all he cared was to take her home or any place where seems to be safe and tend to her .

His legs took the strides and came to halt when he saw big three wolves standing before him , Damon came out and groaned as Damien's eyes flicked to golden colour , possessiveness of his mate clicked in between and was so ready to shift when the mindlink call came .

' Alpha ' he knows that voice way better since he has been hearing it from his childhood , Devis , his beta . Relief came to him sweeping away the thoughts of danger toward his mate .

Devis , Joel and Leon shifted and stood in their human nature glory , naked and Damien snapped at them , " Put your damn clothes , pups " the voice was heavy and all knew it was Damon instead when they pulled the bag having extra clothes that Joel always carries .

Damien turned to the other side kneeling down scooting his mate closer as he breathed heavily , Devis , Joel and Leon wore their clothings and then walked toward him when another growl came for them .

" You need to save her , Alpha " Devis started while Joel mind linked him , ' It's his mate ' , ' Second chance mate Joel ' Leon stated .

Damien looked at them and how they sweated that they have never ever seen their Alpha like that in their whole damn life , so protective and possessive yet something else could be seen on his eyes , Pain, anger , confusion and guilt .

'Damon you have to carry her back to the pack house ' Devi mind linked Damien specifically Damon who was in control otherwise nothing is going to be done .

Damien nodded his head and let loose the girl in his hand he stood and shifted into his wolf as Devis carried the girl and placed her on his back , a angry growl came , ' Oh stop it Damon , am doing this for your mate ' Devis growled back .

' And that will be the last time you touch what's mine , pup ' Damon went on mindlink talk with Devis who chuckled same as others who only guessed what was happening on their heads .

Satisfaction crossed within his body as tingles were all over him on the contact with his mate , a warm feeling calmed his raged self as he slowly started to run in well maintained pace , being carefully not to drop his beloved , soon other wolves were behind him and those were his friends , colleagues and his beta , gamma and general of the warriors .

There were a lot going on their heads since thus was something so unexpected to happen , Damien getting a second chance for a mate , something he thought it would never happen on His life ever since he lost his first mate .

The wind caressed their furs as they crossed past the forest , jumped across the rivers and at some pace they took their pace slowly when it came to stony place .

Time went by as they took the long distance short , taking their pace fastly whenever the thoughts of being near their pack came across their minds , Dark Royal pack , their home , their peace , their everything .

After running for a while they came across another stony place and stood looking foward as everyone was making sure that the young lady , their Luna and his mate was totally okay on his back , a view of the strong tallest walls being built around a marvelous city came to their eyes .

'Damien I can't feel mates wolf ' Damon winced again and Damien's heart dropped , ' What do you mean , you can't feel her wolf ?' He replied back pain lacing his voice as his pace increased to reach to the pack , she needed to see the pack doctor .

'Damien slow down , She'll fall ' came Joel's voice who ran as fast to catch up his Alpha's speed while trying to figure it out what triggered his speed .

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